# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Render the DocModel pages as HTML pages. # # FIXME this module is all f*cked up to maintain compatibility with # the original `doc_templates` and `doc_model` modules. # This will change in further refactorings. module doc_html import doc_structure import doc_hierarchies import doc_intros_redefs import doc_graphs import html_templates redef class ToolContext # File pattern used to link documentation to source code. var opt_source = new OptionString("link for source (%f for filename, " + "%l for first line, %L for last line)", "--source") # Directory where the CSS and JS is stored. var opt_sharedir = new OptionString("directory containing nitdoc assets", "--sharedir") # Use a shareurl instead of copy shared files. # # This is usefull if you don't want to store the Nitdoc templates with your # documentation. var opt_shareurl = new OptionString("use shareurl instead of copy shared files", "--shareurl") # Use a custom title for the homepage. var opt_custom_title = new OptionString("custom title for homepage", "--custom-title") # Display a custom brand or logo in the documentation top menu. var opt_custom_brand = new OptionString("custom link to external site", "--custom-brand") # Display a custom introduction text before the projects overview. var opt_custom_intro = new OptionString("custom intro text for homepage", "--custom-overview-text") # Display a custom footer on each documentation page. # # Generally used to display the documentation or product version. var opt_custom_footer = new OptionString("custom footer text", "--custom-footer-text") # Piwik tracker URL. # # If you want to monitor your visitors. var opt_piwik_tracker = new OptionString("Piwik tracker URL (ex: nitlanguage.org/piwik/)", "--piwik-tracker") # Piwik tracker site id. var opt_piwik_site_id = new OptionString("Piwik site ID", "--piwik-site-id") # These options are not currently used in Nitdoc. # FIXME redo the plugin var opt_github_upstream = new OptionString("Git branch where edited commits will be pulled into (ex: user:repo:branch)", "--github-upstream") # FIXME redo the plugin var opt_github_base_sha1 = new OptionString("Git sha1 of base commit used to create pull request", "--github-base-sha1") # FIXME redo the plugin var opt_github_gitdir = new OptionString("Git working directory used to resolve path name (ex: /home/me/myproject/)", "--github-gitdir") redef init do super option_context.add_option( opt_source, opt_sharedir, opt_shareurl, opt_custom_title, opt_custom_footer, opt_custom_intro, opt_custom_brand, opt_github_upstream, opt_github_base_sha1, opt_github_gitdir, opt_piwik_tracker, opt_piwik_site_id) end redef fun process_options(args) do super var upstream = opt_github_upstream var base_sha = opt_github_base_sha1 var git_dir = opt_github_gitdir var opts = [upstream.value, base_sha.value, git_dir.value] if not opts.has_only(null) and opts.has(null) then print "Option Error: options {upstream.names.first}, " + "{base_sha.names.first} and {git_dir.names.first} " + "are required to enable the GitHub plugin" exit 1 end end end # Render the Nitdoc as a HTML website. class RenderHTMLPhase super DocPhase # Used to sort sidebar elements by name. var name_sorter = new MEntityNameSorter redef fun apply do init_output_dir for page in doc.pages do page.render(self, doc).write_to_file("{ctx.output_dir.to_s}/{page.html_url}") end end # Creates the output directory and imports assets files form `resources/`. fun init_output_dir do # create destination dir if it's necessary var output_dir = ctx.output_dir if not output_dir.file_exists then output_dir.mkdir # locate share dir var sharedir = ctx.opt_sharedir.value if sharedir == null then var dir = ctx.nit_dir sharedir = dir/"share/nitdoc" if not sharedir.file_exists then print "Error: cannot locate nitdoc share files. Uses --sharedir or envvar NIT_DIR" abort end end # copy shared files if ctx.opt_shareurl.value == null then sys.system("cp -r -- {sharedir.to_s.escape_to_sh}/* {output_dir.to_s.escape_to_sh}/") else sys.system("cp -r -- {sharedir.to_s.escape_to_sh}/resources/ {output_dir.to_s.escape_to_sh}/resources/") end end # A source link template for a given location fun tpl_showsource(location: nullable Location): nullable String do if location == null then return null var source = ctx.opt_source.value if source == null then var url = location.file.filename.simplify_path return "View Source" end # THIS IS JUST UGLY ! (but there is no replace yet) var x = source.split_with("%f") source = x.join(location.file.filename.simplify_path) x = source.split_with("%l") source = x.join(location.line_start.to_s) x = source.split_with("%L") source = x.join(location.line_end.to_s) source = source.simplify_path return "View Source" end end redef class DocPage # Render the page as a html template. private fun render(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel): Writable do var shareurl = "." if v.ctx.opt_shareurl.value != null then shareurl = v.ctx.opt_shareurl.value.as(not null) end # init