" This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). " " Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); " you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. " You may obtain a copy of the License at " " http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 " " Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software " distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, " WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. " See the License for the specific language governing permissions and " limitations under the License. " Nit plugin for Vim, provides some advanced features if v:version < 700 finish endif if exists("loaded_nit_plugin") finish endif let loaded_nit_plugin = 1 " Scan all relevant Nit modules for the current directory to autocomplete " " The guard `g:nit_complete_done` ensures that its body is executed only " once. The call to `nitls -M` analyzses the current directory. However, " updating the module list can be forced using ForceNitComplete. " " To activate, add the following line to ~/.vimrc " " autocmd Filetype nit call NitComplete() function NitComplete() if !exists("g:nit_complete_done") let g:nit_complete_done = 1 " Reset or backup the original complete if !exists("g:nit_complete_backup") let g:nit_complete_backup = &complete else silent let &complete = g:nit_complete_backup silent set complete? endif " This gives us better results for Nit set noignorecase set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview " Do not predict small 3 letters keywords (or their prefix), they slow down " prediction and some also require double-enter on end of line. let g:acp_behaviorKeywordIgnores = ['new', 'var', 'in', 'do', 'els', 'end', 'ret', 'for', 'fun'] " Use nitls to compute all interesting files from the current directory and the standard library for file in split(system('nitls -M standard .', '\n')) silent let &complete = &complete . ',s' . file silent set complete? endfor " Compatibility with AutoComplPop let g:acp_completeOption = &complete let g:acp_ignorecaseOption = &ignorecase " Redraw in case the user pressed some keys while waiting redraw! endif endfunction " Force updating the Nit modules used for autocomplete " " It is recommended to manually call this function as needed. It can be mapped " to a key with: " " map :call ForceNitComplete() " " For small projects (or fast computers) you might want to call it on each " file save or load. function ForceNitComplete() unlet! g:nit_complete_done call NitComplete() endfunction " Internal function to search for lines in `path` corresponding to the partial " word `base`. Adds found and formated match to `matches`. " " Will order the results in 3 levels: " 1. Exact matches " 2. Common prefix matches " 3. Substring matches fun NitOmnifuncAddFromFile(base, matches, path) let prefix_matches = [] let substring_matches = [] " Where are the generated metadata files? if empty($NIT_VIM_DIR) let metadata_dir = $HOME . '/.vim/nit' else let metadata_dir = $NIT_VIM_DIR end let path = metadata_dir . '/' . a:path " Is there generated custom metadata files? if ! filereadable(path) let path = s:script_dir . '/' . a:path " Is there standard metadata files? if ! filereadable(path) return endif endif for line in readfile(path) let words = split(line, '#====#', 1) let name = get(words, 0, '') " Add? if name == a:base " Exact match call NitOmnifuncAddAMatch(a:matches, words, name) elseif name =~ '^'.a:base " Common-prefix match call NitOmnifuncAddAMatch(prefix_matches, words, name) elseif name =~ a:base " Substring match call NitOmnifuncAddAMatch(substring_matches, words, name) endif endfor " Assemble the final match list call extend(a:matches, sort(prefix_matches)) call extend(a:matches, sort(substring_matches)) endfun " Internal function to search parse the information from a metadata line fun NitOmnifuncAddAMatch(matches, words, name) let pretty = get(a:words, 1, '') let synopsis = get(a:words, 2, '') let desc = get(a:words, 3, '') let desc = join(split(desc, '#nnnn#', 1), "\n") if strlen(pretty) > 40 let pretty = pretty[:37] . '...' endif call add(a:matches, {'word': a:name, 'abbr': pretty, 'menu': synopsis, 'info': desc, 'dup': 1}) endfun " Omnifunc using metadata files generated by nitpick to offer better " contextual autocomplete for Nit source code. fun NitOmnifunc(findstart, base) if a:findstart " locate the start of the word let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '\w' let start -= 1 endwhile return start else " find keyword matching with "a:base" let matches = [] " Advanced suggestions let cursor_line = getline('.') " Content of the line before the partial word let line_prev_cursor = cursor_line[:col('.')-1] let prev_char_at = strlen(line_prev_cursor) - 1 while prev_char_at > 0 && line_prev_cursor[prev_char_at] =~ '\s' let prev_char_at -= 1 endwhile " Non whitespace char just before the partial word let prev_char = line_prev_cursor[prev_char_at] " Nity words on the current line before the partial word let prev_words = split(line_prev_cursor, '\W\+') " The word right before the partial word let prev_word = get(prev_words, -1, '') " Have we found a promising heuristic yet? let handled = 0 " Modules if prev_word == 'import' && ! (line_prev_cursor =~ 'fun') let handled = 1 call NitOmnifuncAddFromFile(a:base, matches, 'modules.txt') endif " Classes if count(['new', 'super', 'class', 'nullable'], prev_word) > 0 || \ line_prev_cursor =~ '[' || prev_char == ':' || \ (line_prev_cursor =~ 'fun' && line_prev_cursor =~ 'import' && (prev_word == 'import' || prev_char == ',')) let handled = 1 call NitOmnifuncAddFromFile(a:base, matches, 'classes.txt') endif " Properties if prev_char == '.' || line_prev_cursor =~ '[' let handled = 1 call NitOmnifuncAddFromFile(a:base, matches, 'properties.txt') endif " If is nothing else... if !handled " It may be a keyword if strlen(a:base) > 0 for keyword in ['module', 'import', 'class', 'abstract', 'interface', \'universal', 'enum', 'end', 'fun', 'type', 'init', 'redef', 'is', \'do', 'var', 'extern', 'public', 'protected', 'private', 'intrude', \'if', 'then', 'else', 'while', 'loop', 'for', 'in', 'and', 'or', \'not', 'implies', 'return', 'continue', 'break', 'abort', 'assert', \'new', 'isa', 'once', 'super', 'self', 'true', 'false', 'null', \'as', 'nullable', 'isset', 'label'] if keyword =~ '^' . a:base call add(matches, keyword) endif endfor endif " it may still be a method call or property access call NitOmnifuncAddFromFile(a:base, matches, 'properties.txt') endif return {'words': matches, 'refresh': 'always'} endif endfun " Activate the omnifunc on Nit files autocmd FileType nit set omnifunc=NitOmnifunc let s:script_dir = fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h')