[nit.git] / contrib / benitlux / src / benitlux_social.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ).
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
15 # Social features acting on the database
16 module benitlux_social
18 import nitcorn::token
20 import benitlux_db
22 redef class DB
24 redef fun create_tables
25 do
26 super
28 # User and password table
29 # Contains only core user/account info. Extra preferences
30 # should be added to a different table.
31 assert create_table("IF NOT EXISTS users (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, pass TEXT, email TEXT, joined DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_checkin DATETIME)") else
32 print_error "Create 'users' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
33 end
35 # User follow table
36 assert create_table("IF NOT EXISTS follows (user_from INTEGER, user_to INTEGER)") else
37 print_error "Create 'follows' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
38 end
40 # Reviews table
41 # TODO the `text` block is reserved for future use.
42 assert create_table("""
44 """) else
45 print_error "Create 'reviews' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
46 end
48 assert execute("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unique_reviews ON reviews(author, beer)") else
49 print_error "Create 'unique_reviews' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
50 end
52 # Checkins table
53 # Hold the history of check ins and outs.
54 assert create_table("IF NOT EXISTS checkins (user INTEGER, time DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_in BOOLEAN)") else
55 print_error "Create 'checkins' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
56 end
58 # User tokens
59 # All tokens ever issued.
60 assert create_table("IF NOT EXISTS tokens (user INTEGER, token TEXT, last_access DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)") else
61 print_error "Create 'tokens' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
62 end
64 # View similar to the table `review` with only the most recent review per author & beer
65 assert execute("""
66 CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS latest_reviews AS
67 SELECT reviews.author, reviews.beer, reviews.rating, reviews.posted, text
68 FROM reviews, (SELECT author, beer, max(posted) as posted
69 FROM reviews GROUP BY author, beer) AS uniqs
70 WHERE reviews.author = uniqs.author and
71 reviews.beer = uniqs.beer and
72 reviews.posted = uniqs.posted
73 """) else
74 print_error "Create 'latest_reviews' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
75 end
77 # Distance in the rating between each beers by each author
78 assert execute("""
80 SELECT r0.author, r0.beer AS beer0, r1.beer AS beer1, ABS(r1.rating - r0.rating) AS dist
81 FROM latest_reviews AS r0, latest_reviews as r1
82 WHERE r0.author = r1.author""") else
83 print_error "Create 'user_dist' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
84 end
86 # Average distance in the rating between each beers by all authors
87 assert execute("""
89 SELECT beer0, beer1, COUNT(dist) AS count, AVG(dist) as average
90 FROM user_dist
91 GROUP BY beer0, beer1""") else
92 print_error "Create 'global_dist' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
93 end
94 end
96 # Check if the login credentials are valid
97 #
98 # If valid, returns the username with the capitalization used at registration.
99 # Returns `null` on invalid password or anormal errors.
100 fun login(user, pass: String): nullable LoginResult
101 do
102 var stmt = select("ROWID, name FROM users WHERE lower({user.to_sql_string}) = lower(name) " +
103 "AND {pass.to_sql_string} = pass")
104 if stmt == null then
105 print_error "Select 'login' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
106 return null
107 end
109 for row in stmt do
110 var user_id = row[0].to_i
111 var token = new_token(user_id)
112 var u = new User(user_id, row[1].to_s)
113 return new LoginResult(u, token)
114 end
115 return null
116 end
118 # Get a new token and associate it to `user_id`
119 fun new_token(user_id: Int): String
120 do
121 loop
122 var token = generate_token
124 # Check if token already exists
125 var stmt = select("ROWID FROM tokens WHERE token={token.to_sql_string}")
126 assert stmt != null
127 if stmt.iterator.to_a.not_empty then continue
129 # Register token
130 var res = insert("INTO tokens(user, token) VALUES({user_id}, {token.to_sql_string})")
131 assert res
133 # TODO merge the 2 requests to avoid race conditions,
134 # if we ever share the BD between 2 servers/threads
136 return token
137 end
138 end
140 # Get the user id associated to `token`, if any
141 #
142 # Accepts `null` token to simplify call sites, but always returns `null` in such cases.
143 fun token_to_id(token: nullable String): nullable Int
144 do
145 if token == null then return null
147 var stmt = select("user FROM tokens WHERE token={token.to_sql_string}")
148 if stmt == null then
149 print_error "Select 'token_to_id' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
150 return null
151 end
153 # TODO update token timestamp and platform/client hint of last connection.
