# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2008-2009 Jean Privat # Copyright 2009 Jean-Sebastien Gelinas # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # AST nodes of the Nit language # Was previously based on parser_abs.nit. package parser_nodes import location # Root of the AST hierarchy abstract class ANode var _location: nullable Location # Location is set during AST building. Once built, location cannon be null # However, manual instanciated nodes may need mode care fun location: Location do return _location.as(not null) end # Ancestor of all tokens abstract class Token special ANode end # Ancestor of all productions abstract class Prod special ANode fun location=(l: Location) do _location = l end class TEol special Token end class TComment special Token end class TKwmodule special Token end class TKwimport special Token end class TKwclass special Token end class TKwabstract special Token end class TKwinterface special Token end class TKwuniversal special Token end class TKwspecial special Token end class TKwend special Token end class TKwmeth special Token end class TKwtype special Token end class TKwinit special Token end class TKwredef special Token end class TKwis special Token end class TKwdo special Token end class TKwreadable special Token end class TKwwritable special Token end class TKwvar special Token end class TKwintern special Token end class TKwextern special Token end class TKwprotected special Token end class TKwprivate special Token end class TKwintrude special Token end class TKwif special Token end class TKwthen special Token end class TKwelse special Token end class TKwwhile special Token end class TKwloop special Token end class TKwfor special Token end class TKwin special Token end class TKwand special Token end class TKwor special Token end class TKwnot special Token end class TKwreturn special Token end class TKwcontinue special Token end class TKwbreak special Token end class TKwabort special Token end class TKwassert special Token end class TKwnew special Token end class TKwisa special Token end class TKwonce special Token end class TKwsuper special Token end class TKwself special Token end class TKwtrue special Token end class TKwfalse special Token end class TKwnull special Token end class TKwas special Token end class TKwnullable special Token end class TKwisset special Token end class TKwlabel special Token end class TOpar special Token end class TCpar special Token end class TObra special Token end class TCbra special Token end class TComma special Token end class TColumn special Token end class TQuad special Token end class TAssign special Token end class TPluseq special Token end class TMinuseq special Token end class TDotdotdot special Token end class TDotdot special Token end class TDot special Token end class TPlus special Token end class TMinus special Token end class TStar special Token end class TSlash special Token end class TPercent special Token end class TEq special Token end class TNe special Token end class TLt special Token end class TLe special Token end class TLl special Token end class TGt special Token end class TGe special Token end class TGg special Token end class TStarship special Token end class TBang special Token end class TClassid special Token end class TId special Token end class TAttrid special Token end class TNumber special Token end class TFloat special Token end class TChar special Token end class TString special Token end class TStartString special Token end class TMidString special Token end class TEndString special Token end class EOF special Token private init noinit do end end class AError special EOF private init noinit do end end class AModule special Prod readable var _n_moduledecl: nullable AModuledecl = null readable var _n_imports: List[AImport] = new List[AImport] readable var _n_classdefs: List[AClassdef] = new List[AClassdef] end class AModuledecl special Prod readable var _n_doc: nullable ADoc = null readable var _n_kwmodule: TKwmodule readable var _n_id: TId end class AImport special Prod end class AStdImport special AImport readable var _n_visibility: AVisibility readable var _n_kwimport: TKwimport readable var _n_id: TId end class ANoImport special AImport readable var _n_visibility: AVisibility readable var _n_kwimport: TKwimport readable var _n_kwend: TKwend end class AVisibility special Prod end class APublicVisibility special AVisibility end class APrivateVisibility special AVisibility readable var _n_kwprivate: TKwprivate end class AProtectedVisibility special AVisibility readable var _n_kwprotected: TKwprotected end class AIntrudeVisibility