# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2004-2008 Jean Privat # Copyright 2008 Floréal Morandat # Copyright 2008 Jean-Sébastien Gélinas # # This file is free software, which comes along with NIT. This software is # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You can modify it is you want, provided this header # is kept unaltered, and a notification of the changes is added. # You are allowed to redistribute it and sell it, alone or is a part of # another product. # File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.) module file intrude import stream intrude import string import string_search import time in "C Header" `{ #include #include #include #include #include `} # File Abstract Stream abstract class FStream super IOS # The path of the file. var path: nullable String = null # The FILE *. var _file: nullable NativeFile = null fun file_stat: FileStat do return _file.file_stat end end # File input stream class IFStream super FStream super BufferedIStream # Misc # Open the same file again. # The original path is reused, therefore the reopened file can be a different file. fun reopen do if not eof then close _file = new NativeFile.io_open_read(path.to_cstring) end_reached = false _buffer_pos = 0 _buffer.clear end redef fun close do var i = _file.io_close end_reached = true end redef fun fill_buffer do var nb = _file.io_read(_buffer.items, _buffer.capacity) if nb <= 0 then end_reached = true nb = 0 end _buffer.length = nb _buffer_pos = 0 end # End of file? redef var end_reached: Bool = false # Open the file at `path` for reading. init open(path: String) do self.path = path prepare_buffer(10) _file = new NativeFile.io_open_read(path.to_cstring) assert not _file.address_is_null else print "Error: Opening file at '{path}' failed with '{sys.errno.strerror}'" end end private init do end private init without_file do end end # File output stream class OFStream super FStream super OStream redef fun write(s) do assert _writable write_native(s.to_cstring, s.length) end redef fun is_writable do return _writable redef fun close do var i = _file.io_close _writable = false end # Is the file open in write mode var _writable: Bool # Write `len` bytes from `native`. private fun write_native(native: NativeString, len: Int) do assert _writable var err = _file.io_write(native, len) if err != len then # Big problem printn("Problem in writing : ", err, " ", len, "\n") end end # Open the file at `path` for writing. init open(path: String) do _file = new NativeFile.io_open_write(path.to_cstring) assert not _file.address_is_null else print "Error: Opening file at '{path}' failed with '{sys.errno.strerror}'" end self.path = path _writable = true end private init do end private init without_file do end end ############################################################################### class Stdin super IFStream super PollableIStream private init do _file = new NativeFile.native_stdin path = "/dev/stdin" prepare_buffer(1) end redef fun poll_in: Bool is extern "file_stdin_poll_in" end class Stdout super OFStream private init do _file = new NativeFile.native_stdout path = "/dev/stdout" _writable = true end end class Stderr super OFStream private init do _file = new NativeFile.native_stderr path = "/dev/stderr" _writable = true end end ############################################################################### redef class Streamable # Like `write_to` but take care of creating the file fun write_to_file(filepath: String) do var stream = new OFStream.open(filepath) write_to(stream) stream.close end end redef class String # return true if a file with this names exists fun file_exists: Bool do return to_cstring.file_exists # The status of a file. see POSIX stat(2). fun file_stat: FileStat do return to_cstring.file_stat # The status of a file or of a symlink. see POSIX lstat(2). fun file_lstat: FileStat do return to_cstring.file_lstat # Remove a file, return true if success fun file_delete: Bool do return to_cstring.file_delete # Copy content of file at `self` to `dest` fun file_copy_to(dest: String) do var input = new IFStream.open(self) var output = new OFStream.open(dest) while not input.eof do var buffer = input.read(1024) output.write buffer end input.close output.close end # Remove the trailing extension `ext`. # # `ext` usually starts with a dot but could be anything. # # assert "file.txt".strip_extension(".txt") == "file" # assert "file.txt".strip_extension("le.txt") == "fi" # assert "file.txt".strip_extension("xt") == "file.t" # # if `ext` is not present, `self` is returned unmodified. # # assert "file.txt".strip_extension(".tar.gz") == "file.txt" fun strip_extension(ext: