nitrpg - 

Welcome to NitRPG!

NitRPG is a Role Playing Game that takes place on GitHub.

In NitRPG, GitHub users are represented by players that battle on repo for nitcoins and glory.


  • Auto-update with GitHub hooks
  • Display repo statistics
  • Display players statsitics
  • Repo actions are rewarded by nitcoins
  • Players can unlock achievements

How to install

From the nit root:

> cd contrib/nitrpg
> make

Configuring the GitHub hook

NitRPG needs you to add a new GitHub hook on your repo to keep the game listener up-to-date automatically.

Hook configuration:

  • Payload URL: URL and port to the listener (ex:
  • Content type: application/json
  • Wich events: Send me everything

Be sure to set the hook as Active in the GitHub admin panel.

Starting the listener

The listener program is used to listen to GitHub hooks and update game data. It should alwaysd be up if you want your game to be kept up-to-date.

To run the listener:

    ./listener <host> <port>

The arguments host and port must correspond to what you entered in your GitHub hook settings.

Starting the web server

The web program act as a nitcorn webserver that display the game results live.

To run the webserver:

    ./web <host> <port> <root>

The arguments host and port must correspond to what you entered in your GitHub hook settings. The root argument is used to specify the path from the domain url to the NitRPG root.

For example, if NitRPG is installed in

    ./web localhost 3000 "/nitrpg"

Leave it empty if NitRPG is installed at the root of the domain:

    ./web localhost 3000 ""

The webserver can then be accessed at


NitRPG stills under heavy development. Incomming features contain (but are not limited to):

  • Periodized stats (weekly, monthly, yearly, overall)
  • Display graphs with stats
  • More achievements
  • Shop: exchange Nitcoins against glorifying items

You can suggest new achievements or ideas in the NitRPG RoadMap Issue.