special AVisibility readable var _n_kwintrude: TKwintrude end class AClassdef special Prod end class AStdClassdef special AClassdef readable var _n_doc: nullable ADoc = null readable var _n_kwredef: nullable TKwredef = null readable var _n_visibility: AVisibility readable var _n_classkind: AClasskind readable var _n_id: nullable TClassid = null readable var _n_formaldefs: List[AFormaldef] = new List[AFormaldef] readable var _n_superclasses: List[ASuperclass] = new List[ASuperclass] readable var _n_propdefs: List[APropdef] = new List[APropdef] end class ATopClassdef special AClassdef readable var _n_propdefs: List[APropdef] = new List[APropdef] end class AMainClassdef special AClassdef readable var _n_propdefs: List[APropdef] = new List[APropdef] end class AClasskind special Prod end class AConcreteClasskind special AClasskind readable var _n_kwclass: TKwclass end class AAbstractClasskind special AClasskind readable var _n_kwabstract: TKwabstract readable var _n_kwclass: TKwclass end class AInterfaceClasskind special AClasskind readable var _n_kwinterface: TKwinterface end class AUniversalClasskind special AClasskind readable var _n_kwuniversal: TKwuniversal end class AFormaldef special Prod readable var _n_id: TClassid readable var _n_type: nullable AType = null end class ASuperclass special Prod readable var _n_kwspecial: nullable TKwspecial = null readable var _n_kwsuper: nullable TKwsuper = null readable var _n_type: AType end class APropdef special Prod readable var _n_doc: nullable ADoc = null end class AAttrPropdef special APropdef readable var _n_kwredef: nullable TKwredef = null readable var _n_visibility: AVisibility readable var _n_kwvar: TKwvar readable var _n_id: nullable TAttrid readable var _n_id2: nullable TId readable var _n_type: nullable AType = null readable var _n_readable: nullable AAble = null readable var _n_writable: nullable AAble = null readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class AMethPropdef special APropdef readable var _n_kwredef: nullable TKwredef = null readable var _n_visibility: nullable AVisibility readable var _n_methid: nullable AMethid = null readable var _n_signature: nullable ASignature end class ADeferredMethPropdef special AMethPropdef readable var _n_kwmeth: TKwmeth end class AInternMethPropdef special AMethPropdef readable var _n_kwmeth: TKwmeth end class AExternMethPropdef special AMethPropdef readable var _n_kwmeth: TKwmeth readable var _n_extern: nullable TString = null end class AConcreteMethPropdef special AMethPropdef readable var _n_kwmeth: nullable TKwmeth readable var _n_block: nullable AExpr = null end class AConcreteInitPropdef special AConcreteMethPropdef readable var _n_kwinit: TKwinit end class AMainMethPropdef special AConcreteMethPropdef end class ATypePropdef special APropdef readable var _n_kwredef: nullable TKwredef = null readable var _n_visibility: AVisibility readable var _n_kwtype: TKwtype readable var _n_id: TClassid readable var _n_type: AType end class AAble special Prod readable var _n_visibility: nullable AVisibility = null readable var _n_kwredef: nullable TKwredef = null end class AReadAble special AAble readable var _n_kwreadable: TKwreadable end class AWriteAble special AAble readable var _n_kwwritable: TKwwritable end class AMethid special Prod end class AIdMethid special AMethid readable var _n_id: TId end class APlusMethid special AMethid readable var _n_plus: TPlus end class AMinusMethid special AMethid readable var _n_minus: TMinus end class AStarMethid special AMethid readable var _n_star: TStar end class ASlashMethid special AMethid readable var _n_slash: TSlash end class APercentMethid special AMethid readable var _n_percent: TPercent end class AEqMethid special AMethid readable var _n_eq: TEq end class ANeMethid special AMethid readable var _n_ne: TNe end class ALeMethid special AMethid readable var _n_le: TLe end class AGeMethid special AMethid readable var _n_ge: TGe end class ALtMethid special AMethid readable var _n_lt: TLt end class AGtMethid special AMethid readable var _n_gt: TGt end class ALlMethid special AMethid readable writable var _n_ll: TLl end class AGgMethid special AMethid readable writable var _n_gg: TGg end class ABraMethid special AMethid readable var _n_obra: TObra readable var _n_cbra: TCbra end class AStarshipMethid special AMethid readable var _n_starship: TStarship end class AAssignMethid special AMethid readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_assign: TAssign end class ABraassignMethid special AMethid readable var _n_obra: TObra readable var _n_cbra: TCbra readable var _n_assign: TAssign end class ASignature special