page options self.shareurl = shareurl self.footer = v.ctx.opt_custom_footer.value self.body_attrs.add(new TagAttribute("data-bootstrap-share", shareurl)) # build page init_title(v, doc) init_sidebar(v, doc) init_topmenu(v, doc) init_content(v, doc) # piwik tracking var tracker_url = v.ctx.opt_piwik_tracker.value var site_id = v.ctx.opt_piwik_site_id.value if tracker_url != null and site_id != null then self.scripts.add new TplPiwikScript(tracker_url, site_id) end return self end # FIXME diff hack # all properties below are roughly copied from `doc_pages` # Build page title string fun init_title(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel) is abstract # Build top menu template if any. fun init_topmenu(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel) do topmenu = new DocTopMenu var brand = v.ctx.opt_custom_brand.value if brand != null then var tpl = new Template tpl.add "" tpl.add brand tpl.add "" topmenu.brand = tpl end var title = "Overview" if v.ctx.opt_custom_title.value != null then title = v.ctx.opt_custom_title.value.to_s end topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link("index.html", title)) topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link("search.html", "Index")) topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.first end # Build page sidebar if any. fun init_sidebar(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel) do sidebar = new TplSidebar end # Build page content template. fun init_content(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel) do end end redef class OverviewPage redef var html_url = "index.html" redef fun init_title(v, doc) do title = "Overview" if v.ctx.opt_custom_title.value != null then title = v.ctx.opt_custom_title.value.to_s end end # TODO this should be done in StructurePhase. redef fun init_content(v, doc) do # intro text var section = new TplSection.with_title("overview", title) var article = new TplArticle("intro") if v.ctx.opt_custom_intro.value != null then article.content = v.ctx.opt_custom_intro.value.to_s end section.add_child article # Projects list var mprojects = doc.model.mprojects.to_a var sorter = new MConcernRankSorter sorter.sort mprojects var ssection = new TplSection.with_title("projects", "Projects") for mproject in mprojects do var sarticle = mproject.tpl_article sarticle.subtitle = mproject.html_declaration sarticle.content = mproject.tpl_definition var mdoc = mproject.mdoc_or_fallback if mdoc != null then sarticle.content = mdoc.tpl_short_comment end ssection.add_child sarticle end section.add_child ssection self.add_section section end redef fun init_sidebar(v, doc) do sidebar = new TplSidebar end redef class SearchPage redef var html_url = "search.html" redef fun init_title(v, doc) do title = "Index" redef fun init_topmenu(v, doc) do super topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.last end redef fun init_sidebar(v, doc) do end # TODO this should be done in StructurePhase. redef fun init_content(v, doc) do var tpl = new TplSearchPage("search_all") var section = new TplSection("search") # title tpl.title = "Index" # modules list for mmodule in modules_list(v, doc) do tpl.modules.add mmodule.html_link end # classes list for mclass in classes_list(v, doc) do tpl.classes.add mclass.html_link end # properties list for mproperty in mprops_list(v, doc) do var m = new Template m.add mproperty.intro.html_link m.add " (" m.add mproperty.intro.mclassdef.mclass.html_link m.add ")" tpl.props.add m end section.add_child tpl self.add_section section end # Extract mmodule list to display (sorted by name) private fun modules_list(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel): Array[MModule] do var sorted = new Array[MModule] for mmodule in doc.model.mmodule_importation_hierarchy do if mmodule.is_fictive or mmodule.is_test_suite then continue sorted.add mmodule end v.name_sorter.sort(sorted) return sorted end # Extract mclass list to display (sorted by name) private fun classes_list(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel): Array[MClass] do var sorted = doc.mclasses.to_a v.name_sorter.sort(sorted) return sorted end # Extract mproperty list to display (sorted by name) private fun mprops_list(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel): Array[MProperty] do var sorted = doc.mproperties.to_a v.name_sorter.sort(sorted) return sorted end end redef class MEntityPage redef var html_url is lazy do return mentity.nitdoc_url redef fun init_title(v, doc) do title = mentity.html_name redef fun init_content(v, doc) do add_section root.start_rendering(v, doc, self) end # FIXME all clases below are roughly copied from `doc_pages` and adapted to new # doc phases. This is to preserve the compatibility with the current # `doc_templates` module. redef class MGroupPage redef fun init_topmenu(v, doc) do super var mproject = mentity.mproject if not mentity.is_root then topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mproject.nitdoc_url, mproject.html_name)) end topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(html_url, mproject.html_name)) topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.last end redef fun init_sidebar(v, doc) do super var mclasses = new HashSet[MClass] mclasses.add_all intros mclasses.add_all redefs if mclasses.is_empty then return var list = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-labeled"]) var sorted = mclasses.to_a v.name_sorter.sort(sorted) for mclass in sorted do list.add_li tpl_sidebar_item(mclass) end sidebar.boxes.add new TplSideBox.with_content("All classes", list) end private fun tpl_sidebar_item(def: MClass): TplListItem do var classes = def.intro.tpl_css_classes.to_a if intros.has(def) then classes.add "intro" else classes.add "redef" end var lnk = new Template lnk.add new TplLabel.with_classes(classes) lnk.add def.html_link return new TplListItem.with_content(lnk) end end redef class MModulePage redef fun init_topmenu(v, doc) do super var mproject = mentity.mproject topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mproject.nitdoc_url, mproject.html_name)) topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mentity.nitdoc_url, mentity.html_name)) topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.last end # Class list to display in sidebar redef fun init_sidebar(v, doc) do # TODO filter here? super var mclasses = new HashSet[MClass] mclasses.add_all mentity.filter_intro_mclasses(v.ctx.min_visibility) mclasses.add_all mentity.filter_redef_mclasses(v.ctx.min_visibility) if mclasses.is_empty then return var list = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-labeled"]) var sorted = mclasses.to_a v.name_sorter.sort(sorted) for mclass in sorted do list.add_li tpl_sidebar_item(mclass) end sidebar.boxes.add new TplSideBox.with_content("All classes", list) end private fun tpl_sidebar_item(def: MClass): TplListItem do var classes = def.intro.tpl_css_classes.to_a if def.intro_mmodule == self.mentity then classes.add "intro" else classes.add "redef" end var lnk = new Template lnk.add new TplLabel.with_classes(classes) lnk.add def.html_link return new TplListItem.with_content(lnk) end end redef class MClassPage redef fun init_topmenu(v, doc) do super var mproject = mentity.intro_mmodule.mgroup.mproject topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mproject.nitdoc_url, mproject.html_name)) topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(html_url, mentity.html_name)) topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.last end redef fun init_sidebar(v, doc) do super var by_kind = new PropertiesByKind.with_elements(mclass_inherited_mprops(v, doc)) var summary = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled"]) by_kind.sort_groups(v.name_sorter) for g in by_kind.groups do tpl_sidebar_list(g, summary) sidebar.boxes.add new TplSideBox.with_content("All properties", summary) end private fun tpl_sidebar_list(mprops: PropertyGroup[MProperty], summary: TplList) do if mprops.is_empty then return var entry = new TplListItem.with_content(mprops.title) var list = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-labeled"]) for mprop in mprops do list.add_li tpl_sidebar_item(mprop) end entry.append list summary.elts.add entry end private fun tpl_sidebar_item(mprop: MProperty): TplListItem do var classes = mprop.intro.tpl_css_classes.to_a if not mprop_is_local(mprop) then classes.add "inherit" var cls_url = mprop.intro.mclassdef.mclass.nitdoc_url var def_url = "{cls_url}#{mprop.nitdoc_id}" var lnk = new TplLink(def_url, mprop.html_name) var mdoc = mprop.intro.mdoc_or_fallback if mdoc != null then lnk.title = mdoc.short_comment var item = new Template item.add new TplLabel.with_classes(classes) item.add lnk return new TplListItem.with_content(item) end if mpropdefs.has(mprop.intro) then classes.add "intro" else classes.add "redef" end var lnk = new Template lnk.add new TplLabel.with_classes(classes) lnk.add mprop.html_link_to_anchor return new TplListItem.with_content(lnk) end private fun mclass_inherited_mprops(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel): Set[MProperty] do var res = new HashSet[MProperty] var local = mentity.local_mproperties(v.ctx.min_visibility) for mprop in mentity.inherited_mproperties(doc.mainmodule, v.ctx.min_visibility) do if local.has(mprop) then continue #if mprop isa MMethod and mprop.is_init then continue if mprop.intro.mclassdef.mclass.name == "Object" and (mprop.visibility == protected_visibility or mprop.intro.mclassdef.mmodule.name != "kernel") then continue res.add mprop end res.add_all local return res end private fun mprop_is_local(mprop: MProperty): Bool do for mpropdef in mprop.mpropdefs do if self.mpropdefs.has(mpropdef) then return true end return false end end redef class MPropertyPage redef fun init_title(v, doc) do title = "{mentity.html_name}{mentity.tpl_signature.write_to_string}" end redef fun init_topmenu(v, doc) do super var mmodule = mentity.intro_mclassdef.mmodule var mproject = mmodule.mgroup.mproject var mclass = mentity.intro_mclassdef.mclass topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mproject.nitdoc_url, mproject.html_name)) topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(mclass.nitdoc_url, mclass.html_name)) topmenu.add_li new ListItem(new Link(html_url, mentity.html_name)) topmenu.active_item = topmenu.items.last end end redef class DocComposite # Render this DocComposite as HTML. # # FIXME needed to maintain TplSection compatibility. fun render(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel, page: MEntityPage, parent: TplSectionElt) is abstract end redef class DocRoot # Start the rendering from root. # # FIXME needed to maintain TplSection compatibility. fun start_rendering(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel, page: MEntityPage): TplSection do var section = new TplSection("top") var mentity = page.mentity section.title = mentity.html_name section.subtitle = mentity.html_declaration # FIXME ugly hack to avoid diff if mentity isa MGroup and mentity.is_root then section.title = mentity.mproject.html_name section.subtitle = mentity.mproject.html_declaration else if mentity isa MProperty then section.title = "{mentity.html_name}{mentity.intro.tpl_signature.write_to_string}" section.subtitle = mentity.html_namespace section.summary_title = mentity.html_name end render(v, doc, page, section) return section end redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, parent) end end end redef class ConcernSection redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var section = new TplSection(mentity.nitdoc_id) var mentity = self.mentity # FIXME hideous hacks to avoid diff if page.mentity isa MModule and mentity isa MModule then render_concern_mmodule(page, section, mentity) else if page.mentity isa MClass and mentity isa MModule then render_concern_other(page, section, mentity) else if page.mentity isa MProperty and mentity isa MModule then render_concern_other(page, section, mentity) end for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, section) end parent.add_child section end private fun render_concern_mmodule(page: MEntityPage, section: TplSection, mmodule: MModule) do var title = new Template if mmodule == page.mentity then title.add "in " section.summary_title = "in {mmodule.html_name}" else title.add "from " section.summary_title = "from {mmodule.html_name}" end title.add mmodule.html_namespace section.title = title end private fun render_concern_other(page: MEntityPage, section: TplSection, mmodule: MModule) do var title = new Template title.add "in " title.add mmodule.html_namespace section.title = title section.summary_title = "in {mmodule.html_name}" end end redef class MEntitySection redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, parent) end end redef class IntroArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var article = new TplArticle("intro") var mentity = self.mentity if mentity isa MModule then article.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.location) else if mentity isa MClassDef then article.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.location) else if mentity isa MPropDef then article.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.location) end # article.subtitle = mentity.html_declaration # FIXME diff hack if mentity isa MProperty then # intro title var ns = mentity.intro.mclassdef.mmodule.html_namespace var section = new TplSection("intro") var title = new Template title.add "Introduction in " title.add ns section.title = title section.summary_title = "Introduction" var intro = mentity.intro.tpl_article intro.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.intro.location) section.add_child intro parent.add_child section else article.content = mentity.tpl_definition parent.add_child article end end end redef class ConcernsArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do # FIXME diff hack var title = "concerns" if page.mentity isa MProperty then title = "Concerns" parent.add_child new TplArticle. with_content(title, "Concerns", concerns.to_tpl) end end redef class DefinitionArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var article: TplArticle var mentity = self.mentity # FIXME hideous hacks... if mentity isa MModule then article = mentity.tpl_article article.subtitle = mentity.html_declaration article.content = mentity.tpl_definition else if mentity isa MClass then article = make_mclass_article(v, page) else if mentity isa MClassDef then article = make_mclassdef_article(v, page) article.