# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Low-level write in MessagePack format to `Writer` streams module write import binary redef class Writer # Write `null`, or nil, in MessagePack format fun write_msgpack_null do write_byte 0xC0u8 # Write `bool` in MessagePack format fun write_msgpack_bool(bool: Bool) do write_byte(if bool then 0xC3u8 else 0xC2u8) # --- # Integers # Write the integer `value` either as the shortest possible MessagePack _int_ fun write_msgpack_int(value: Int) do if value >= -0x20 and value <= 0x7F then write_msgpack_fixint value else if value >= 0 then if value <= 0xFF then write_msgpack_uint8 value else if value <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_uint16 value else if value <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_uint32 value else #if value <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_uint64 value end else if value >= -128 then write_msgpack_int8 value else if value >= -32768 then write_msgpack_int16 value else if value >= -2147483648 then write_msgpack_int32 value else write_msgpack_int64 value end end # Write `value` as a single byte with metadata # # Require: `value >= -0x20 and value <= 0x7F` fun write_msgpack_fixint(value: Int) do assert value >= -0x20 and value <= 0x7F write_byte value.to_b end # Write `value` over one unsigned byte, following 1 metadata byte # # Require: `value >= 0x00 and value <= 0xFF` fun write_msgpack_uint8(value: Int) do write_byte 0xCCu8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=1) end # Write `value` over two unsigned bytes, following 1 metadata byte # # Require: `value >= 0x00 and value <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_uint16(value: Int) do write_byte 0xCDu8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) end # Write `value` over 4 unsigned bytes, following 1 metadata byte # # Require: `value >= 0x00 and value <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_uint32(value: Int) do write_byte 0xCEu8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) end # Write `value` over 8 unsigned bytes, following 1 metadata byte # # Require: `value >= 0x00 and value <= 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_uint64(value: Int) do write_byte 0xCFu8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=8) end # Write `value` over one signed byte, following 1 metadata byte # # Require: `value >= -128 and value <= 127` fun write_msgpack_int8(value: Int) do write_byte 0xD0u8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=1) end # Write `value` over two signed bytes, following 1 metadata byte fun write_msgpack_int16(value: Int) do write_byte 0xD1u8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) end # Write `value` over 4 signed bytes, following 1 metadata byte fun write_msgpack_int32(value: Int) do write_byte 0xD2u8 write_bytes value.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) end # Write `value` over 8 signed bytes, following 1 metadata byte fun write_msgpack_int64(value: Int) do write_byte 0xD3u8 write_int64 value end # --- # Floats # Write `value` as a MessagePack float (losing precision) fun write_msgpack_float(value: Float) do write_byte 0xCAu8 write_float value end # Write `value` as a MessagePack double fun write_msgpack_double(value: Float) do write_byte 0xCBu8 write_double value end # --- # Strings # Write `text` in the shortest possible MessagePack format # # Require: `text.byte_length <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_str(text: Text) do var len = text.byte_length if len <= 0x1F then write_msgpack_fixstr text else if len <= 0xFF then write_msgpack_str8 text else if len <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_str16 text else if len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_str32 text else abort end end # Write `text` in _fixstr_ format, max of 0x1F bytes # # Require: `text.byte_length <= 0x1F` fun write_msgpack_fixstr(text: Text) do var len = text.byte_length assert len <= 0x1F var b = 0b1010_0000u8 | len.to_b write_byte b write text end # Write `text` in _str8_ format, max of 0xFF bytes # # Require: `text.byte_length <= 0xFF` fun write_msgpack_str8(text: Text) do var len = text.byte_length assert len <= 0xFF write_byte 0xD9u8 write_byte len.to_b write text end # Write `text` in _str16_ format, max of 0xFFFF bytes # # Require: `text.byte_length <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_str16(text: Text) do var len = text.byte_length assert len <= 0xFFFF write_byte 0xDAu8 var len_bytes = len.to_bytes write_byte len_bytes[0] write_byte if len_bytes.length > 1 then len_bytes[1] else 0u8 write text end # Write `text` in _str32_ format, max of 0xFFFF_FFFF bytes # # Require: `text.byte_length <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_str32(text: Text) do var len = text.byte_length assert len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF write_byte 0xDBu8 var len_bytes = len.to_bytes write_byte len_bytes[0] for i in [1..4[ do write_byte if len_bytes.length > i then len_bytes[i] else 0u8 end write text end # --- # Binary data # Write `data` in the shortest possible MessagePack _bin_ format # # Require: `data.length <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_bin(data: Bytes) do var len = data.length if len <= 0xFF then write_msgpack_bin8 data else if len <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_bin16 data else if len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_bin32 data else abort end # Write `data` in _bin8_ format, max of 0xFF bytes # # Require: `data.length <= 0xFF` fun write_msgpack_bin8(data: Bytes) do var len = data.length assert len <= 0xFF write_byte 0xC4u8 write_byte len.to_b write_bytes data end # Write `data` in _bin16_ format, max of 0xFFFF bytes # # Require: `data.length <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_bin16(data: Bytes) do var len = data.length assert len <= 0xFFFF write_byte 0xC5u8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) write_bytes data end # Write `data` in _bin32_ format, max of 0xFFFF_FFFF bytes # # Require: `data.length <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_bin32(data: Bytes) do var len = data.length assert len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF write_byte 0xC6u8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) write_bytes data end # --- # Arrays # Write an array header for `len` items in the shortest possible MessagePack _array_ format # # After writing the header, clients should write the array items. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_array(len: Int) do if len <= 0x0F then write_msgpack_fixarray len else if len <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_array16 len else if len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_array32 len else abort end end # Write an array header for `len` items, max of 0x0F items # # After writing the header, clients should write the array items. # # Require: `len <= 0x0F` fun write_msgpack_fixarray(len: Int) do assert len <= 0x0F write_byte 0b1001_0000u8 | len.to_b end # Write an array header for `len` items, max of 0xFFFF items # # After writing the header, clients should write the array items. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_array16(len: Int) do assert len <= 0xFFFF write_byte 0xDCu8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) end # Write an array header for `len` items, max of 0xFFFF_FFFF items # # After writing the header, clients should write the array items. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_array32(len: Int) do assert len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF write_byte 0xDDu8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) end # --- # Map # Write a map header for `len` keys/value pairs in the shortest possible MessagePack _map_ format # # After writing the header, clients should write the map data, alternating # between keys and values. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_map(len: Int) do if len <= 0x0F then write_msgpack_fixmap len else if len <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_map16 len else if len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_map32 len else abort end end # Write a map header for `len` key/value pairs, max of 0x0F pairs # # After writing the header, clients should write the map data, alternating # between keys and values. # # Require: `len <= 0x0F` fun write_msgpack_fixmap(len: Int) do assert len <= 0x0F write_byte 0b1000_0000u8 | len.to_b end # Write a map header for `len` key/value pairs, max of 0xFFFF pairs # # After writing the header, clients should write the map data, alternating # between keys and values. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_map16(len: Int) do assert len <= 0xFFFF write_byte 0xDEu8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) end # Write a map header for `len` key/value pairs, max of 0xFFFF_FFFF pairs # # After writing the header, clients should write the map data, alternating # between keys and values. # # Require: `len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_map32(len: Int) do assert len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF write_byte 0xDFu8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) end # --- # Ext # Write an application-specific extension for `typ` and `bytes` in the shortest possible MessagePack _ext_ format # # Require: `bytes.length <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` # # ~~~ # var writer = new BytesWriter # writer.write_msgpack_ext(0x0Au8, b"\x0B\x0C\x0D") # assert writer.bytes == b"\xC7\x03\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D" # ~~~ fun write_msgpack_ext(typ: Byte, bytes: Bytes) do var len = bytes.length if len == 1 then write_msgpack_fixext1 typ write_byte bytes.first else if len == 2 then write_msgpack_fixext2 typ write_bytes bytes else if len == 4 then write_msgpack_fixext4 typ write_bytes bytes else if len == 8 then write_msgpack_fixext8 typ write_bytes bytes else if len == 16 then write_msgpack_fixext16 typ write_bytes bytes else if len <= 0xFF then write_msgpack_ext8(typ, len) write_bytes bytes else if len <= 0xFFFF then write_msgpack_ext16(typ, len) write_bytes bytes else if len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF then write_msgpack_ext32(typ, len) write_bytes bytes else abort end end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of one data byte # # After writing the header, clients should write the data byte. fun write_msgpack_fixext1(typ: Byte) do write_byte 0xD4u8 write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of two data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the two data bytes. fun write_msgpack_fixext2(typ: Byte) do write_byte 0xD5u8 write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of 4 data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the 4 data bytes. fun write_msgpack_fixext4(typ: Byte) do write_byte 0xD6u8 write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of 8 data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the 8 data bytes. fun write_msgpack_fixext8(typ: Byte) do write_byte 0xD7u8 write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of 16 data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the 16 data bytes. fun write_msgpack_fixext16(typ: Byte) do write_byte 0xD8u8 write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of `len` data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the data bytes. # # Require: `len >= 0 and <= 0xFF` fun write_msgpack_ext8(typ: Byte, len: Int) do assert len >= 0 and len <= 0xFF write_byte 0xC7u8 write_byte len.to_b write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of `len` data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the data bytes. # # Require: `len >= 0 and <= 0xFFFF` fun write_msgpack_ext16(typ: Byte, len: Int) do assert len >= 0 and len <= 0xFFFF write_byte 0xC8u8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=2) write_byte typ end # Write the header for an application-specific extension of `len` data bytes # # After writing the header, clients should write the data bytes. # # Require: `len >= 0 and <= 0xFFFF_FFFF` fun write_msgpack_ext32(typ: Byte, len: Int) do assert len >= 0 and len <= 0xFFFF_FFFF write_byte 0xC9u8 write_bytes len.to_bytes(n_bytes=4) write_byte typ end # TODO timestamps end