# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A game of memory using shapes and colors # # # Features and TODO # # * [X] Various shapes, colors and sounds # * [X] 3 difficulty modes # * [X] Saved high scores # * [ ] Level selection # # The remaining issues are # # * Crappy event system # * Crappy UI element placement module memory is app_name("Memorize Shapes and Colors") app_version(0, 1, git_revision) end import mnit import app::audio import mnit::opengles1 import app::data_store import drawing # A figure to click on class Button # The place, starting from 0. # Will be used to derive the display place. var place: Int # The color of the figure var color: Color # The shape of the figure var shape: Image # The sound of the figure var sound: Sound # x-coordinate on the display var x: Float = 0.0 # y-coordinate on the display var y: Float = 0.0 # width on the display var w: Float = 0.0 # height the display var h: Float = 0.0 # Event time to live (from 1.0 downto 0.0) var ttl: Float = 0.0 # Is there a big error on the button? var error = false # The initial position (according to shuffle) var from: Pos is noinit # The current path if shuffling var path: nullable BPath = null # The second path if hard shuffling var path2: nullable BPath = null # Is there an hard shuffling? var hard = false # The optional text on the button (in the menu) var text: nullable Image = null # The color of the text var text_color: nullable Color = null # The high score on the menu button var text_max: Int = 0 # Draw on the display fun blit_on(display: Display) do if ttl > 0.0 then ttl -= 0.1 if ttl <= 0.0 then ttl = 0.0 path = path2 path2 = null if path != null then ttl = path.duration error = false end end var x = self.x var y = self.y var p = 0.0 if ttl > 0.0 then if path != null then var pos = to_pos path.update(pos, ttl) x = pos.x y = pos.y if hard then p = ttl/5.0 if path2 != null then p = 1.0 - p end end else if error then # nothing else y -= ttl * h / 10.0 end end if not app.player then p = 0.2.lerp(p, 1.0) end color.set(display, p) display.blit_centered(shape, x, y) var text = self.text if text != null then text.scale = shape.scale text_color.set(display, p) display.blit_centered(text, x, y - h/8.0) if text_max > 0 then app.blit_number(text_max, app.scale, x, y + h/8.0) end end if display isa Opengles1Display then display.reset_color end if error then app.drawing.error.scale = app.scale display.blit_centered(app.drawing.error, x, y) end end redef fun to_s do return "{place},{color},{shape},{sound}" end # Check collision fun has(x,y: Float): Bool do return (self.x - x).abs*2.0 <= w and (self.y - y).abs*2.0 <= h end # Return a new pos centered on the button fun to_pos: Pos do return new Pos(x, y) end # A rbg color class Color # red (from 0.0 to 1.0) var r: Float # green (from 0.0 to 1.0) var g: Float # blue (from 0.0 to 1.0) var b: Float # Globally change the color of the display. # The color will be used for the next blit operations. # The color of the display has to be reseted manually (see `Opengles1Display::reset_color`). fun set(display: Display, p: Float) do if display isa Opengles1Display then display.color(p.lerp(r,1.0),p.lerp(g,1.0),p.lerp(b,1.0),p.lerp(1.0,0.0)) end end end # A point in the display coordinates class Pos # x coordinate var x: Float # y coordinate var y: Float redef fun to_s do return "({x},{y})" end # A cubic Bézier path between two points with two handles. class BPath # The origin point var from: Pos # The handle of the origin point var from_handle: Pos # The handle of the destination point var to_handle: Pos # The destination point var to: Pos # The duration on the path var duration: Float # Update the coordinates of `cursor` for an absolute time to destination `ttd` fun update(cursor: Pos, ttd: Float) do var p = 1.0 - ttd / duration if p <= 0.0 then cursor.x = from.x cursor.y = from.y return end if p >= 1.1 then cursor.x = to.x cursor.y = to.y end var bx = p.cerp(from.x, from_handle.x, to_handle.x, to.x) var by = p.cerp(from.y, from_handle.y, to_handle.y, to.y) cursor.x = bx cursor.y = by end end redef class App # # Assets and resources # All the images assets var drawing = new DrawingImages # Array of all available colors for the figures var colors = new Array[Color] # Array of all available shapes for the figures var shapes = new Array[Image] # Array of all available sounds for the figures var sounds = new Array[Sound] # The sound to play on error (error) var snd_penalty: Sound is noautoinit # The sound of other ui element var snd_click: Sound is noautoinit redef fun on_create do colors.clear colors.add new Color(0.9, 0.6, 0.0) colors.add new Color(0.6, 0.0, 0.9) colors.add new Color(0.6, 0.5, 0.4) colors.add new Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) colors.add new Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.0) colors.add