# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2009 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Output the intermediate code unded a textual representation package icode_dump import icode import allocate_iregister_slots redef class IRoutine # Output the intermediate code representation of the iroutine fun dump(icd: ICodeDumper) do if not params.is_empty then var a = new Array[String] for p in params do a.add(icd.register(p)) end icd.write "Parameters: {a.join(", ")}" end var r = result if r != null then icd.write "Result: {icd.register(r)}" end if std_slots_nb > 0 then icd.write "StdSlots: {std_slots_nb}" end if tag_slots_nb > 0 then icd.write "TagSlots: {tag_slots_nb}" end var closdecls = closure_decls if closdecls != null then for c in closdecls do c.dump(icd) end end body.dump(icd) end end redef class IClosureDecl # Output the intermediate code representation of the iclosuredecl fun dump(icd: ICodeDumper) do icd.write "Closure: {icd.closdecl(self)}" if default != null then icd.indent default.dump(icd) icd.unindent end end end class ICodeDumper readable var _dump_locations: Bool readable var _dump_line_numbers: Bool var _ids: HashMap[Object, String] = new HashMap[Object, String] var _last_value: Int = 0 init(dump_locations: Bool, dump_line_numbers: Bool) do _dump_locations = dump_locations _dump_line_numbers = dump_line_numbers end # Return the name of e # If e is unknown, a new name is gived fun register(e: IRegister): String do if _ids.has_key(e) then return _ids[e] else var i = e.slot_index if i == null then _last_value += 1 var s = "r{_last_value}" _ids[e] = s return s else _last_value += 1 var s: String if e.in_tag_slots then s = "BREG{i}(r{_last_value})" else if e.is_local then s = "LREG{i}(r{_last_value})" else s = "REG{i}(r{_last_value})" end _ids[e] = s return s end end end # Returns the names of es (separated with comma) fun register_all(es: nullable Collection[IRegister]): String do if es == null then return "" var a = new Array[String] for e in es do a.add(register(e)) end return a.join(", ") end var _last_clos: Int = 0 # Return the name of e # If e is unknown, a new name is gived fun closdecl(e: IClosureDecl): String do if _ids.has_key(e) then return _ids[e] else _last_clos += 1 var s = "clos{_last_clos}" _ids[e] = s return s end end var _last_label: Int = 0 # Return the name of e # If e is unknown, a new name is gived fun lab(e: IEscapeMark): String do if _ids.has_key(e) then return _ids[e] else _last_label += 1 var s = "[l{_last_label}]" _ids[e] = s return s end end var _last_line: Int = 0 # Return the line index of e fun line(e: ICode): String do if _ids.has_key(e) then return _ids[e] else _last_line += 1 var s = "{_last_line}" _ids[e] = s return s end end # Is the label e known? (because we goto to it) fun has_lab(e: IEscapeMark): Bool do return _ids.has_key(e) end # Output something fun write(s: String) do for i in [0.._indent_level[ do printn " " end print s end readable var _indent_level: Int = 0 # Indent the next writes fun indent do _indent_level += 1 # Outdent the next writes fun unindent do _indent_level -= 1 end redef class ICode # Output the intermediate code representation fun dump(icd: ICodeDumper) do var result = result var s_loc = "" var s_line = "" var loc = location if loc != null and icd.dump_locations then s_loc = " ... {loc}" end if icd.dump_line_numbers then s_line = "{icd.line(self)}: " end if result == null then icd.write "{s_line}{dump_intern(icd)}{s_loc}" else icd.write "{s_line}{icd.register(result)} := {dump_intern(icd)}{s_loc}" end end # Output the intermediate code representation (inner method) fun dump_intern(icd: ICodeDumper): String do return "???" end redef class ICodeN redef fun dump(icd: ICodeDumper) do super var closure_defs = closure_defs if closure_defs != null then for clos in closure_defs do if clos == null then icd.write "CLOSURE = NULL" else icd.write "CLOSURE" icd.indent clos.dump(icd) icd.unindent end end end end end redef class ISeq redef fun dump(icd) do for ic in icodes do ic.dump(icd) end var mark = iescape_mark if mark != null and icd.has_lab(mark) then icd.write("{icd.lab(mark)}:") end end redef class IIf redef fun dump(icd) do icd.write "IF({icd.register(expr)}) \{" icd.indent then_seq.dump(icd) icd.unindent icd.write "} ELSE \{" icd.indent else_seq.dump(icd) icd.unindent icd.write "}" end end redef class ILoop redef fun dump(icd) do icd.write "LOOP \{" icd.indent for ic in icodes do ic.dump(icd) end icd.unindent icd.write "}" var mark = iescape_mark if mark != null and icd.has_lab(mark) then icd.write("{icd.lab(mark)}:") end end redef class IEscape redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ESCAPE {icd.lab(iescape_mark)}" end end redef class IAbort redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ABORT (\"{texts.join("\", \"")}\")" end end redef class ICall redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "CALL {property.full_name}({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class INew redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "NEW {stype}.{property.full_name}({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class ISuper redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "SUPER {property.full_name}({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class IStaticCall redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "STATIC_CALL {property.full_name}({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class IAllocateInstance redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ALLOCATE NEW_{stype}" end end redef class ICheckInstance redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "CHECK_INSTANCE CHECKNEW_{stype}({icd.register(expr)})" end end redef class IInitAttributes redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "INIT_ATTRIBUTES INIT_ATTRIBUTES_{stype}({icd.register(expr)})" end end redef class IClosCall redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "CLOS_CALL {icd.closdecl(closure_decl)}({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class IAttrRead redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ATTR_READ {property.full_name}({icd.register(expr)})" end end redef class IAttrWrite redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ATTR_WRITE {property.full_name}({icd.register(expr1)}) := {icd.register(expr2)}" end end redef class IAttrIsset redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "ATTR_ISSET {property.full_name}({icd.register(expr)})" end end redef class ITypeCheck redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "CHECKTYPE {icd.register(expr)} isa {stype}" end end redef class INative redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "NATIVE \"{method.full_name}\"({icd.register_all(exprs)})" end end redef class IIntValue redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "INTVALUE {value}" end end redef class IBoolValue redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "BOOLVALUE {value}" end end redef class IStringValue redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "STRINGVALUE {value}" end end redef class ICharValue redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "CHARVALUE {value}" end end redef class IFloatValue redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "FLOATVALUE {value}" end end redef class IMove redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "{icd.register(expr)}" end end redef class IIs redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "{icd.register(expr1)} is {icd.register(expr2)}" end end redef class INot redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "NOT {icd.register(expr)}" end end redef class IOnce redef fun dump(icd) do icd.write "{icd.register(result.as(not null))} := ONCE \{" icd.indent body.dump(icd) icd.unindent icd.write "}" end end redef class IHasClos redef fun dump_intern(icd) do return "HASCLOS {icd.closdecl(closure_decl)}" end end