Android platform support and APIs # Compilation for Android The compiler generates an APK file as the output when the `android` module is imported by the compilation target. The path to the generated file can be specified using the `-o` and `--dir` options. # Host system configuration To compile for Android, you must install the Android SDK and NDK. The tools `android`, `ndk-build` and `ant` must be in your PATH. # Configure your Android application The _app.nit_ framework and this project offers some services to customize the generated Android application. ## Annotations * All _app.nit_ annotations are applied to Android projects: `app_name`, `app_namespace` and `app_version`. See: `../app/` * Custom information can be added to the Android manifest file using the annotations `android_manifest`, `android_manifest_application` and `android_manifest_activity`. Example usage to specify an extra permission: ~~~ android_manifest """""" ~~~ * The API version target can be specified with `android_api_min`, `android_api_max` and `android_api_target`. These take a single integer as argument. They are applied in the Android manifest as `minSdkVesion`, `targetSdkVersion` and `maxSdkVersion`. See * The annotation `android_activity` defines a Java class used as an entrypoint to your application. As of now, this annotation should only be used by low level implementations of Nit on Android. It's usefulness will be extended in the future to customize user applications. ## Project entry points Importing `android::landscape` or `android::portrait` locks the generated application in the specified orientation. This can be useful for games and other multimedia applications. # Compilation modes There are two compilation modes for the Android platform, debug and release. Theses modes are also applied to the generated Android projects. The compilation mode is specified as an argument to `nitc`, only `--release` can be specified as debug is the default behavior. ## Debug mode Debug mode enables compiling to an APK file without handling signing keys and their password. The APK file can be installed to a local device with USB debugging enabled, but it cannot be published on the Play Store. By default, `nitc` will compile Android applications in debug mode. ## Release mode Building in release mode will use your private key to sign the APK file, it can then be published on the Play Store. 1. Have a keystore with a valid key to sign your APK file. To create a new keystore, avoid using the default values of `jarsigner` as they change between versions of the Java SDK. You should instead use a command similar to the following, replacing `KEYSTORE_PATH` and `KEY_ALIAS` with the desired values. ~~~ keytool -genkey -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH -alias KEY_ALIAS -sigalg MD5withRSA -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -validity 10000 ~~~ 2. Set the environment variables used by `nitc`: `KEYSTORE`, `KEY_ALIAS` and optionally `TSA_SERVER`. These settings can be set in a startup script such as `~/.bashrc` or in a local Makefile. You can use the following commands by replacing the right hand values to your own configuration. ~~~ export KEYSTORE=keystore_path export KEY_ALIAS=key_alias export TSA_SERVER=timestamp_authority_server_url # Optional ~~~ 3. Call `nitc` with the `--release` options. You will be prompted for the required passwords as needed by `jarsigner`.