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"full_name": "test_prog$Game" }], "intro_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }], "redef_mclassdefs": [], "imports": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::rpg" }] } { "name": "platform", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::platform", "mdoc": { "content": "Declares base types allowed on the platform.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 16, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 17, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 59, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>platform>" }, "intro_mclasses": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::Object" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Float" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Bool" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::String" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::List" }], "mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Object" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Int" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Float" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Bool" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$String" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$List" }], "intro_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Object" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Int" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Float" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Bool" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$String" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$List" }], "redef_mclassdefs": [], "imports": [] } { "name": "careers", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::careers", "mdoc": { "content": "Careers of the game.\n\nAll characters can have a `Career`.\nA character can also quit its current career and start a new one.\n\nAvailable careers:\n\n * `Warrior`\n * `Magician`\n * `Alcoholic`", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 25, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 3, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 69, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "intro_mclasses": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::Career" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Warrior" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Magician" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Alcoholic" }], "mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Career" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Warrior" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Magician" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Alcoholic" }], "intro_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Career" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Warrior" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Magician" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Alcoholic" }], "redef_mclassdefs": [], "imports": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::platform" }] } { "name": "character", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::character", "mdoc": { "content": "Characters are playable entity in the world.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 16, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 3, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 68, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "intro_mclasses": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::Character" }], "mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Character" }], "intro_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Character" }], "redef_mclassdefs": [], "imports": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::races" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::careers" }] } { "name": "combat", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::combat", "mdoc": { "content": "COmbat interactions between characters.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 16, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 3, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 67, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "intro_mclasses": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::Weapon" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable" }], "mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Weapon" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Character" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Dwarf" }], "intro_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog$Weapon" }, { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }], "redef_mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Character" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Dwarf" }], "imports": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::character" }] } { "name": "races", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::races", "mdoc": { "content": "Races of the game.\n\nAll characters belong to a `Race`.\n\nAvailable races:\n\n * `Human`\n * `Dwarf`\n * `Elf`", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 24, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 3, "column_start": 1, 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"location": { "column_end": 13, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 21, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "intro_mclasses": [], "mclassdefs": [], "intro_mclassdefs": [], "redef_mclassdefs": [], "imports": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }] } { "name": "test_prog", "class_name": "MModule", "full_name": "test_prog::test_prog", "mdoc": { "content": "A test program with a fake model to check model tools.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 16, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["module"], "location": { "column_end": 13, "column_start": 1, "line_end": 26, "line_start": 15, "file": "test_location" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>" }, "intro_mclasses": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::Starter" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::Sys" }], "mclassdefs": [{ "full_name": 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