new Color(1.0, 0.0, 1.0) colors.add new Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) colors.add new Color(0.0, 1.0, 1.0) colors.add new Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) drawing.load_all(self) shapes.clear shapes.add drawing.circle shapes.add drawing.rect shapes.add drawing.cross shapes.add drawing.penta shapes.add drawing.star shapes.add drawing.triangle shapes.add drawing.heart shapes.add drawing.diamond shapes.add drawing.moon shapes.add drawing.spiral number_images = new NumberImages(drawing.n) sounds.clear sounds.add new Sound("bing.wav") sounds.add new Sound("boing.wav") sounds.add new Sound("cymbal.wav") sounds.add new Sound("dart.wav") sounds.add new Sound("duh.wav") sounds.add new Sound("grunt.wav") sounds.add new Sound("honkhonk.wav") sounds.add new Sound("line_end.wav") sounds.add new Sound("squishy-hit.wav") sounds.add new Sound("woodthunk.wav") sounds.add new Sound("whip.wav") snd_penalty = new Sound("penalty.wav") snd_click = new Sound("click.wav") # Force load the sounds. Required because bug #1728 for s in sounds do s.load snd_penalty.load is_menu = data_store["game"] != true mode = data_int("mode") or else 0 current_level = data_int("level") or else 0 max_levels[0] = data_int("max_0") or else 0 max_levels[1] = data_int("max_1") or else 0 max_levels[2] = data_int("max_2") or else 0 print "max_levels: {max_levels}" reload = new Button(-1, new Color(1.0,1.0,1.0), drawing.reload, snd_click) if is_menu then new_menu else new_game end end # Get a positive numeric value from the store fun data_int(name: String): nullable Int do var x = data_store[name] if x isa Int then return x else return null end # # Level information # Number of buttons for the next game var size = 5 # Length of the memory sequence for the next game var length = 5 # Do a hard deal? var hard_deal = false # No shuffle (0), easy shuffle (1), or hard shuffle (2)? var shuffling = 0 # Is a new deal make on replay? # If true, a new set of figures and a new sequence is produced # If false, the same is reused. var deal_on_replay = true # Current buttons in the game var buttons = new Array[Button] # The sequence of the buttons to memorize var level = new Array[Button] # The number of errors (crosses) in the current level. (in [0..3]) var error = 0 # Is the player playing? # If false it means that the game is showing the sequence to memorize var player = false # Next button on the level (to show or guess according to `player`) var cpt = 0 # Time to live before the next event var ttl = 0.0 # Are we in the menu? var is_menu = true # In the end of game, is this a win of a lose? var is_win = false # Reset everything and create a menu fun new_menu do is_menu = true size = 3 length = 0 shuffling = 0 data_store["game"] = false colors.shuffle shapes.shuffle sounds.shuffle buttons.clear for i in [0..size[ do var b = new Button(i, colors[i], shapes[i], sounds[i]) buttons.add b b.text = drawing.hard[i] b.text_color = colors[3+i] b.text_max = max_levels[i] end # Start the scene start_scene end # The current mode: easy (0), medium (1), hard (2) var mode = 0 # The current level (from 0) var current_level = 0 # Hight scores of each mode var max_levels: Array[Int] = [0, 0, 0] # Reset everything and create a new game using `mode` and `level` fun new_game do print "Next game: mode={mode} level={current_level}" data_store["game"] = true data_store["mode"] = mode data_store["level"] = current_level if max_levels[mode] < current_level then max_levels[mode] = current_level data_store["max_{mode}"] = current_level end if mode == 0 then hard_deal = false shuffling = 0 deal_on_replay = false size = 2 length = 1 else if mode == 1 then hard_deal = false shuffling = 1 deal_on_replay = true size = 3 length = 3 else hard_deal = true shuffling = 2 deal_on_replay = true size = 3 length = 3 end for i in [0..current_level[ do length += 1 if length > size + 2 then size += 1 length -= 1 end if size > 16 then size = 16 end deal_game end # Reset the buttons and deal a new game using `size` and `length` fun deal_game do is_menu = false # Randomize the deal colors.shuffle shapes.shuffle sounds.shuffle # Setup the figure buttons.clear if not hard_deal then # With the easy deal, each button is easily distinguishable for i in [0..size[ do var b = new Button(i, colors[i%colors.length], shapes[i%shapes.length], sounds[i%sounds.length]) buttons.add b end else # With the hard deal, use overlapping combinations of colors and shapes var sqrt = size.to_f.sqrt var ncol = sqrt.floor.to_i var nsha = sqrt.ceil.to_i while ncol*nsha < size do ncol += 1 # Randomly swap the numbers of colors/shapes if 2.rand == 0 then var t = ncol ncol = nsha nsha = t end # Deal combinations (up to `size`) for i in [0..ncol[ do for j in [0..nsha[ do if buttons.length >= size then break var b = new Button(buttons.length, colors[i], shapes[j], sounds.rand) buttons.add