==== Docunits of module test_doc3::test_doc3 | tests: 3 [KO] test_doc3::test_doc3$core::Sys$foo1 test_doc3.nit:17,9--15: Syntax Error: unexpected identifier 'garbage'. [KO] test_doc3::test_doc3$core::Sys$foo2 test_doc3.nit:23,4--10: Syntax Error: unexpected identifier 'garbage'. [KO] test_doc3::test_doc3$core::Sys$foo3 test_doc3.nit:30,4--10: Syntax Error: unexpected identifier 'garbage'. Docunits: Entities: 6; Documented ones: 5; With nitunits: 3; Failures: 3 Test suites: Classes: 0; Test Cases: 0 [FAILURE] 3/3 tests failed. `nitunit.out` is not removed for investigation. *garbage* *garbage* *garbage*