154 # These informations could help detect malicious access to the account.
156 for row in stmt do return row[0].to_i
157 return null
158 end
160 # Get `User` data from the integer `id`
161 fun id_to_user(id: Int): nullable User
162 do
163 var stmt = select("name FROM users WHERE ROWID = {id}")
164 assert stmt != null
166 for row in stmt do return new User(id, row[0].to_s)
167 return null
168 end
170 # Try to sign up a new user, return `true` on success
171 fun signup(user, pass, email: String): nullable String
172 do
173 # Check if already in user
174 var stmt = select("ROWID FROM users WHERE lower({user.to_sql_string}) = lower(name)")
175 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'sign_up' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
176 if not stmt.iterator.to_a.is_empty then return "Username already in use"
178 # Check email use
179 stmt = select("ROWID FROM users WHERE lower({email.to_sql_string}) = lower(email)")
180 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'sign_up' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
181 if not stmt.iterator.to_a.is_empty then return "There's already an account with that email"
183 # Insert intro BD
184 assert insert("INTO users(name, pass, email) VALUES ({user.to_sql_string}, {pass.to_sql_string}, {email.to_sql_string})") else
185 print_error "Insert 'sign_up' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
186 end
188 return null
189 end
191 # Post a review
192 fun post_review(author, beer, rating: Int, text: String)
193 do
194 assert insert("OR REPLACE INTO reviews(author, beer, rating, text) VALUES ({author}, {beer}, {rating}, {text.to_sql_string})") else
195 print_error "Insert 'post_review' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
196 end
197 end
199 # Fetch stats on `beer`, if `followed_only` limit to the reviews of followed users
200 fun beer_stats(beer: Int, followed_only: nullable Int): nullable BeerStats
201 do
202 var sql = "avg(rating), count(rating) FROM reviews WHERE beer = {beer}"
203 if followed_only != null then
204 sql += " AND (author = {followed_only} OR " +
205 "author IN (SELECT user_to FROM follows WHERE user_from = {followed_only}))"
206 end
208 var stmt = select(sql)
209 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'beer_stats' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
211 var b = beer_from_id(beer)
212 if b == null then return null
214 for row in stmt do return new BeerStats(b, row[0].to_f, row[1].to_i)
215 return null
216 end
218 # Fetch the most recent rating left by `user_id` about `beer`
219 fun latest_rating(user_id, beer: Int): nullable Int
220 do
221 var stmt = select("rating FROM reviews WHERE author = {user_id} AND beer = {beer} ORDER BY ROWID DESC LIMIT 1")
222 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'rating' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
223 for row in stmt do return row[0].to_i
224 return null
225 end
227 # Register that `user_from` follows `user_to`
228 fun add_followed(user_from, user_to: Int)
229 do
230 assert insert("OR IGNORE INTO follows(user_from, user_to) VALUES ({user_from}, {user_to})") else
231 print_error "Insert 'add_followed' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
232 end
233 end
235 # Register that `user_from` does not follow `user_to`
236 fun remove_followed(user_from, user_to: Int)
237 do
238 assert execute("DELETE FROM follows WHERE user_from = {user_from} AND user_to = {user_to}") else
239 print_error "Delete 'remove_followed' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
240 end
241 end
243 # Does `user_from` follow `user_to`?
