This group implement a partial support for the Nit FFI in the interpreter. It compiles foreign code on demand into a dynamic library that is then loaded and executed. ## Features This FFI implementation is a proof of concept, it implements the light FFI and only a subset of the full FFI. ### From the light FFI: * Nested extern methods. * Module level code blocks. * Passage of primitive types. * Extern classes and constructors. ### From the full FFI: * Static Nit types in C. * Public code block propagation. * The `cflags` and `ldflags` annotations. ### Missing features: (Still TODO) * Callback to Nit code. * Support C++, Java and Objective-C. * Reference pinning. * Support the `pkgconfig` and `extra_java_files` annotations. ## The shared library and its API The generated shared library hold the compiled foreign code of a single module. It is generated a the first extern method invocation within the module. The shared library also implements a standard API to be used by the interpreter. This API is compose of 2 main elements: * A single data structure to pass Nit instances and primitive data types: ~~~C typedef union nit_call_arg { long value_Int; int value_Bool; uint32_t value_Char; uint8_t value_Byte; double value_Float; void* value_Pointer; } nit_call_arg; ~~~ * Standardized entrypoints, one per extern method in the module. Their signature is composed of the number or arguments, a preallocated array of the arguments and a preallocated structure for the return value. ~~~C int (*nit_foreign_lib_entry)(int argc, nit_call_arg *args, nit_call_arg *ret); ~~~ Each entrypoints unpack the arguments and call the FFI implementation method. The return value is stored in the preallocated structure where the interpreter can retreive it.