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.location) else if mentity isa MPropDef and page.mentity isa MClass then article = make_mpropdef_article(v, doc, page) else article = mentity.tpl_article article.subtitle = mentity.html_declaration if mentity isa MPropDef then article.source_link = v.tpl_showsource(mentity.location) end if not mentity isa MVirtualTypeProp then # article.content = mentity.tpl_comment end end for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, article) end parent.add_child article end # FIXME avoid diff while preserving TplArticle compatibility. private fun make_mclass_article(v: RenderHTMLPhase, page: MEntityPage): TplArticle do var article = mentity.tpl_article article.subtitle = mentity.html_namespace article.content = null return article end private fun make_mclassdef_article(v: RenderHTMLPhase, page: MEntityPage): TplArticle do var mclassdef = mentity.as(MClassDef) var article = mentity.tpl_article if mclassdef.is_intro and mclassdef.mmodule != page.mentity then article = mentity.tpl_short_article end var title = new Template title.add "in " title.add mclassdef.mmodule.html_namespace article.subtitle = title return article end private fun make_mpropdef_article(v: RenderHTMLPhase, doc: DocModel, page: MEntityPage): TplArticle do var mpropdef = mentity.as(MPropDef) var mprop = mpropdef.mproperty var article = new TplArticle(mprop.nitdoc_id) var title = new Template title.add mprop.tpl_icon title.add "" if mpropdef.is_intro then title.add mprop.html_link title.add mprop.intro.tpl_signature else var cls_url = mprop.intro.mclassdef.mclass.nitdoc_url var def_url = "{cls_url}#{mprop.nitdoc_id}" var lnk = new TplLink.with_title(def_url, mprop.html_name, "Go to introduction") title.add "redef " title.add lnk end article.title = title article.title_classes.add "signature" article.summary_title = "{mprop.html_name}" article.subtitle = mpropdef.html_namespace if mpropdef.mdoc_or_fallback != null then article.content = mpropdef.mdoc_or_fallback.tpl_comment end # TODO move in its own phase? let's see after doc_template refactoring. # Add linearization var all_defs = new HashSet[MPropDef] for local_def in local_defs(page.as(MClassPage), mprop) do all_defs.add local_def var smpropdef = local_def while not smpropdef.is_intro do smpropdef = smpropdef.lookup_next_definition( doc.mainmodule, smpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype) all_defs.add smpropdef end end var lin = all_defs.to_a doc.mainmodule.linearize_mpropdefs(lin) if lin.length > 1 then var lin_article = new TplArticle("{mpropdef.nitdoc_id}.lin") lin_article.title = "Inheritance" var lst = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-labeled"]) for smpropdef in lin do lst.add_li smpropdef.tpl_inheritance_item end lin_article.content = lst article.add_child lin_article end return article end # Filter `page.mpropdefs` for this `mpropertie`. # # FIXME compatability with current templates. private fun local_defs(page: MClassPage, mproperty: MProperty): HashSet[MPropDef] do var mpropdefs = new HashSet[MPropDef] for mpropdef in page.mpropdefs do if mpropdef.mproperty == mproperty then mpropdefs.add mpropdef end end return mpropdefs end end redef class IntrosRedefsListArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do if mentities.is_empty then return var title = list_title # FIXME diff hack var id = "intros" if title == "Redefines" then id = "redefs" var article = new TplArticle.with_title("{mentity.nitdoc_id}.{id}", title) var list = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-labeled"]) for mentity in mentities do list.add_li mentity.tpl_list_item end article.content = list parent.add_child article end end # FIXME compatibility with doc_templates. redef class ImportationListSection redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var section = new TplSection.with_title("dependencies", "Dependencies") for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, section) end parent.add_child section end end # FIXME compatibility with doc_templates. redef class InheritanceListSection redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var section = new TplSection.with_title("inheritance", "Inheritance") for child in children do child.render(v, doc, page, section) end parent.add_child section end end # FIXME compatibility with doc_templates. redef class HierarchyListArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do if mentities.is_empty then return var title = list_title var id = list_title.to_lower var article = new TplArticle.with_title(id, title) var list = new TplList.with_classes(["list-unstyled", "list-definition"]) for mentity in mentities do list.elts.add mentity.tpl_list_item end article.content = list parent.add_child article end end redef class GraphArticle redef fun render(v, doc, page, parent) do var output_dir = v.ctx.output_dir var path = output_dir / id var path_sh = path.escape_to_sh var file = new FileWriter.open("{path}.dot") file.write(dot) file.close sys.system("\{ test -f {path_sh}.png && test -f {path_sh}.s.dot && diff -- {path_sh}.dot {path_sh}.s.dot >/dev/null 2>&1 ; \} || \{ cp -- {path_sh}.dot {path_sh}.s.dot && dot -Tpng -o{path_sh}.png -Tcmapx -o{path_sh}.map {path_sh}.s.dot ; \}") var fmap = new FileReader.open("{path}.map") var map = fmap.read_all fmap.close var article = new TplArticle("graph") var alt = "" # FIXME diff hack # if title != null then # article.title = title # alt = "alt='{title.html_escape}'" # end article.css_classes.add "text-center" var content = new Template var name_html = id.html_escape content.add "" content.add map article.content = content parent.add_child article end end