# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A red–black tree is a data structure which is a type of self-balancing binary search tree. # # Balance is preserved by painting each node of the tree with one of two colors # (typically called 'red' and 'black') in a way that satisfies certain properties, # which collectively constrain how unbalanced the tree can become in the worst case. # When the tree is modified, the new tree is subsequently rearranged and repainted # to restore the coloring properties. # The properties are designed in such a way that this rearranging and recoloring # can be performed efficiently. # # The balancing of the tree is not perfect but it is good enough to allow it # to guarantee searching in O(log n) time, where n is the total number of elements in the tree. # The insertion and deletion operations, along with the tree rearrangement and recoloring, # are also performed in O(log n) time. module rbtree import bintree # Red-Black Tree Map # Properties of a Red-Black tree map: # * every node is either red or black # * root is black # * every leaf (null) is black # * if a node is red, then both its children are black # * for each node, all simple path from the node to descendant # leaves contain the same number of black nodes # # Operations: # * search average O(lg n) worst O(lg n) # * insert average O(lg n) worst O(lg n) # * delete average O(lg n) worst O(lg n) class RBTreeMap[K: Comparable, E] super BinTreeMap[K, E] redef type N: RBTreeNode[K, E] redef fun []=(key, item) do insert_node(new RBTreeNode[K, E](key, item)) end redef fun insert_node(node) do super insert_fixup_case1(node) end # Case 1: node is root # color node as black # it adds a black node on every path so we do nothing else private fun insert_fixup_case1(node: N) do if node.parent == null then node.is_red = false else insert_fixup_case2(node) end end # Case 2: parent is black # it do not add black node so we do nothing else private fun insert_fixup_case2(node: N) do if node.parent.is_red then insert_fixup_case3(node) end # Case 3: node, parent and uncle are red # this is a LLr or RRr conflict # we recolor recursively the tree to the root private fun insert_fixup_case3(node: N) do if node.uncle != null and node.uncle.is_red then node.parent.is_red = false node.uncle.is_red = false node.grandparent.is_red = true insert_fixup_case1(node.grandparent.as(not null)) else insert_fixup_case4(node) end end # Case 4: node and parent are red, uncle is black # this is a LRb or RLb conflict # we rotate the tree to balance it private fun insert_fixup_case4(node: N) do if node == node.parent.right and node.parent == node.grandparent.left then rotate_left(node.parent.as(not null)) node = node.left.as(not null) else if node == node.parent.left and node.parent == node.grandparent.right then rotate_right(node.parent.as(not null)) node = node.right.as(not null) end insert_fixup_case5(node) end # Case 5: node and parent are red, uncle is black # this is a LLb or RRb conflict # we rotate the tree to balance it private fun insert_fixup_case5(node: N) do node.parent.is_red = false node.grandparent.is_red = true if node == node.parent.left then rotate_right(node.grandparent.as(not null)) else rotate_left(node.grandparent.as(not null)) end end # TODO implement RBTree::delete redef fun delete(key) is abstract redef fun dot_down(node, f) do if node.left != null then dot_down(node.left.as(not null), f) f.write node.to_dot if node.parent != null then f.write "\"{node.parent.as(not null)}\" -> \"{node}\"[dir=back];\n" if node.right != null then dot_down(node.right.as(not null), f) end end # RedBlackTree node (can be red or black) class RBTreeNode[K: Comparable, E] super BinTreeNode[K, E] redef type SELF: RBTreeNode[K, E] # Is the node red? private var is_red = true redef fun to_dot do if is_red then return "\"{self}\"[style=filled,fillcolor=red,fontcolor=white];\n" else return "\"{self}\"[style=filled,fillcolor=black,fontcolor=white];\n" end end end