[nit.git] / contrib / opportunity / src / templates / meetup.nit
1 # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ).
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License
15 # Shows a meetup and allows to modify its participants
16 module meetup
18 import opportunity_model
19 import boilerplate
20 import welcome
21 import template
23 # Shows a meetup and allows to modify its participants
24 class OpportunityMeetupPage
25 super OpportunityPage
27 # Meetup the page is supposed to show
28 var meetup: nullable Meetup = null
29 # Answer mode for the meetup
30 var mode = 0
32 init from_id(id: String) do
33 var db = new OpportunityDB.open("opportunity")
34 meetup = db.find_meetup_by_id(id)
35 db.close
36 if meetup != null then mode = meetup.answer_mode
37 init
38 end
40 init do
41 header.page_js = "mode = {mode};\n"
42 header.page_js += """
43 function change_answer(ele, id){
44 // modify only the currently selected entry
45 if (in_modification_id != id) return;
47 var e = document.getElementById(ele.id);
48 var i = e.innerHTML;
49 var ans = true;
50 if(i === "<center>✔</center>"){
51 ans = 1;
52 e.innerHTML = "<center>❓</center>"
53 e.style.color = "orange";
54 }else if(i === "<center>❓</center>"){
55 ans = 0;
56 e.innerHTML = "<center>✘</center>"
57 e.style.color = "red";
58 }else{
59 ans = 2;
60 e.innerHTML = "<center>✔</center>";
61 e.style.color = "green";
62 }
63 var a = ele.id.split('_')
64 var pid = a[1]
65 var aid = a[2]
66 $.ajax({
67 type: "POST",
68 url: "./rest/answer",
69 data: {
70 answer_id: aid,
71 pers_id: pid,
72 answer: ans
73 }
74 });
75 }
76 function change_temp_answer(ele){
77 var e = document.getElementById(ele.id);
78 var i = e.innerHTML;"""
79 if mode == 0 then
80 header.page_js += """
81 if(i === "<center>✔</center>"){
82 e.innerHTML = "<center>✘</center>"
83 e.style.color = "red";
84 }else{
85 e.innerHTML = "<center>✔</center>";
86 e.style.color = "green";
87 }
88 """
89 else
90 header.page_js += """
91 if(i === "<center>✔</center>"){
92 e.innerHTML = "<center>❓</center>";
93 e.style.color = "orange";
94 }else if(i === "<center>❓</center>"){
95 e.innerHTML = "<center>✘</center>"
96 e.style.color = "red";
97 }else{
98 e.innerHTML = "<center>✔</center>";
99 e.style.color = "green";
100 }
101 """
102 end
103 header.page_js += """
104 }
105 function add_part(ele){
106 var e = document.getElementById(ele.id);
107 var pname = document.getElementById("new_name").value;
108 var arr = e.id.split("_");
109 var mid = arr[1];
110 var ans = $('#' + ele.id).parent().parent().parent().children(".answer");
111 ansmap = {};
112 for(i=0;i<ans.length;i++){
113 var curr = ans.eq(i)
114 """
115 if mode == 0 then
116 header.page_js += """
117 if(curr[0].innerHTML === "<center>✔</center>"){
118 ansmap[curr.attr('id')] = 1
119 }else{
120 ansmap[curr.attr('id')] = 0
121 }"""
122 else
123 header.page_js += """
124 if(curr[0].innerHTML === "<center>✔</center>"){
125 ansmap[curr.attr('id')] = 2
126 }else if(curr[0].innerHTML === "<center>❓</center>"){
127 ansmap[curr.attr('id')] = 1
128 }else{
129 ansmap[curr.attr('id')] = 0
130 }"""
131 end
132 header.page_js += """
133 }
134 $.ajax({
135 type: "POST",
136 url: "./rest/meetup/new_pers",
137 data: {
138 meetup_id: mid,
139 persname: pname,
140 answers: $.param(ansmap)
141 }
142 })
143 .done(function(data){
144 location.reload();
145 })
146 .fail(function(data){
147 //TODO: Notify of failure
148 });
149 }
150 function remove_people(ele){
151 var arr = ele.id.split("_")
152 var pid = arr[1]
153 $('#' + ele.id).parent().parent().parent().remove();
154 $.ajax({
155 type: "POST",
156 url: "./rest/people",
157 data: {
158 method: "DELETE",
159 p_id: pid
160 }
