# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Various material implementations module more_materials intrude import depth_core intrude import flat # Simple material with static colors used for debugging or display abstract objects class SmoothMaterial super Material # Get the default blueish material init default do init( [0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.6, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # Ambient color, always visible var ambient_color: Array[Float] is writable # Diffuse color when covered by a light source var diffuse_color: Array[Float] is writable # Specular color affecting reflections var specular_color: Array[Float] is writable redef fun draw(actor, model) do var program = app.versatile_program program.use var mesh = model.mesh # Actor specs program.translation.uniform(actor.center.x, actor.center.y, actor.center.z, 0.0) program.scale.uniform actor.scale program.rotation.uniform new Matrix.rotation(actor.rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) # From mesh program.coord.array_enabled = true program.coord.array(mesh.vertices, 3) program.normal.array_enabled = true program.normal.array(mesh.normals, 3) # No textures program.use_map_ambient.uniform false program.use_map_diffuse.uniform false program.use_map_specular.uniform false program.tex_coord.array_enabled = false # Lights program.light_center.uniform(app.light.position.x, app.light.position.y, app.light.position.z) # Camera program.camera.uniform(app.world_camera.position.x, app.world_camera.position.y, app.world_camera.position.z) # Colors from the material program.ambient_color.uniform(ambient_color[0], ambient_color[1], ambient_color[2], ambient_color[3]*actor.alpha) program.diffuse_color.uniform(diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], diffuse_color[3]*actor.alpha) program.specular_color.uniform(specular_color[0], specular_color[1], specular_color[2], specular_color[3]*actor.alpha) # Execute draw if mesh.indices.is_empty then glDrawArrays(mesh.draw_mode, 0, mesh.vertices.length/3) else glDrawElements(mesh.draw_mode, mesh.indices.length, gl_UNSIGNED_SHORT, mesh.indices_c.native_array) end end end # Material with potential `diffuse_texture` and `specular_texture` class TexturedMaterial super SmoothMaterial # Texture applied to the ambient_color var ambient_texture: nullable Texture = null is writable # Texture applied to the diffuse color var diffuse_texture: nullable Texture = null is writable # Texture applied to the specular color var specular_texture: nullable Texture = null is writable redef fun draw(actor, model) do var mesh = model.mesh var program = app.versatile_program program.use # One of the textures used, if any var sample_used_texture = null var texture = ambient_texture if texture != null then glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE0 glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture.gl_texture) program.use_map_ambient.uniform true program.map_ambient.uniform 0 sample_used_texture = texture else program.use_map_ambient.uniform false end texture = diffuse_texture if texture != null then glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE1 glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture.gl_texture) program.use_map_diffuse.uniform true program.map_diffuse.uniform 1 sample_used_texture = texture else program.use_map_diffuse.uniform false end texture = specular_texture if texture != null then glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE2 glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture.gl_texture) program.use_map_specular.uniform true program.map_specular.uniform 2 sample_used_texture = texture else program.use_map_specular.uniform false end program.translation.uniform(actor.center.x, actor.center.y, actor.center.z, 0.0) program.scale.uniform actor.scale # If using a texture, set `texture_coords` program.tex_coord.array_enabled = sample_used_texture != null if sample_used_texture != null then if sample_used_texture isa GamnitRootTexture then # Coordinates are directly valid program.tex_coord.array(mesh.texture_coords, 2) else # Correlate texture coordinates from the substexture and the mesh. # This is slow, but should be cached on the GPU. var xa = sample_used_texture.offset_left var xd = sample_used_texture.offset_right - xa var ya = sample_used_texture.offset_top var yd = sample_used_texture.offset_bottom - ya xd *= 0.999 yd *= 0.999 var tex_coords = new Array[Float].with_capacity(mesh.texture_coords.length) for i in [0..mesh.texture_coords.length/2[ do tex_coords[i*2] = xa + xd * mesh.texture_coords[i*2] tex_coords[i*2+1] = 1.0 - (ya + yd * mesh.texture_coords[i*2+1]) end program.tex_coord.array(tex_coords, 2) end end program.coord.array_enabled = true program.coord.array(mesh.vertices, 3) program.rotation.uniform new Matrix.rotation(actor.rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) program.ambient_color.uniform(ambient_color[0], ambient_color[1], ambient_color[2], ambient_color[3]*actor.alpha) program.diffuse_color.uniform(diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2], diffuse_color[3]*actor.alpha) program.specular_color.uniform(specular_color[0], specular_color[1], specular_color[2], specular_color[3]*actor.alpha) program.normal.array_enabled = true program.normal.array(mesh.normals, 3) program.light_center.uniform(app.light.position.x, app.light.position.y, app.light.position.z) program.camera.uniform(app.world_camera.position.x, app.world_camera.position.y, app.world_camera.position.z) if mesh.indices.is_empty then glDrawArrays(mesh.draw_mode, 0, mesh.vertices.length/3) else glDrawElements(mesh.draw_mode, mesh.indices.length, gl_UNSIGNED_SHORT, mesh.indices_c.native_array) end end end # Simple