/* This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). * * Copyright 2008-2009 Jean Privat * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* This grammar defines the NIT language. */ Package org.nitlanguage.gen; /*****************************************************************************/ Helpers /*****************************************************************************/ all = [0 .. 0xFF]; lowercase = ['a' .. 'z']; uppercase = ['A' .. 'Z']; digit = ['0' .. '9']; letter = lowercase | uppercase | digit | '_'; tab = 9; cr = 13; lf = 10; any = [all - [cr + lf]]; eol_helper = cr lf | cr | lf; // This takes care of different platforms // characers inside strings and super-strings (atomaton powaa) str_char = [any - [['"' + '{'] + '\']] | '\' any ; str_body = str_char*; sstr_char = [any - [''' + '\']] | '\' any ; sstr_body = sstr_char*; long_str_char = str_char | cr | lf; long_str_part = long_str_char | '"' long_str_char | '"' '"' long_str_char | '{' long_str_char | '{' '{' long_str_char ; long_str_body = long_str_part*; long_sstr_char = sstr_char | cr | lf; long_sstr_part = long_sstr_char | ''' long_sstr_char | ''' ''' long_sstr_char ; long_sstr_body = long_sstr_part*; extern_code_char = [all - ['`' + '\']] | '\' all ; extern_code_body = extern_code_char*; /*****************************************************************************/ States /*****************************************************************************/ initial; /*****************************************************************************/ Tokens /*****************************************************************************/ blank = (' ' | tab)+; eol = eol_helper; comment = '#' any* eol_helper?; kwpackage = 'package'; kwmodule = 'module'; kwimport = 'import'; kwclass = 'class'; kwabstract = 'abstract'; kwinterface = 'interface'; kwenum = 'universal'|'enum'; kwend = 'end'; kwmeth = 'fun'; kwtype = 'type'; kwinit = 'init'; kwredef = 'redef'; kwis = 'is'; kwdo = 'do'; kwreadable = 'readable'; kwwritable = 'writable'; kwvar = 'var'; kwintern = 'intern'; kwextern = 'extern'; kwprotected = 'protected'; kwprivate = 'private'; kwintrude = 'intrude'; kwif = 'if'; kwthen = 'then'; kwelse = 'else'; kwwhile = 'while'; kwloop = 'loop'; kwfor = 'for'; kwin = 'in'; kwand = 'and'; kwor = 'or'; kwnot = 'not'; kwimplies = 'implies'; kwreturn = 'return'; kwcontinue = 'continue'; kwbreak = 'break'; kwabort = 'abort'; kwassert = 'assert'; kwnew = 'new'; kwisa = 'isa'; kwonce = 'once'; kwsuper = 'super'; kwself = 'self'; kwtrue = 'true'; kwfalse = 'false'; kwnull = 'null'; kwas = 'as'; kwnullable = 'nullable'; kwisset = 'isset'; kwlabel = 'label'; kwdebug = '__debug__'; opar = '('; cpar = ')'; obra = '['; cbra = ']'; comma = ','; column = ':'; quad = '::'; assign = '='; pluseq = '+='; minuseq = '-='; dotdotdot = '...'; dotdot = '..'; dot = '.'; plus = '+'; minus = '-'; star = '*'; slash = '/'; percent = '%'; eq = '=='; ne = '!='; lt = '<'; le = '<='; ll = '<<'; gt = '>'; ge = '>='; gg = '>>'; starship = '<=>'; bang='!'; at='@'; classid = uppercase letter*; id = lowercase letter*; attrid = '_' lowercase letter*; number = digit+; float = digit* '.' digit+; string = '"' str_body '"' | '"' '"' '"' long_str_body '"' '"' '"' | ''' ''' ''' long_sstr_body ''' ''' '''; start_string = '"' str_body '{' | '"' '"' '"' long_str_body '{' '{' '{'; mid_string = '}' str_body '{' | '}' '}' '}' long_str_body '{' '{' '{'; end_string = '}' str_body '"' | '}' '}' '}' long_str_body '"' '"' '"'; char = (''' [[any - '''] - '\'] ''') | (''' '\' any '''); bad_string = ('"'|'}') str_body | '"' '"' '"' long_str_body | ''' ''' ''' long_sstr_body; bad_char = ''' '\'? any; extern_code_segment = '`' '{' extern_code_body '`' '}'; /*****************************************************************************/ Ignored Tokens /*****************************************************************************/ blank; /*****************************************************************************/ Productions /*****************************************************************************/ /* MODULES *******************************************************************/ module = moduledecl? [imports]:import* [extern_bodies]:extern_code_body* [classdefs]:classdef* implicit_top_class? implicit_main_class? {-> New module(moduledecl, [imports.import], [extern_bodies.extern_code_block], [classdefs.classdef,implicit_top_class.classdef,implicit_main_class.classdef])}; moduledecl = [doc]:no kwmodule no module_name annotation_withend? [n2]:n1 {-> New moduledecl(doc.doc, kwmodule, module_name, annotation_withend.annotations)}; import = {std} [doc]:no visibility kwimport no module_name annotation_withend? [n2]:n1 {-> New import.std(visibility, kwimport, module_name, annotation_withend.annotations)} | {no} [doc]:no visibility kwimport no kwend [n2]:n1 {-> New import.no(visibility, kwimport, kwend)} ; implicit_top_class {-> classdef} = propdefs_toplevel+ {-> New classdef.top([propdefs_toplevel.propdef])}; implicit_main_class {-> classdef?} = implicit_main_meth {-> New classdef.main([implicit_main_meth.propdef])} | {null} n {-> Null} ; implicit_main_meth {-> propdef} = [doc]:no stmts {-> New propdef.main_meth(Null, stmts.expr)} | {n} [doc]:no stmtsn {-> New propdef.main_meth(Null, stmtsn.expr)} ; /* CLASSES *******************************************************************/ classdef = [doc]:no redef visibility classkind no qualified? classid formaldefs? line_annotations_forclass? extern_code_block? [superclasses]:superclass* propdefs* [n2]:no kwend {-> New classdef.std(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, classkind, classid, [formaldefs.formaldef], line_annotations_forclass.annotations, extern_code_block, [superclasses.superclass], [propdefs.propdef], kwend)}; redef {-> kwredef?} = kwredef? {-> kwredef}; classkind = {concrete} kwclass | {abstract} kwabstract kwclass | {interface} kwinterface | {enum} kwenum | {extern} kwextern kwclass? ; formaldefs {-> formaldef*} = obra no formaldef formaldefs_tail* [n2]:no cbra {-> [formaldef, formaldefs_tail.formaldef]}; formaldefs_tail {-> formaldef} = comma no formaldef {-> formaldef}; formaldef = classid annotations? typing? {-> New formaldef(classid, typing.type, annotations)}; superclass {-> superclass} = {super} no kwsuper [n2]:no type annotation_withend? {-> New superclass(kwsuper, type, annotation_withend.annotations)} ; propdefs~toplevel {-> propdef} = propdef~toplevel n1 {-> propdef~toplevel.propdef} ; propdef~toplevel {-> propdef} = {meth} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature annotation_noend? kwdo stmtso kwend? {-> New propdef.concrete_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature, annotation_noend.annotations, stmtso.expr)} | {assign_return} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature_withret assign no assign_return {-> New propdef.concrete_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature_withret.signature, Null, assign_return.expr)} | {nobody} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature annotation_withend {-> New propdef.deferred_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature.signature, annotation_withend.annotations)} !toplevel| {deferred} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature kwis kwabstract {-> New propdef.deferred_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature.signature, Null)} !toplevel| {intern} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature kwis kwintern {-> New propdef.intern_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature.signature)} | {extern} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature kwis kwextern