# NAME nitls - lists the packages, groups and paths of Nit sources files. # SYNOPSIS nitls [*options*] [*FILE*]... # DESCRIPTION `nitls` is used to list Nit files in directories and extract the module-group-package relation. It is basically a `ls` or a simple `find` specialized on `.nit` source files. By default `nitls` works with the current directory (`.`). Each file can then be: * A Nit module (file). In this case, only this single module is considered * A Nit group (directory). In this case, all the modules of the groups (and recursively the sub-groups) are considered * A normal directory. In this case, all its entries are analysed. Files that are Nit modules and directories that are Nit groups are considered. Other files and directories are ignored. # EXAMPLES Show the tree of modules from the current directory. $ nitls -t Show the list of packages imported by the modules of the current directory. $ nitls -d -P *.nit # OPTIONS Each combination of option ## PRESENTATION MODE Three presentation modes are available. ### `-P`, `--package` List packages in a flat list (default). Only package are displayed (and not the individual files). ### `-t`, `--tree` List source files in their groups and packages. Each `.nit` file is presented in a tree of packages and groups. ### `-s`, `--source` List source files in a flat list. Each `.nit` file is presented individually. The three modes are exclusives. The default mode is `--package` unless one on the argument is a group, then it is `--group`. ## COLLECT ### `-r`, `--recursive` Process directories recursively. All `.nit` files found in the specified directory and subdirectories are considered. ### `-d`, `--depends` List dependencies of given modules. All imported modules are also considered. In --tree and --source modes, the modules directly imported are also displayed. ### `-k`, `--keep` Ignore errors and files that are not a Nit source file. When a file that is not a valid Nit module is encountered, it is ignored and the rest of the files are processed. Without this option, an error message is displayed and nitls terminates on such a case. ## PRESENTATION OPTIONS ### `-p`, `--path-only` List only path (instead of name + path). Paths are displayed uncolored. ### `-M` List dependencies suitable for a rule in a Makefile. Alias for `-d`, `-p` and `-s`. # SEE ALSO The Nit language documentation and the source code of its tools and libraries may be downloaded from