161 });
162 }
164 // ID of line currently open for modification
165 var in_modification_id = null;
166 function modify_people(ele, id){
167 if (in_modification_id != null) {
168 // reset to normal values
169 $('#modify_'+in_modification_id).text("Modify or delete");
170 $('#modify_'+in_modification_id).attr("class", "btn btn-xs btn-warning");
171 $('#line_'+in_modification_id).css("background-color", "");
172 $('#delete_'+in_modification_id).css("display", "none");
173 }
174 if (in_modification_id != id) {
175 // activate modifiable mode
176 $('#modify_'+id).text("Done");
177 $('#modify_'+id).attr("class", "btn btn-xs btn-success");
178 $('#line_'+id).css("background-color", "LightYellow");
179 $('#delete_'+id).show();
181 in_modification_id = id;
182 } else {
183 in_modification_id = null;
184 }
185 }
186 """
187 end
189 redef fun rendering do
190 if meetup == null then
191 add((new OpportunityHomePage).write_to_string)
192 return
193 end
194 add header
195 var db = new OpportunityDB.open("opportunity")
196 add meetup.to_html(db)
197 db.close
198 add footer
199 end
200 end
202 redef class Meetup
203 # Build the HTML for `self`
204 fun to_html(db: OpportunityDB): Streamable do
205 var t = new Template
206 t.add """
207 <div class="container">
208 <div class="page-header">
209 <center><h1>{{{name}}}</h1></center>
210 """
211 if not date.is_empty then t.add """
212 <center><h4>When: {{{date}}}</h4></center>"""
214 if not place.is_empty then t.add """
215 <center><h4>Where: {{{place}}}</h4></center>"""
217 t.add """
218 </div>
219 <table class="table">
220 """
221 t.add "<th>Participant name</th>"
222 for i in answers(db) do
223 t.add "<th class=\"text-center\">"
224 t.add i.to_s
225 t.add "</th>"
226 end
227 t.add "<th></th>"
228 t.add "</tr>"
229 for i in participants(db) do
230 i.load_answers(db, self)
231 t.add "<tr id=\"line_{i.id}\">"
232 t.add "<td>"
233 t.add i.to_s
234 t.add "</td>"
235 for j, k in i.answers do
236 var color
237 if answer_mode == 0 then
238 if k == 1 then
239 color = "green"
240 else
241 color = "red"
242 end
243 else
244 if k == 2 then
245 color = "green"
246 else if k == 1 then
247 color = "#B8860B"
248 else
249 color = "red"
250 end
251 end
252 t.add """<td class="answer" onclick="change_answer(this, {{{i.id}}})" id="answer_{{{j.id}}}_{{{i.id}}}" style="color:{{{color}}}">"""
253 t.add "<center>"
254 if answer_mode == 0 then
255 if k == 1 then
256 t.add "✔"
257 else
258 t.add "✘"
259 end
260 else
261 if k == 2 then
262 t.add "✔"
263 else if k == 1 then
264 t.add "❓"
265 else
266 t.add "✘"
267 end
268 end
269 t.add "</center></td>"
270 end
271 t.add """<td class="opportunity-action"><center><button class="btn btn-xs btn-warning" type="button" onclick="modify_people(this, {{{i.id}}})" id="modify_{{{i.id}}}">Modify or delete</button>&nbsp;"""
272 t.add """<button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" type="button" onclick="remove_people(this)" id="delete_{{{i.id}}}" style="display: none;">Delete</button></center></td>"""
273 t.add "</tr>"
274 end
275 t.add """
276 <tr id="newrow" style="background-color: LightYellow">
277 <td><input id="new_name" type="text" placeholder="Your name" class="input-large"></td>
278 """
279 for i in answers(db) do
280 t.add "<td class=\"answer\" id=\"newans_{i.id}\" onclick=\"change_temp_answer(this)\" style=\"color:red;\"><center>✘</center></td>"
281 end
282 t.add """
283 <td><center><span id="add_{{{id}}}" onclick="add_part(this)" style="color:green;" class="action"><button class="btn btn-xs btn-success" type="button">Done</button></span></center></td>"""
284 t.add "</tr>"
285 t.add "</table>"
286 t.add "</div>"
287 return t
288 end
289 end