string? extern_calls? extern_code_block? {-> New propdef.extern_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature.signature, string, extern_calls, extern_code_block)} | {extern_implicit} [doc]:no redef visibility kwmeth methid signature extern_calls? extern_code_block {-> New propdef.extern_meth(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwmeth, methid, signature.signature, Null, extern_calls, extern_code_block)} !toplevel| {var} [doc]:no readable? writable? redef visibility kwvar attrid typing? {-> New propdef.attr(doc.doc, readable.able, writable.able, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwvar, attrid, Null, typing.type, Null, Null)} !toplevel| {var2} [doc]:no readable? writable? redef visibility kwvar attrid typing? assign [n2]:no expr {-> New propdef.attr(doc.doc, readable.able, writable.able, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwvar, attrid, Null, typing.type, Null, expr)} !toplevel| {var3} [doc]:no redef visibility kwvar id typing? writable2? annotation_withend? {-> New propdef.attr(doc.doc, Null, writable2.able, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwvar, Null, id, typing.type, annotation_withend.annotations, Null)} !toplevel| {var4} [doc]:no redef visibility kwvar id typing? writable2? assign [n2]:no expr annotation_withend? {-> New propdef.attr(doc.doc, Null, writable2.able, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwvar, Null, id, typing.type, annotation_withend.annotations, expr.expr)} !toplevel| {init} [doc]:no redef visibility kwinit methid? signature annotation_noend? kwdo stmtso kwend? {-> New propdef.concrete_init(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwinit, methid, signature, annotation_noend.annotations, stmtso.expr)} !toplevel| {type} [doc]:no redef visibility kwtype classid typing annotation_withend? {-> New propdef.type(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwtype, classid, typing.type, annotation_withend.annotations)} !toplevel| {extern_init} [doc]:no redef visibility kwnew methid? signature kwis kwextern string? extern_calls? extern_code_block? {-> New propdef.extern_init(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwnew, methid, signature, string, extern_calls, extern_code_block)} !toplevel| {extern_init_implicit} [doc]:no redef visibility kwnew methid? signature string? extern_calls? extern_code_block {-> New propdef.extern_init(doc.doc, redef.kwredef, visibility, kwnew, methid, signature, string, extern_calls, extern_code_block)} ; annotation_withend {-> annotations} = {oneliner} kwis many_annotations {-> many_annotations.annotations} | {more} kwis n1 line_annotations kwend {-> line_annotations.annotations} ; annotation_noend {-> annotations} = {oneliner} kwis many_annotations {-> many_annotations.annotations} | {more} kwis n1 line_annotations {-> line_annotations.annotations} ; readable {-> able} = redef kwreadable {-> New able.read(redef.kwredef, kwreadable)} ; writable {-> able} = redef kwwritable {-> New able.write(redef.kwredef, Null, kwwritable)} ; writable2 {-> able} = redef visibility kwwritable {-> New able.write(redef.kwredef, visibility, kwwritable)} ; visibility = {public} {-> New visibility.public()} | {private} kwprivate no {-> New visibility.private(kwprivate)} | {protected} kwprotected no {-> New visibility.protected(kwprotected)} | {intrude} kwintrude no {-> New visibility.intrude(kwintrude)} ; methid {-> methid} = {id} id {-> New methid.id(id)} | {plus} plus {-> New methid.plus(plus)} | {minus} minus {-> New methid.minus(minus)} | {star} star {-> New methid.star(star)} | {slash} slash {-> New methid.slash(slash)} | {percent} percent {-> New methid.percent(percent)} | {eq} eq {-> New methid.eq(eq)} | {ne} ne {-> New methid.ne(ne)} | {le} le {-> New methid.le(le)} | {ge} ge {-> New methid.ge(ge)} | {lt} lt {-> New methid.lt(lt)} | {gt} gt {-> New methid.gt(gt)} | {ll} ll {-> New methid.ll(ll)} | {gg} gg {-> New methid.gg(gg)} | {bra} obra cbra {-> New methid.bra(obra, cbra)} | {starship} starship {-> New methid.starship(starship)} | {assign} id assign {-> New methid.assign(id, assign)} | {braassign} obra cbra assign {-> New methid.braassign(obra, cbra, assign)} ; signature~withret {-> signature} = opar no params? cpar typing [no2]:no {-> New signature(opar, [params.param], cpar, typing.type)} !withret| {noret} opar no params? cpar [no2]:no {-> New signature(opar, [params.param], cpar, Null)} | {nopar} typing no {-> New signature(Null, [], Null, typing.type)} !withret| {noparnoret} no {-> New signature(Null, [], Null, Null)} ; params {-> param*} = param params_tail* [n2]:no {-> [param, params_tail.param] } ; params_tail {-> param} = comma no param {-> param}; param = {untyped} id annotations? {-> New param(id, Null, Null, annotations)} | id annotations? typing dotdotdot? {-> New param(id, typing.type, dotdotdot, annotations)} ; assign_return{-> expr} = expr_final {-> New expr.return(Null, expr_final.expr)} ; extern_calls {-> extern_calls} = kwimport no extern_call extern_call_tail* {-> New extern_calls( kwimport, [extern_call, extern_call_tail.extern_call] )} ; extern_call_tail {-> extern_call} = comma no extern_call {-> extern_call}; extern_call {-> extern_call} = {prop} extern_call_prop {-> extern_call_prop.extern_call} | {cast} extern_call_cast {-> extern_call_cast.extern_call} | {super} kwsuper {-> New extern_call.super( kwsuper )} ; extern_call_prop {-> extern_call} = {local} methid {-> New extern_call.local_prop( methid )} | {full} classid quad methid {-> New extern_call.full_prop( classid, quad, methid )} | {init} classid {-> New extern_call.init_prop( classid )} ; extern_call_cast {-> extern_call} = {as_cast} [from_type]:type kwas [n2]:no opar [n3]:no [to_type]:type [n4]:no cpar {-> New extern_call.cast_as(from_type, kwas, to_type)} | {as_nullable} type kwas [n2]:no kwnullable {-> New extern_call.as_nullable( type, kwas, kwnullable)} | {as_not_nullable} type kwas [n2]:no kwnot [n3]:no kwnullable {-> New extern_call.as_not_nullable( type, kwas, kwnot, kwnullable)} ; in_language = kwin string; extern_code_block = in_language? extern_code_segment; extern_code_body {-> extern_code_block} = no extern_code_block {-> extern_code_block}; /* TYPES *********************************************************************/ type~nobra~nopar {-> type} = {simple} kwnullable? classid annotations~nopar? {-> New type(kwnullable, classid, [], annotations~nopar.annotations)} !nobra | {generic} kwnullable? classid obra no types [n2]:no cbra annotations~nopar? {-> New type(kwnullable, classid, [types.type], annotations~nopar.annotations)} ; types {-> type*} = type types_tail* {-> [type, types_tail.type]}; types_tail {-> type} = comma no type {-> type}; typing {-> type} = column no type {-> type}; /* STATMENTS *****************************************************************/ stmtso~withelse~withend {-> expr?} = {block} n stmtsnend {-> stmtsnend.expr} | {emptyblock} n kwend {-> New expr.block([], kwend)} | {emptyoneline} kwend {-> New expr.block([], kwend)} !withend| {oneline} stmt~withelse {-> stmt~withelse.expr} ; stmts {-> expr} = stmt stmts_tail* {-> New expr.block([stmt.expr, stmts_tail.expr], Null)}; stmtsn {-> expr} = stmt stmts_tail* n {-> New expr.block([stmt.expr, stmts_tail.expr], Null)}; stmtsnend {-> expr} = stmt stmts_tail* n kwend {-> New expr.block([stmt.expr, stmts_tail.expr], kwend)}; stmts_tail {-> expr} = n stmt {-> stmt.expr}; stmt~withelse~noexpr~nopar {-> expr} = {vardecl} vardecl~withelse {-> vardecl~withelse.expr} | {assign} assignment~withelse~nopar {-> assignment~withelse~nopar.expr} | {return} kwreturn expr_final~withelse? {-> New expr.return(kwreturn, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {break} kwbreak