String): String do if has_suffix(ext) then return substring(0, length - ext.length) end return self end # Extract the basename of a path and remove the extension # # assert "/path/to/a_file.ext".basename(".ext") == "a_file" # assert "path/to/a_file.ext".basename(".ext") == "a_file" # assert "path/to".basename(".ext") == "to" # assert "path/to/".basename(".ext") == "to" # assert "path".basename("") == "path" # assert "/path".basename("") == "path" # assert "/".basename("") == "/" # assert "".basename("") == "" fun basename(ext: String): String do var l = length - 1 # Index of the last char while l > 0 and self.chars[l] == '/' do l -= 1 # remove all trailing `/` if l == 0 then return "/" var pos = chars.last_index_of_from('/', l) var n = self if pos >= 0 then n = substring(pos+1, l-pos) end return n.strip_extension(ext) end # Extract the dirname of a path # # assert "/path/to/a_file.ext".dirname == "/path/to" # assert "path/to/a_file.ext".dirname == "path/to" # assert "path/to".dirname == "path" # assert "path/to/".dirname == "path" # assert "path".dirname == "." # assert "/path".dirname == "/" # assert "/".dirname == "/" # assert "".dirname == "." fun dirname: String do var l = length - 1 # Index of the last char while l > 0 and self.chars[l] == '/' do l -= 1 # remove all trailing `/` var pos = chars.last_index_of_from('/', l) if pos > 0 then return substring(0, pos) else if pos == 0 then return "/" else return "." end end # Return the canonicalized absolute pathname (see POSIX function `realpath`) fun realpath: String do var cs = to_cstring.file_realpath var res = cs.to_s_with_copy # cs.free_malloc # FIXME memory leak return res end # Simplify a file path by remove useless ".", removing "//", and resolving ".." # ".." are not resolved if they start the path # starting "/" is not removed # trainling "/" is removed # # Note that the method only wonrk on the string: # * no I/O access is performed # * the validity of the path is not checked # # assert "some/./complex/../../path/from/../to/a////file//".simplify_path == "path/to/a/file" # assert "../dir/file".simplify_path == "../dir/file" # assert "dir/../../".simplify_path == ".." # assert "dir/..".simplify_path == "." # assert "//absolute//path/".simplify_path == "/absolute/path" fun simplify_path: String do var a = self.split_with("/") var a2 = new Array[String] for x in a do if x == "." then continue if x == "" and not a2.is_empty then continue if x == ".." and not a2.is_empty and a2.last != ".." then a2.pop continue end a2.push(x) end if a2.is_empty then return "." return a2.join("/") end # Correctly join two path using the directory separator. # # Using a standard "{self}/{path}" does not work when `self` is the empty string. # This method ensure that the join is valid. # # assert "hello".join_path("world") == "hello/world" # assert "hel/lo".join_path("wor/ld") == "hel/lo/wor/ld" # assert "".join_path("world") == "world" # assert "/hello".join_path("/world") == "/world" # # Note: you may want to use `simplify_path` on the result # # Note: I you want to join a great number of path, you can write # # [p1, p2, p3, p4].join("/") fun join_path(path: String): String do if path.is_empty then return self if self.is_empty then return path if path.chars[0] == '/' then return path return "{self}/{path}" end # Create a directory (and all intermediate directories if needed) fun mkdir do var dirs = self.split_with("/") var path = new FlatBuffer if dirs.is_empty then return if dirs[0].is_empty then # it was a starting / path.add('/') end for d in dirs do if d.is_empty then continue path.append(d) path.add('/') path.to_s.to_cstring.file_mkdir end end # Change the current working directory # # "/etc".chdir # assert getcwd == "/etc" # "..".chdir # assert getcwd == "/" # # TODO: errno fun chdir do to_cstring.file_chdir # Return right-most extension (without the dot) # # Only the last extension is returned. # There is no special case for combined extensions. # # assert "file.txt".file_extension == "txt" # assert "file.tar.gz".file_extension == "gz" # # For file without extension, `null` is returned. # Hoever, for trailing dot, `""` is returned. # # assert "file".file_extension == null # assert "file.".file_extension == "" # # The starting dot of hidden files is never considered. # # assert ".file.txt".file_extension == "txt" # assert ".file".file_extension == null fun file_extension: nullable String do var last_slash = chars.last_index_of('.') if last_slash > 0 then return substring( last_slash+1, length ) else return null end end # returns files contained within the directory represented by self fun files : Set[ String ] is extern