# Welcome to NitRPG! NitRPG is a Role Playing Game that takes place on [GitHub](https://github.com/). In NitRPG, GitHub users are represented by players that battle on repo for nitcoins and glory. ## Features * Auto-update with GitHub hooks * Display repo statistics * Display players statsitics * Repo actions are rewarded by nitcoins * Players can unlock achievements ## How to install From the `nit` root: ~~~bash > cd contrib/nitrpg > make ~~~ ### Configuring the GitHub hook NitRPG needs you to add a new GitHub hook on your repo to keep the game `listener` up-to-date automatically. Hook configuration: * **Payload URL**: URL and port to the listener (ex: `http://yourdomain.com:8080`) * **Content type**: `application/json` * **Wich events**: `Send me everything` Be sure to set the hook as `Active` in the GitHub admin panel. ### Starting the listener The `listener` program is used to listen to GitHub hooks and update game data. It should alwaysd be up if you want your game to be kept up-to-date. To run the listener: ~~~raw ./listener ~~~ The arguments `host` and `port` must correspond to what you entered in your GitHub hook settings. ### Starting the web server The `web` program act as a [nitcorn](http://nitlanguage.org/doc/stdlib/module_nitcorn__nitcorn.html) webserver that display the game results live. To run the webserver: ~~~raw ./web ~~~ The arguments `host` and `port` must correspond to what you entered in your GitHub hook settings. The `root` argument is used to specify the path from the domain url to the NitRPG root. For example, if NitRPG is installed in `yourdomain.com/nitrpg`: ~~~raw ./web localhost 3000 "/nitrpg" ~~~ Leave it empty if NitRPG is installed at the root of the domain: ~~~raw ./web localhost 3000 "" ~~~ The webserver can then be accessed at `http://yourdomain.com:3000/nitrpg/`. ## RoadMap NitRPG stills under heavy development. Incomming features contain (but are not limited to): * Periodized stats (weekly, monthly, yearly, overall) * Display graphs with stats * More achievements * Shop: exchange Nitcoins against glorifying items You can suggest new achievements or ideas in the [NitRPG RoadMap Issue](https://github.com/nitlang/nit/issues/1161).