label? expr_final~withelse? {-> New expr.break(kwbreak, label, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {abort} kwabort {-> New expr.abort(kwabort)} | {continue} kwcontinue label? expr_final~withelse? {-> New expr.continue(kwcontinue, label, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {do} do~withelse {-> do~withelse.expr} !noexpr | {if} if~withelse {-> if~withelse.expr} | {while} while~withelse {-> while~withelse.expr} | {loop} loop~withelse {-> loop~withelse.expr} | {for} for~withelse {-> for~withelse.expr} | {assert} assert~withelse {-> assert~withelse.expr} !noexpr | {call} recv qualified? id args_nopar {-> New expr.call(recv.expr, id, args_nopar.exprs)} !noexpr | {super} qualified? kwsuper args_nopar {-> New expr.super(qualified, kwsuper, args_nopar.exprs)} !noexpr | {init} recv qualified? kwinit args_nopar {-> New expr.init(recv.expr, kwinit, args_nopar.exprs)} | {debug_type_is} kwdebug kwtype type column expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.debug_type(kwdebug, kwtype, expr_final~withelse.expr, type) } ; label= kwlabel id; assign_continue~withelse{-> expr} = expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.continue(Null, Null, expr_final~withelse.expr)} ; vardecl~withelse{-> expr} = kwvar id annotations? typing? {-> New expr.vardecl(kwvar, id, typing.type, Null, Null, annotations)} | {assign} kwvar id annotations? typing? assign no expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.vardecl(kwvar, id, typing.type, assign, expr_final~withelse.expr, annotations)} ; assignment~withelse~nopar {-> expr} = {attr} recv~nopar qualified? attrid assign expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.attr_assign(recv~nopar.expr, attrid, assign, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {call} recv~nopar qualified? id args assign expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.call_assign(recv~nopar.expr, id, args.exprs, assign, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {bra} expr_atom~nopar braargs assign expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.bra_assign(expr_atom~nopar.expr, braargs.exprs, assign, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {attr_re} recv~nopar qualified? attrid assign_op expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.attr_reassign(recv~nopar.expr, attrid, assign_op, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {call_re} recv~nopar qualified? id args assign_op expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.call_reassign(recv~nopar.expr, id, args.exprs, assign_op, expr_final~withelse.expr)} | {bra_re} expr_atom~nopar braargs assign_op expr_final~withelse {-> New expr.bra_reassign(expr_atom~nopar.expr, braargs.exprs, assign_op, expr_final~withelse.expr)} ; assign_op = {plus} pluseq | {minus} minuseq ; do~withelse {-> expr} = kwdo stmtso_withend label {-> New expr.do(kwdo, stmtso_withend.expr, label)} | {nolabel} kwdo stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.do(kwdo, stmtso~withelse.expr, Null)} ; if~withelse {-> expr} = {onelineelse} kwif no expr [n2]:no kwthen stmt_withelse kwelse stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.if(kwif, expr, stmt_withelse.expr, stmtso~withelse.expr)} !withelse | {oneline} kwif no expr [n2]:no kwthen stmt {-> New expr.if(kwif, expr, stmt.expr, Null)} !withelse | {block} kwif no expr [n2]:no kwthen [n3]:n stmtsn elsepartblock {-> New expr.if(kwif, expr, stmtsn.expr, elsepartblock.expr)} !withelse | {emptyblock} kwif no expr [n2]:no kwthen [n3]:n? elsepartblock {-> New expr.if(kwif, expr, Null, elsepartblock.expr)} ; elsepartblock {-> expr?