244 fun follows(user_from, user_to: Int): Bool
245 do
246 var stmt = select("ROWID FROM follows WHERE user_from = {user_from} AND user_to = {user_to}")
247 assert stmt != null else
248 print_error "Select 'follows' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
249 end
250 for row in stmt do return true
251 return false
252 end
254 # List of users with a name similar to `pattern` in relation to `user_id`
255 fun search_users(pattern: String, user_id: nullable Int): nullable Array[UserAndFollowing]
256 do
257 # TODO a better search logic
259 var like_str = "'%{pattern.replace('\\', "\\\\").replace('\'', "''").replace("%", "\\%")}%'"
260 var stmt = select("ROWID, name FROM users WHERE name LIKE {like_str}")
261 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'search_users' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
263 var users = new Array[User]
264 for row in stmt do users.add(new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s))
266 return user_to_user_and_following(users, user_id)
267 end
269 # List the followers of `user_id`
270 fun followers(user_id: Int): nullable Array[UserAndFollowing]
271 do
272 var stmt = select("ROWID, name FROM users WHERE ROWID in (SELECT user_from FROM follows WHERE user_to = {user_id})")
273 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'followers' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
275 var users = new Array[User]
276 for row in stmt do users.add(new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s))
278 return user_to_user_and_following(users, user_id)
279 end
281 # List users followed by `user_id`
282 fun followed(user_id: Int): nullable Array[UserAndFollowing]
283 do
284 var stmt = select("ROWID, name FROM users WHERE ROWID in (SELECT user_to FROM follows WHERE user_from = {user_id})")
285 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'followed' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
287 var users = new Array[User]
288 for row in stmt do users.add(new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s))
290 return user_to_user_and_following(users, user_id)
291 end
293 # List reciprocal friends of `user_id`
294 fun followed_followers(user_id: Int): nullable Array[User]
295 do
296 var stmt = select("ROWID, name FROM users WHERE " +
297 "ROWID in (SELECT user_from FROM follows WHERE user_to = {user_id}) AND " +
298 "ROWID in (SELECT user_to FROM follows WHERE user_from = {user_id})")
299 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'followed_followers' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
301 var users = new Array[User]
302 for row in stmt do users.add new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s)
304 return users
305 end
307 # List `n` friends or recommendations (with information)
308 #
309 # If `user_id` is null, list only recommendations.
310 # The default value of `n` is 6 friends.
311 fun friends(user_id, n: nullable Int): nullable Array[UserAndFollowing]
312 do
313 var limit = n or else 6
314 var people = null
315 if user_id != null then
316 people = followed_followers(user_id)
317 if people == null then return null
318 else
319 people = new Array[User]
320 end
322 if people.length < limit then
323 # Add recommendations
324 # TODO fill with recommendations from a few friends
325 # TODO starting friends recommendations, popular clients, same visit patterns,
326 # currently at the bar, official people (proprio, brewers, barmaids & barmen)
328 limit -= people.length
329 user_id = user_id or else -1
331 # Recommend popular users
332 var stmt = select("""
333 ROWID, name, (SELECT count(*) FROM follows WHERE follows.user_to == users.ROWID) AS n_followers
334 FROM users WHERE ROWID != {{{user_id}}}
335 ORDER BY n_followers DESC LIMIT {{{limit}}}""")
336 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'friends' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
337 for row in stmt do people.add new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s)
339 else if people.length > limit then
341 # TODO pass the limit `n` to followed_followers
342 people = people.subarray(0, limit)
343 end
345 return user_to_user_and_following(people, user_id)
346 end
348 # Convert `users` to an `Array[UserAndFollowing]` in relation to `user_id`
349 private fun user_to_user_and_following(users: Array[User], user_id: nullable Int): Array[UserAndFollowing]
350 do
351 var users_and_f = new Array[UserAndFollowing]
352 for user in users do
353 var uaf
354 var favs = favorite_beers(user.id)
355 if user_id != null then
356 var following = follows(user_id, user.id)
357 var followed_by = follows(user.id, user_id)
358 uaf = new UserAndFollowing(user, favs.join(", "), following, followed_by)
359 else
360 uaf = new UserAndFollowing(user, favs.join(", "), false, false)
361 end
362 users_and_f.add uaf
363 end
364 return users_and_f
365 end
367 # List the name of the favorite beers of `user_id`