Prod readable var _n_params: List[AParam] = new List[AParam] readable var _n_type: nullable AType = null readable var _n_closure_decls: List[AClosureDecl] = new List[AClosureDecl] end class AParam special Prod readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_type: nullable AType = null readable var _n_dotdotdot: nullable TDotdotdot = null end class AClosureDecl special Prod readable var _n_kwbreak: nullable TKwbreak = null readable var _n_bang: TBang readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_signature: ASignature readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class AType special Prod readable var _n_kwnullable: nullable TKwnullable = null readable var _n_id: TClassid readable var _n_types: List[AType] = new List[AType] end class ALabel special Prod readable var _n_kwlabel: TKwlabel readable var _n_id: TId end class AExpr special Prod end class ABlockExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class AVardeclExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwvar: TKwvar readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_type: nullable AType = null readable var _n_assign: nullable TAssign = null readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class AReturnExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwreturn: nullable TKwreturn = null readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class ALabelable special Prod readable var _n_label: nullable ALabel = null end class ABreakExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwbreak: TKwbreak readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class AAbortExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwabort: TKwabort end class AContinueExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwcontinue: nullable TKwcontinue = null readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class ADoExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwdo: TKwdo readable var _n_block: nullable AExpr = null end class AIfExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwif: TKwif readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_then: nullable AExpr = null readable var _n_else: nullable AExpr = null end class AIfexprExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwif: TKwif readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_kwthen: TKwthen readable var _n_then: AExpr readable var _n_kwelse: TKwelse readable var _n_else: AExpr end class AWhileExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwwhile: TKwwhile readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_kwdo: TKwdo readable var _n_block: nullable AExpr = null end class ALoopExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwloop: TKwloop readable var _n_block: nullable AExpr = null end class AForExpr special AExpr special ALabelable readable var _n_kwfor: TKwfor readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_kwdo: TKwdo readable var _n_block: nullable AExpr = null end class AAssertExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwassert: TKwassert readable var _n_id: nullable TId = null readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_else: nullable AExpr = null end class AAssignFormExpr special AExpr readable var _n_assign: TAssign readable var _n_value: AExpr end class AReassignFormExpr special AExpr readable var _n_assign_op: AAssignOp readable var _n_value: AExpr end class AOnceExpr special AProxyExpr readable var _n_kwonce: TKwonce end class ASendExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_closure_defs: List[AClosureDef] = new List[AClosureDef] end class ABinopExpr special ASendExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class ABoolExpr special AExpr end class AOrExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class AAndExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class AOrElseExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class ANotExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_kwnot: TKwnot readable var _n_expr: AExpr end class AEqExpr special ABinopExpr end class AEeExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class ANeExpr special ABinopExpr end class ALtExpr special ABinopExpr end class ALeExpr special ABinopExpr end class ALlExpr special ABinopExpr end class AGtExpr special ABinopExpr end class AGeExpr special ABinopExpr end class AGgExpr special ABinopExpr end class AIsaExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_type: AType end class APlusExpr special ABinopExpr end class AMinusExpr special ABinopExpr end class AStarshipExpr special ABinopExpr end class AStarExpr special ABinopExpr end class ASlashExpr