b end end # A last shuffle to break the colors/shapes grid buttons.shuffle end # Deal the level (i.e. sequence to memorize) # To increase distribution, determinate a maximum number of repetition # of a single button var rep = (length.to_f / size.to_f).ceil.to_i var pool = buttons * rep pool.shuffle level.clear for i in [0..length[ do level.add pool[i] end print "newgame size={size} length={length}" # Start the scene start_scene end # Cause a replay on the same level # On easy mode, the same level is replayed exactly # On other modes, a new deal is made fun replay_game do if deal_on_replay then deal_game else start_scene end end # Reset the state of the scene and start with `fly_in` fun start_scene do player = false cpt = -1 path = null error = 0 # Ask for a redraw first_frame = true end # # Placement and moves # Locations used to place buttons on the screen private var locations: Array[Array[Float]] = [ [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.5], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 1.5], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.5, 1.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 1.5], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5], [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5], [0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]] # The scale of the figures. # According to the screen dimensions and the number of figures var scale = 0.0 # The scale of the UI # According to the screen dimensions var ui_scale = 0.0 # Compute then location on the display for each button # # The method can be called when there is a change in the buttons (or the display). fun locate(display: Display) do # The locations depend of the number of buttons (from 2 to 9) var n = buttons.length var locs = locations[n-2] var columns = if n <= 4 then 2 else if n <= 9 then 3 else 4 var rows = if n <= 2 then 1 else if n <= 6 then 2 else if n <= 12 then 3 else 4 # Compute basic dimensions according to the screen var slotw = display.width / columns var sloth = display.height / rows var subw = slotw - slotw/5 var subh = sloth - sloth/5 # Compute the figure scale var img = drawing.circle var xs = subw.to_f / img.width.to_f var ys = subh.to_f / img.height.to_f scale = xs.min(ys) # Compute the UI scale xs = display.width.to_f / img.width.to_f ys = display.height.to_f / img.height.to_f ui_scale = xs.min(ys) / 4.0 var last = -1.0 var row = 0.0 var cpt = 0 for b in buttons do b.place = cpt var col = locs[cpt] if col <= last then row += 1.0 end last = col b.x = (col + 0.5) * slotw.to_f b.y = (row + 0.5) * sloth.to_f img = b.shape img.scale = scale b.w = (img.width.to_f * scale) b.h = (img.height.to_f * scale) cpt += 1 end left.x = -150.0 * scale left.y = (display.height / 2).to_f right.x = display.width.to_f + 150.0 * scale right.y = left.y # Other UI elements if not is_menu then var reload = self.reload drawing.reload.scale = ui_scale reload.x = display.width.to_f - (drawing.reload.width.to_f / 2.0 * 1.2 ) * ui_scale reload.y = drawing.reload.height.to_f / 2.0 * 1.2 * ui_scale reload.w = drawing.reload.width.to_f * ui_scale reload.h = drawing.reload.height.to_f * ui_scale end end # The origin point of the cursor on the left var left = new Pos(0.0, 0.0) # The destination point of the cursor on the right var right = new Pos(0.0, 0.0) # The current cursor position var cursor = new Pos(0.0, 0.0) # The current cursor path var path: nullable BPath = null # The reload button var reload: Button is noautoinit # Safe point for a cursor on the i-th button of the level fun path_pos(i: Int): Pos do if i < 0 then return left if i >= level.length then return right return level[i].to_pos end # A random point outside of the screen fun far_away(display: Display): Pos do var a = (2.0*pi).rand var w = display.width.to_f / 2.0 var h = display.height.to_f / 2.0 var x = w + a.cos * w * 1.8 var y = h + a.sin * h * 1.8 return new Pos(x, y) end # Create a BPath between two point with some nice handle values fun new_path(from, to: Pos, ttl: Float): BPath do var a = atan2(to.y-from.y, to.x-from.x) a += pi * (2.0.rand - 1.0) var radius = 300.0 * scale var fh = new Pos(from.x + a.cos*radius, from.y + a.sin*radius) #var th = new Pos(to.x - a.cos*radius, to.y - a.sin*radius) var path = new BPath(from, fh, to, to, ttl) return path end # Initial placement of buttons fun fly_in(display: Display) do for b in buttons do var from = far_away(display) var to = b.to_pos var path = new_path(from, to, 5.0) b.path = path b.ttl = 5.0 end ttl = 6.0 end # Final leaving of buttons fun fly_out(display: Display) do for b in buttons do var from = b.to_pos var to = far_away(display) b.x = to.x b.y = to.y var path = new_path(from, to, 5.0) b.path = path b.ttl = 5.0 b.hard = false end ttl = 6.0 end # Randomly permute the content of `buttons` such that no