# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2012 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Simple tool to list Nit source files module nitls import modelbuilder intrude import loader import ordered_tree import console class ProjTree super OrderedTree[Object] var opt_paths = false var tc: ToolContext redef fun display(o) do if o isa MGroup then if opt_paths then return o.filepath.as(not null) else var d = "" if o.mdoc != null then if tc.opt_no_color.value then d = ": {o.mdoc.content.first}" else d = ": {o.mdoc.content.first.green}" end end if tc.opt_no_color.value then return "{o.name}{d} ({o.filepath.to_s})" else return "{o.name}{d} ({o.filepath.yellow})" end end else if o isa ModulePath then if opt_paths then return o.filepath else var d = "" var dd = "" if o.mmodule != null and o.mmodule.mdoc != null then if tc.opt_no_color.value then d = ": {o.mmodule.mdoc.content.first}" else d = ": {o.mmodule.mdoc.content.first.green}" end end if o.mmodule != null and not o.mmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters.is_empty then var ms = new Array[String] for m in o.mmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters do if m.mgroup.mproject == o.mmodule.mgroup.mproject then ms.add m.name else ms.add m.full_name end end if tc.opt_no_color.value then dd = " ({ms.join(" ")})" else dd = " ({ms.join(" ")})".light_gray end end if tc.opt_no_color.value then return "{o.name.bold}{d} ({o.filepath.to_s}){dd}" else return "{o.name.bold}{d} ({o.filepath.yellow}){dd}" end end else abort end end end class AlphaEntityComparator super Comparator fun nameof(a: COMPARED): String do if a isa MGroup then return a.name else if a isa ModulePath then return a.name else abort end end redef fun compare(a,b) do return nameof(a) <=> nameof(b) end end var tc = new ToolContext var opt_keep = new OptionBool("Ignore errors and files that are not a Nit source file", "-k", "--keep") var opt_recursive = new OptionBool("Process directories recussively", "-r", "--recursive") var opt_tree = new OptionBool("List source files in their groups and projects", "-t", "--tree") var opt_source = new OptionBool("List source files", "-s", "--source") var opt_project = new OptionBool("List projects paths (default)", "-P", "--project") var opt_depends = new OptionBool("List dependencies of given modules", "-d", "--depends") var opt_make = new OptionBool("List dependencies suitable for a rule in a Makefile. Alias for -d, -p and -s", "-M") var opt_paths = new OptionBool("List only path (instead of name + path)", "-p", "--path") tc.option_context.add_option(opt_keep, opt_recursive, opt_tree, opt_source, opt_project, opt_depends, opt_paths, opt_make) tc.tooldescription = "Usage: nitls [OPTION]... ...\nLists the projects and/or paths of Nit sources files." tc.process_options(args) if opt_make.value then opt_depends.value = true opt_paths.value = true opt_source.value = true end var sum = opt_tree.value.to_i + opt_source.value.to_i + opt_project.value.to_i if sum > 1 then print "Error: options --tree, --source, and --project are exclusives." print tc.tooldescription exit 1 end tc.keep_going = opt_keep.value var model = new Model var mb = new ModelBuilder(model, tc) var files if opt_recursive.value then files = new Array[String] for d in tc.option_context.rest do var pipe = new IProcess("find", d, "-name", "*.nit") while not pipe.eof do var l = pipe.read_line if l == "" then break # last line l = l.substring(0,l.length-1) # strip last oef files.add l end pipe.close pipe.wait if pipe.status != 0 and not opt_keep.value then exit 1 end else files = tc.option_context.rest end for a in files do var mp = mb.identify_file(a) tc.check_errors if mp != null and not opt_paths.value then var mm = mb.load_module(mp.filepath) if mm != null and opt_depends.value then mb.build_module_importation(mm) end tc.check_errors end end if sum == 0 then opt_project.value = true var ot = new ProjTree(tc) if opt_tree.value then ot.opt_paths = opt_paths.value for p in model.mprojects do for g in p.mgroups do var pa = g.parent if g.is_interesting then ot.add(pa, g) pa = g end for mp in g.module_paths do ot.add(pa, mp) end end end ot.sort_with(new AlphaEntityComparator) ot.write_to(stdout) end if opt_source.value then var list = new Array[String] for p in model.mprojects do for g in p.mgroups do for mp in g.module_paths do if opt_paths.value then list.add(mp.filepath) else list.add("{g.full_name}/{ot.display(mp)}") end end end end alpha_comparator.sort(list) for l in list do print l end if opt_project.value then var list = new Array[String] for p in model.mprojects do var path = p.root.filepath.as(not null) if opt_paths.value then list.add(path) else if tc.opt_no_color.value then list.add("{p.name} ({path})") else list.add("{p.name} ({path.yellow})") end end end alpha_comparator.sort(list) for l in list do print l end