import HashSet[String], HashSet[String].add, NativeString.to_s, String.to_cstring, HashSet[String].as(Set[String]) `{ char *dir_path; DIR *dir; dir_path = String_to_cstring( recv ); if ((dir = opendir(dir_path)) == NULL) { perror( dir_path ); exit( 1 ); } else { HashSet_of_String results; String file_name; struct dirent *de; results = new_HashSet_of_String(); while ( ( de = readdir( dir ) ) != NULL ) if ( strcmp( de->d_name, ".." ) != 0 && strcmp( de->d_name, "." ) != 0 ) { file_name = NativeString_to_s( strdup( de->d_name ) ); HashSet_of_String_add( results, file_name ); } closedir( dir ); return HashSet_of_String_as_Set_of_String( results ); } `} end redef class NativeString private fun file_exists: Bool is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_exists_0" private fun file_stat: FileStat is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_stat_0" private fun file_lstat: FileStat `{ struct stat* stat_element; int res; stat_element = malloc(sizeof(struct stat)); res = lstat(recv, stat_element); if (res == -1) return NULL; return stat_element; `} private fun file_mkdir: Bool is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_mkdir_0" private fun file_delete: Bool is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_delete_0" private fun file_chdir is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_chdir_0" private fun file_realpath: NativeString is extern "file_NativeString_realpath" end # This class is system dependent ... must reify the vfs extern class FileStat `{ struct stat * `} # Returns the permission bits of file fun mode: Int is extern "file_FileStat_FileStat_mode_0" # Returns the last access time fun atime: Int is extern "file_FileStat_FileStat_atime_0" # Returns the last status change time fun ctime: Int is extern "file_FileStat_FileStat_ctime_0" # Returns the last modification time fun mtime: Int is extern "file_FileStat_FileStat_mtime_0" # Returns the size fun size: Int is extern "file_FileStat_FileStat_size_0" # Returns true if it is a regular file (not a device file, pipe, sockect, ...) fun is_reg: Bool `{ return S_ISREG(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if it is a directory fun is_dir: Bool `{ return S_ISDIR(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if it is a character device fun is_chr: Bool `{ return S_ISCHR(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if it is a block device fun is_blk: Bool `{ return S_ISBLK(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if the type is fifo fun is_fifo: Bool `{ return S_ISFIFO(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if the type is a link fun is_lnk: Bool `{ return S_ISLNK(recv->st_mode); `} # Returns true if the type is a socket fun is_sock: Bool `{ return S_ISSOCK(recv->st_mode); `} end # Instance of this class are standard FILE * pointers private extern class NativeFile `{ FILE* `} fun io_read(buf: NativeString, len: Int): Int is extern "file_NativeFile_NativeFile_io_read_2" fun io_write(buf: NativeString, len: Int): Int is extern "file_NativeFile_NativeFile_io_write_2" fun io_close: Int is extern "file_NativeFile_NativeFile_io_close_0" fun file_stat: FileStat is extern "file_NativeFile_NativeFile_file_stat_0" new io_open_read(path: NativeString) is extern "file_NativeFileCapable_NativeFileCapable_io_open_read_1" new io_open_write(path: NativeString) is extern "file_NativeFileCapable_NativeFileCapable_io_open_write_1" new native_stdin is extern "file_NativeFileCapable_NativeFileCapable_native_stdin_0" new native_stdout is extern "file_NativeFileCapable_NativeFileCapable_native_stdout_0" new native_stderr is extern "file_NativeFileCapable_NativeFileCapable_native_stderr_0" end redef class Sys # Standard input var stdin: PollableIStream protected writable = new Stdin # Standard output var stdout: OStream protected writable = new Stdout # Standard output for errors var stderr: OStream protected writable = new Stderr end # Print `objects` on the standard output (`stdout`). protected fun printn(objects: Object...) do sys.stdout.write(objects.to_s) end # Print an `object` on the standard output (`stdout`) and add a newline. protected fun print(object: Object) do sys.stdout.write(object.to_s) sys.stdout.write("\n") end # Read a character from the standard input (`stdin`). protected fun getc: Char do return sys.stdin.read_char.ascii end # Read a line from the standard input (`stdin`). protected fun gets: String do return sys.stdin.read_line end # Return the working (current) directory protected fun getcwd: String do return file_getcwd.to_s private fun file_getcwd: NativeString is extern "string_NativeString_NativeString_file_getcwd_0"