368 fun favorite_beers(user_id: Int): Array[String]
369 do
370 var stmt = select("name FROM beers WHERE ROWID in (SELECT beer FROM reviews WHERE author = {user_id} AND rating = 5)")
371 assert stmt != null else print_error "Select 'rating' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
373 var beers = new Array[String]
374 for row in stmt do beers.add row[0].to_s
375 return beers
376 end
378 # List available beers and changes in relation to `user_from`
379 fun list_beers_and_rating(user_from: nullable Int, since: nullable String): nullable Array[BeerAndRatings]
380 do
381 # TODO replace old services `beer_events_since` and `beer_events_today` by a single* SQL call
383 var events
384 if since != null then
385 events = beer_events_since(since)
386 else events = beer_events_today
387 if events == null then return null
389 # New since the last weekday
390 var all = new Array[BeerAndRatings]
391 for beer in events.new_beers do
392 var global = beer_stats(beer.id)
393 var friend = null
394 var rating = null
395 if user_from != null then
396 friend = beer_stats(beer.id, user_from)
397 rating = latest_rating(user_from, beer.id)
398 end
399 all.add new BeerAndRatings(beer, global, friend, rating,
400 false, "TODO batch", true, false, false)
401 end
403 # Still here since the last weekday
404 for beer in events.fix_beers do
405 var global = beer_stats(beer.id)
406 var friend = null
407 var rating = null
408 if user_from != null then
409 friend = beer_stats(beer.id, user_from)
410 rating = latest_rating(user_from, beer.id)
411 end
412 all.add new BeerAndRatings(beer, global, friend, rating,
413 false, "TODO batch", false, true, false)
414 end
416 # Apply badges
417 for beer in all do
418 var badges = badges(beer.beer.id, user_from)
419 if badges.not_empty then beer.badges = badges
420 end
422 return all
423 end
425 # Badges (or comments, of social description) on `beer` relative to `user_from`
426 fun badges(beer: Int, user_from: nullable Int): Array[BeerBadge]
427 do
428 var badges = new Array[BeerBadge]
430 # Overall favorite available today
431 var rows = select("""
432 beer
433 FROM (
434 SELECT beer, AVG(rating) AS average, COUNT(rating) AS count
435 FROM latest_reviews
436 WHERE beer IN (
437 SELECT beer FROM daily WHERE day IN (
438 SELECT max(day) FROM daily))
439 GROUP BY beer)
440 WHERE count > 1 ORDER BY average DESC LIMIT 1""")
441 if rows == null then
442 print_error "Select 'overall-favorite' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
443 else
444 for row in rows do
445 if row[0].to_i == beer then badges.add new BestBeerBadge
446 end
447 end
449 if user_from != null then
450 # Favorite of friend
451 rows = select("""
452 name FROM users
453 WHERE ROWID in (SELECT user_to FROM follows WHERE user_from = {{{user_from}}})
454 AND ROWID in (SELECT author FROM latest_reviews WHERE beer = {{{beer}}} AND rating = 5)""")
455 if rows == null then
456 print_error "Select 'friend-favorite' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
457 else
458 var badge = new FavoriteBeerBadge
459 for row in rows do badge.users.add row[0].to_s
460 if badge.users.not_empty then badges.add badge
461 end
463 # Rated similarly to a favorite by most (approximative description)
464 rows = select("""
465 (SELECT name FROM beers WHERE beers.ROWID = beer1)
466 FROM global_dist WHERE beer0 = {{{beer}}} AND beer0 != beer1
467 AND count > 1 AND average < 2.0
468 AND beer1 IN (SELECT beer FROM latest_reviews WHERE
469 author = {{{user_from}}} AND rating = 5)
470 ORDER BY average LIMIT 1""")
471 if rows == null then
472 print_error "Select 'similar' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
473 else
474 var badge = new SimilarBeerBadge
475 for row in rows do badge.beers.add row[0].to_s
476 if badge.beers.not_empty then badges.add badge
477 end
478 end
480 # TODO more for people with no friends or favorites
482 return badges
483 end
485 # Register `user_id` as being in or out
486 fun checkin(user_id: Int, checkin: Bool)
487 do
488 var res = insert("INTO checkins(user, is_in) VALUES({user_id}, {if checkin then 1 else 0})")
489 if not res then print_error "Insert 'checkin' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
490 end
492 # List currently checked in reciprocal friends of `user_id`
493 fun checkedin_followed_followers(user_id: Int): nullable CheckinReport
494 do
495 var sql = """
496 ROWID, name FROM users
497 WHERE 1 in (SELECT is_in FROM checkins WHERE user = users.ROWID ORDER BY ROWID DESC LIMIT 1)
498 AND ROWID in (SELECT user_from FROM follows WHERE user_to = {user_id})
499 AND ROWID in (SELECT user_to FROM follows WHERE user_from = {user_id})"""
501 var stmt = select(sql)
502 if stmt == null then
503 print_error "Select 'checkedin_followed_followers' failed with: {error or else "?"}"
504 return null
505 end
507 var report = new CheckinReport
508 for row in stmt do report.users.add new User(row[0].to_i, row[1].to_s)
509 return report
510 end
511 end