special ABinopExpr end class APercentExpr special ABinopExpr end class AUminusExpr special ASendExpr readable var _n_minus: TMinus end class ANewExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwnew: TKwnew readable var _n_type: AType readable var _n_id: nullable TId = null readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class AAttrFormExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_id: TAttrid end class AAttrExpr special AAttrFormExpr end class AAttrAssignExpr special AAttrFormExpr special AAssignFormExpr end class ACallFormExpr special ASendExpr readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class AAttrReassignExpr special AExpr special AAttrFormExpr special AReassignFormExpr end class ACallExpr special ACallFormExpr end class ACallAssignExpr special ACallFormExpr special AAssignFormExpr end class ACallReassignExpr special AExpr special ACallFormExpr special AReassignFormExpr end class ASuperExpr special AExpr readable var _n_qualified: nullable AQualified = null readable var _n_kwsuper: TKwsuper readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class AInitExpr special ASendExpr readable var _n_kwinit: TKwinit readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class ABraFormExpr special ASendExpr readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class ABraExpr special ABraFormExpr end class ABraAssignExpr special ABraFormExpr special AAssignFormExpr end class AVarFormExpr special AExpr readable var _n_id: TId end class ABraReassignExpr special ABraFormExpr special AReassignFormExpr end class AClosureCallExpr special AExpr readable var _n_id: TId readable var _n_args: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] readable var _n_closure_defs: List[AClosureDef] = new List[AClosureDef] end class AVarExpr special AVarFormExpr end class AVarAssignExpr special AVarFormExpr special AAssignFormExpr end class AVarReassignExpr special AVarFormExpr special AReassignFormExpr end class ARangeExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_expr2: AExpr end class ACrangeExpr special ARangeExpr end class AOrangeExpr special ARangeExpr end class AArrayExpr special AExpr readable var _n_exprs: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class ASelfExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwself: nullable TKwself end class AImplicitSelfExpr special ASelfExpr end class ATrueExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_kwtrue: TKwtrue end class AFalseExpr special ABoolExpr readable var _n_kwfalse: TKwfalse end class ANullExpr special AExpr readable var _n_kwnull: TKwnull end class AIntExpr special AExpr readable var _n_number: TNumber end class AFloatExpr special AExpr readable var _n_float: TFloat end class ACharExpr special AExpr readable var _n_char: TChar end class AStringFormExpr special AExpr end class AStringExpr special AStringFormExpr readable var _n_string: TString end class AStartStringExpr special AStringFormExpr readable var _n_string: TStartString end class AMidStringExpr special AStringFormExpr readable var _n_string: TMidString end class AEndStringExpr special AStringFormExpr readable var _n_string: TEndString end class ASuperstringExpr special AExpr readable var _n_exprs: List[AExpr] = new List[AExpr] end class AParExpr special AProxyExpr end class AProxyExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr end class AAsCastExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_kwas: TKwas readable var _n_type: AType end class AAsNotnullExpr special AExpr readable var _n_expr: AExpr readable var _n_kwas: TKwas readable var _n_kwnot: TKwnot readable var _n_kwnull: TKwnull end class AIssetAttrExpr special AAttrFormExpr readable var _n_kwisset: TKwisset end class AAssignOp special Prod end class APlusAssignOp special AAssignOp readable var _n_pluseq: TPluseq end class AMinusAssignOp special AAssignOp readable var _n_minuseq: TMinuseq end class AClosureDef special ALabelable readable var _n_bang: TBang readable var _n_id: AClosureId readable var _n_ids: List[TId] = new List[TId] readable var _n_kwdo: nullable TKwdo = null readable var _n_expr: nullable AExpr = null end class AClosureId special Prod end class ASimpleClosureId special AClosureId readable var _n_id: TId end class ABreakClosureId special AClosureId readable var _n_kwbreak: TKwbreak end class AQualified special Prod readable var _n_id: List[TId] = new List[TId] readable var _n_classid: nullable TClassid = null end class ADoc special Prod readable var _n_comment: List[TComment] = new List[TComment] end class Start special Prod readable var _n_base: nullable AModule readable var _n_eof: EOF end