material using the normals of the surface as color # # Each axis composing the normals are translated to color values. # This material is useful for debugging normals or display models in a colorful way. class NormalsMaterial super Material redef fun draw(actor, model) do var program = app.normals_program program.use program.mvp.uniform app.world_camera.mvp_matrix var mesh = model.mesh # TODO apply normal map program.translation.uniform(actor.center.x, actor.center.y, actor.center.z, 0.0) program.scale.uniform actor.scale program.tex_coord.array_enabled = true program.tex_coord.array(mesh.texture_coords, 2) program.coord.array_enabled = true program.coord.array(mesh.vertices, 3) program.rotation.uniform new Matrix.rotation(actor.rotation, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) program.normal.array_enabled = true program.normal.array(mesh.normals, 3) if mesh.indices.is_empty then glDrawArrays(mesh.draw_mode, 0, mesh.vertices.length/3) else glDrawElements(mesh.draw_mode, mesh.indices.length, gl_UNSIGNED_SHORT, mesh.indices_c.native_array) end end end # Graphic program to display 3D models with Lamber diffuse lighting class LambertProgram super GamnitProgramFromSource redef var vertex_shader_source = """ // Vertex coordinates attribute vec4 coord; // Vertex translation uniform vec4 translation; // Vertex scaling uniform float scale; // Vertex coordinates on textures attribute vec2 tex_coord; // Vertex normal attribute vec3 normal; // Model view projection matrix uniform mat4 mvp; uniform mat4 rotation; // Lights config uniform vec3 light_center; // Coordinates of the camera uniform vec3 camera; // Output for the fragment shader varying vec2 v_tex_coord; varying vec3 v_normal; varying vec4 v_light_center; varying vec4 v_camera; void main() { // Pass varyings to the fragment shader v_tex_coord = vec2(tex_coord.x, 1.0 - tex_coord.y); v_normal = normalize(vec4(normal, 0.0) * rotation * mvp).xyz; gl_Position = (vec4(coord.xyz * scale, 1.0) * rotation + translation) * mvp; // TODO compute v_light_center and v_camera on the CPU side and pass as uniforms v_light_center = vec4(light_center, 0.0) * mvp; v_camera = vec4(camera, 0.0) * mvp; } """ @ glsl_vertex_shader redef var fragment_shader_source = """ precision mediump float; // Input from the vertex shader varying vec2 v_tex_coord; varying vec3 v_normal; varying vec4 v_light_center; varying vec4 v_camera; // Colors uniform vec4 ambient_color; uniform vec4 diffuse_color; uniform vec4 specular_color; // Ambient map uniform bool use_map_ambient; uniform sampler2D map_ambient; // Diffuse map uniform bool use_map_diffuse; uniform sampler2D map_diffuse; // Specular map uniform bool use_map_specular; uniform sampler2D map_specular; // Bump map uniform bool use_map_bump; uniform sampler2D map_bump; // Normal map uniform bool use_map_normal; uniform sampler2D map_normal; void main() { // Lambert diffusion vec3 light_dir = normalize(v_light_center.xyz); float lambert = max(dot(light_dir, v_normal), 0.0); if (use_map_ambient) gl_FragColor = ambient_color * texture2D(map_ambient, v_tex_coord); else gl_FragColor = ambient_color; if (use_map_diffuse) gl_FragColor += lambert * diffuse_color * texture2D(map_diffuse, v_tex_coord); else gl_FragColor += lambert * diffuse_color; if (gl_FragColor.a < 0.01) discard; } """ @ glsl_fragment_shader # Vertices coordinates var coord = attributes["coord"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy # Should this program use the texture `map_ambient`? var use_map_ambient = uniforms["use_map_ambient"].as(UniformBool) is lazy # Ambient texture unit var map_ambient = uniforms["map_ambient"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy # Should this program use the texture `map_diffuse`? var use_map_diffuse = uniforms["use_map_diffuse"].as(UniformBool) is lazy # Diffuser texture unit var map_diffuse = uniforms["map_diffuse"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy # Should this program use the texture `map_specular`? var use_map_specular = uniforms["use_map_specular"].as(UniformBool) is lazy # Specularity texture unit var map_specular = uniforms["map_specular"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy # Normal per vertex var normal = attributes["normal"].as(AttributeVec3) is lazy # Coordinates on the textures, per vertex var tex_coord = attributes["tex_coord"].as(AttributeVec2) is lazy # Ambient color var ambient_color = uniforms["ambient_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy # Diffuse color var diffuse_color = uniforms["diffuse_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy # Specular color var specular_color = uniforms["specular_color"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy # Center position of the light var light_center = uniforms["light_center"].as(UniformVec3) is lazy # Camera position var camera = uniforms["camera"].as(UniformVec3) is lazy # Translation applied to each vertex var translation = uniforms["translation"].as(UniformVec4) is lazy # Rotation matrix var rotation = uniforms["rotation"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy # Scaling per vertex var scale = uniforms["scale"].as(UniformFloat) is lazy # Model view projection matrix var mvp = uniforms["mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy end # Program to color objects from their normal vectors class NormalProgram super LambertProgram redef var fragment_shader_source = """ precision mediump float; // Input from the vertex shader varying vec3 v_normal; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(v_normal*0.5 + 0.5, 1.0); } """ @ glsl_fragment_shader end redef class App private var versatile_program = new LambertProgram is lazy private var normals_program = new NormalProgram is lazy end