element appears in its original position. fun derangement do # The simplest algorithm is to shuffle until no buttons is at the same place # This is also quite efficient and converges extremely quickly var redo = true while redo do redo = false buttons.shuffle for i in [0..size[ do if i == buttons[i].place then redo = true break end end end end # Shuffling the place of each button on the screen fun shuffle(display: Display) do for b in buttons do b.from = b.to_pos end derangement locate(display) for b in buttons do var from = b.from var to = b.to_pos #print "shuffle move {b.place}: {from} -> {to}" b.path = new_path(from, to, 5.0) b.ttl = 5.0 end ttl = 5.0 end # Shuffle the place of each button in a hard way fun hard_shuffle(display: Display) do for b in buttons do b.from = b.to_pos b.hard = true end derangement locate(display) for b in buttons do var from = b.from var to = b.to_pos var midx = display.width.to_f / 2.0 var midy = display.height.to_f / 2.0 var mid = new Pos(midx, midy) #print "shuffle move {b.place}: {from} -> {to}" b.path = new_path(from, mid, 5.0) b.path2 = new_path(mid, to, 5.0) b.ttl = 5.0 end ttl = 5.0 end # Setup the next cursor path fun setpath do if is_menu then return var from = path_pos(cpt-1) var to = path_pos(cpt) #print "cursor {cpt-1}->{cpt}: {from} -> {to}" path = new_path(from, to, 4.0) cursor.x = from.x cursor.y = from.y ttl = 5.0 end # Main loop, drawing and inputs # Flag used to ask for a (re-)computation of the display layout private var first_frame = true redef fun frame_core(display) do if first_frame then locate(display) if cpt == -1 then fly_in(display) end first_frame = false end # Clear the screen display.clear(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # Manage events # This is a crappy ad hoc organic implementation if not player then ttl -= 0.1 if path != null then path.update(cursor, ttl) if ttl <= 0.0 then ttl = 0.0 if is_menu then # Menu animation is over player = true else if cpt < 0 then # Level place animation is over cpt += 1 setpath else if cpt < level.length then # The cursor is playing var b = level[cpt] b.ttl = 1.0 b.sound.play cpt += 1 setpath else if cpt == level.length then # The cursor is out, run the shuffle path = null if shuffling == 1 then shuffle(display) else if shuffling > 1 then hard_shuffle(display) end cpt += 1 else # The shuffling is over, start playing player = true cpt = 0 end end else if ttl > 0.0 then ttl -= 0.1 if ttl <= 0.0 then ttl = 0.0 if cpt == level.length then fly_out(display) cpt += 1 else if is_menu then new_game else if is_win then current_level += 1 new_game else replay_game end end end end # Display each button for b in buttons do b.blit_on(display) end # Display the cursor if path != null then drawing.cursor.scale = scale display.blit(drawing.cursor, cursor.x, cursor.y) end if not is_menu then blit_number(current_level, ui_scale, 10.0 * scale, 10.0 * scale) reload.blit_on(display) end end # Blit a number somewhere fun blit_number(number: Int, scale: Float, x, y: Float) do for img in number_images.imgs do img.scale = scale display.blit_number(number_images, number, x.to_i, y.to_i) end # Images with the numbers private var number_images: NumberImages is noautoinit # A player click on a button fun action(b: Button) do if is_menu then b.sound.play mode = b.place current_level = 0 ttl = 0.1 cpt = level.length is_win = true return end if cpt >= level.length then return if b == level[cpt] then b.sound.play b.ttl = 1.0 cpt += 1 if cpt >= level.length then is_win = true print "Won!" ttl = 2.0 end else error += 1 print "Err {error}" b.error = true b.ttl = 3.0 snd_penalty.play if error > 2 then is_win = false print "Lose!" for b2 in buttons do b2.error = true b2.ttl = 3.0 end ttl = 3.0 cpt = level.length end end end redef fun input(ie) do # Quit? if ie isa QuitEvent then quit = true return true end # On click (or tap) if ie isa PointerEvent and ie.depressed then if player then for b in buttons do if b.has(ie.x, ie.y) then action(b) return true end end end if not is_menu then if reload.has(ie.x, ie.y) then reload.sound.play reload.ttl = 1.0 replay_game return true end end end # Special commands if ie isa KeyEvent and ie.is_down then var c = ie.name if c == "4" or c == "escape" then # 4 is *back* on android if is_menu then # quit = true # broken new_menu else new_menu end return true end if is_menu then return false end if c == "[+]" or c == "=" then # [+] is keypad `+` size += 1 deal_game return true else if c == "[-]" or c == "-" then size -= 1 deal_game return true else if c == "[*]" or c == "]" then length += 1 deal_game return true else if c == "[/]" or c == "[" then length -= 1 deal_game return true else if c == "space" or c == "82" then # 82 is *menu* on android reload.sound.play reload.ttl = 1.0 replay_game return true end print "got keydown: `{c}`" end return false end end