Portable game and multimedia framework for Nit This framework is based on the portability framework _app.nit_ and the OpenGL ES 2.0 standard. It is modular, different parts of the framework are available through different entry points: * `gamnit` provides low-level abstractions over some services of OpenGL ES 2.0, like textures, shaders and programs. It defines the basic methods to implement in order to obtain a working game: `App::frame_core` to update the screen and `App::accept_event` to receive user inputs. * `flat` provides an easy to use API for 2D games based on sprites. Clients of this API must redefine `App::update` to update the game logic and fill `App::sprites` with objects to draw. * `cameras` provides cameras classes to produce MVP matrices which can be fed to shaders. * `limit_fps` redefines existing services of gamnit to limit the framerate to a client-defined value. * `network` provides a simple communication framework for multiplayer client/server games.