# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2013 Matthieu Lucas # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Socket services module socket private import socket_c intrude import standard::stream # A general TCP socket, either a `TCPStream` or a `TCPServer` abstract class Socket # Underlying C socket private var socket: NativeSocket is noinit # Port used by the socket var port: Int # IPv4 address to which `self` is connected # # Formatted as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. var address: String is noinit # Is this socket closed? var closed = false end # Simple communication stream with a remote socket class TCPStream super Socket super BufferedReader super Writer super PollableReader # Real canonical name of the host to which `self` is connected var host: String private var addrin: NativeSocketAddrIn is noinit redef var end_reached = false # TODO make init private # Creates a socket connection to host `host` on port `port` init connect(host: String, port: Int) do _buffer = new NativeString(1024) _buffer_pos = 0 socket = new NativeSocket.socket(new NativeSocketAddressFamilies.af_inet, new NativeSocketTypes.sock_stream, new NativeSocketProtocolFamilies.pf_null) if socket.address_is_null then end_reached = true closed = true return end if not socket.setsockopt(new NativeSocketOptLevels.socket, new NativeSocketOptNames.reuseaddr, 1) then end_reached = true closed = true return end var hostname = socket.gethostbyname(host) addrin = new NativeSocketAddrIn.with_hostent(hostname, port) address = addrin.address init(addrin.port, hostname.h_name) closed = not internal_connect end_reached = closed end # Creates a client socket, this is meant to be used by accept only private init server_side(h: SocketAcceptResult) do _buffer = new NativeString(1024) _buffer_pos = 0 socket = h.socket addrin = h.addr_in address = addrin.address init(addrin.port, address) end redef fun poll_in do return ready_to_read(0) # Returns an array containing an enum of the events ready to be read # # event_types : Combination of several event types to watch # # timeout : Time in milliseconds before stopping listening for events on this socket private fun pollin(event_types: Array[NativeSocketPollValues], timeout: Int): Array[NativeSocketPollValues] do if end_reached then return new Array[NativeSocketPollValues] return socket.socket_poll(new PollFD(socket.descriptor, event_types), timeout) end # Easier use of pollin to check for something to read on all channels of any priority # # timeout : Time in milliseconds before stopping to wait for events fun ready_to_read(timeout: Int): Bool do if _buffer_pos < _buffer_length then return true if end_reached then return false var events = [new NativeSocketPollValues.pollin] return pollin(events, timeout).length != 0 end # Checks if the socket still is connected fun connected: Bool do if closed then return false var events = [new NativeSocketPollValues.pollhup, new NativeSocketPollValues.pollerr] if pollin(events, 0).length == 0 then return true else closed = true return false end end redef fun is_writable do return not end_reached # Establishes a connection to socket addrin # # REQUIRES : not self.end_reached private fun internal_connect: Bool do assert not closed return socket.connect(addrin) >= 0 end # If socket.end_reached, nothing will happen redef fun write(msg: Text) do if closed then return socket.write(msg.to_s) end redef fun write_byte(value) do if closed then return socket.write_byte value end redef fun write_bytes(s) do if closed then return socket.write(s.to_s) end fun write_ln(msg: Text) do if end_reached then return write(msg.to_s) write("\n") end redef fun fill_buffer do _buffer_length = 0 _buffer_pos = 0 if not connected then return var read = socket.read if read.length == 0 then close end_reached = true end enlarge(_buffer_capacity + read.length) read.copy_to_native(_buffer, read.length, 0, 0) _buffer_length = read.length end fun enlarge(len: Int) do if _buffer_capacity >= len then return while _buffer_capacity < len do _buffer_capacity *= 2 var ns = new NativeString(_buffer_capacity) _buffer.copy_to(ns, _buffer_length - _buffer_pos, _buffer_pos, 0) _buffer = ns end redef fun close do if closed then return if socket.close >= 0 then closed = true end_reached = true end end # Send the data present in the socket buffer fun flush do if not socket.setsockopt(new NativeSocketOptLevels.tcp, new NativeSocketOptNames.tcp_nodelay, 1) or not socket.setsockopt(new NativeSocketOptLevels.tcp, new NativeSocketOptNames.tcp_nodelay, 0) then closed = true end end end # A socket listening on a given `port` for incomming connections # # Create streams to communicate with clients using `accept`. class TCPServer super Socket private var addrin: NativeSocketAddrIn is noinit # Create and bind a listening server socket on port `port` init do socket = new NativeSocket.socket(new NativeSocketAddressFamilies.af_inet, new NativeSocketTypes.sock_stream, new NativeSocketProtocolFamilies.pf_null) assert not socket.address_is_null if not socket.setsockopt(new NativeSocketOptLevels.socket, new NativeSocketOptNames.reuseaddr, 1) then closed = true return end addrin = new NativeSocketAddrIn.with_port(port, new NativeSocketAddressFamilies.af_inet) address = addrin.address # Bind it closed = not bind end # Associates the socket to a local address and port # # Returns whether the socket has been be bound. private fun bind: Bool do return socket.bind(addrin) >= 0 end # Sets the socket as ready to accept incoming connections, `size` is the maximum number of queued clients # # Returns `true` if the socket could be set, `false` otherwise fun listen(size: Int): Bool do return socket.listen(size) >= 0 end # Accepts an incoming connection from a client # # Create and return a new socket to the client. May return null if not # `blocking` and there's no waiting clients, or upon an interruption # (whether `blocking` or not). # # Require: not closed fun accept: nullable TCPStream do assert not closed var native = socket.accept if native == null then return null return new TCPStream.server_side(native) end # Set whether calls to `accept` are blocking fun blocking=(value: Bool) do # We use the opposite from the native version as the native API # is closer to the C API. In the Nity API, we use a positive version # of the name. socket.non_blocking = not value end # Close this socket fun close do # FIXME unify with `SocketStream::close` when we can use qualified names if closed then return if socket.close >= 0 then closed = true end end end # A simple set of sockets used by `SocketObserver` class SocketSet private var native = new NativeSocketSet init do clear # Add `socket` to this set fun add(socket: Socket) do native.set(socket.socket) # Remove `socket` from this set fun remove(socket: Socket) do native.clear(socket.socket) # Does this set has `socket`? fun has(socket: Socket): Bool do return native.is_set(socket.socket) # Clear all sockets from this set fun clear do native.zero end # Service class to manage calls to `select` class SocketObserver private var native = new NativeSocketObserver var read_set: nullable SocketSet = null var write_set: nullable SocketSet = null var except_set: nullable SocketSet = null init(read: Bool, write: Bool, except: Bool) is old_style_init do if read then read_set = new SocketSet if write then write_set = new SocketSet if except then except_set = new SocketSet end fun select(max: Socket, seconds: Int, microseconds: Int): Bool do # FIXME this implementation (see the call to nullable attributes below) and # `NativeSockectObserver::select` is not stable. var timeval = new NativeTimeval(seconds, microseconds) return native.select(max.socket, read_set.native, write_set.native, except_set.native, timeval) > 0 end end