} = {else} kwelse stmtso {-> stmtso.expr} | {empty} kwend {-> New expr.block([], kwend)} ; loop~withelse {-> expr} = kwloop stmtso_withend label {-> New expr.loop(kwloop, stmtso_withend.expr, label)} | {nolabel} kwloop stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.loop(kwloop, stmtso~withelse.expr, Null)} ; while~withelse {-> expr} = kwwhile no expr [n2]:no kwdo stmtso_withend label {-> New expr.while(kwwhile, expr, kwdo, stmtso_withend.expr, label)} | {nolabel} kwwhile no expr [n2]:no kwdo stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.while(kwwhile, expr, kwdo, stmtso~withelse.expr, Null)} ; for~withelse {-> expr} = kwfor no [ids]:idlist [n2]:no kwin [n3]:no expr [n4]:no kwdo stmtso_withend label {-> New expr.for(kwfor, [ids.id], expr, kwdo, stmtso_withend.expr, label)} | {nolabel} kwfor no [ids]:idlist [n2]:no kwin [n3]:no expr [n4]:no kwdo stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.for(kwfor, [ids.id], expr, kwdo, stmtso~withelse.expr, Null)} ; assert~withelse {-> expr} = {else} kwassert assertid? expr_final_withelse kwelse stmtso~withelse {-> New expr.assert(kwassert, assertid.id, expr_final_withelse.expr, stmtso~withelse.expr)} !withelse| {noelse} kwassert assertid? expr_final {-> New expr.assert(kwassert, assertid.id, expr_final.expr, Null)} ; assertid {-> id} = id column {-> id}; /* EXPRESSIONS ***************************************************************/ expr_final~nopar~withelse~nobra {-> expr} = expr~nopar~nobra {-> expr~nopar~nobra.expr} ; expr~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_and~nopar~nobra {-> expr_and~nopar~nobra.expr} | {ifexpr} kwif [n1]:no expr [n2]:no kwthen [n3]:no [then]:expr [n4]:no kwelse [n5]:no [else]:expr~nopar~nobra {-> New expr.ifexpr(kwif, expr, kwthen, then, kwelse, else.expr)} ; expr_and~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_not~nopar~nobra {-> expr_not~nopar~nobra.expr} | {:or} expr_and~nopar~nobra :kwor :no expr_not~nopar~nobra | {:and} expr_and~nopar~nobra :kwand :no expr_not~nopar~nobra | {:or_else} expr_and~nopar~nobra :kwor :kwelse :no expr_not~nopar~nobra | {:implies} expr_and~nopar~nobra :kwimplies :no expr_not~nopar~nobra ; expr_not~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_eq~nopar~nobra {-> expr_eq~nopar~nobra.expr} | {not} kwnot no expr_not~nopar~nobra {-> New expr.not(kwnot, expr_not~nopar~nobra.expr)} ; expr_eq~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_add~nopar~nobra {-> expr_add~nopar~nobra.expr} | {:eq} expr_add~nopar~nobra :eq :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:ne} expr_add~nopar~nobra :ne :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:lt} expr_add~nopar~nobra :lt :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:le} expr_add~nopar~nobra :le :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:ll} expr_eq~nopar~nobra :ll :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:gt} expr_add~nopar~nobra :gt :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:ge} expr_add~nopar~nobra :ge :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:gg} expr_eq~nopar~nobra :gg :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:starship} expr_add~nopar~nobra :starship :no [expr2]:expr_add~nopar~nobra | {:isa} expr_add~nopar~nobra :kwisa :no type~nobra ; expr_add~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_mul~nopar~nobra {-> expr_mul~nopar~nobra.expr} | {:plus} expr_add~nopar~nobra :plus :no [expr2]:expr_mul~nopar~nobra | {:minus} expr_add~nopar~nobra :minus :no [expr2]:expr_mul~nopar~nobra ; expr_mul~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_minus~nopar~nobra {-> expr_minus~nopar~nobra.expr} | {:star} expr_mul~nopar~nobra :star :no [expr2]:expr_minus~nopar~nobra | {:slash} expr_mul~nopar~nobra :slash :no [expr2]:expr_minus~nopar~nobra | {:percent} expr_mul~nopar~nobra :percent :no [expr2]:expr_minus~nopar~nobra ; expr_minus~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_new~nopar~nobra {-> expr_new~nopar~nobra.expr} | {:uminus} minus :no expr_minus~nopar~nobra | {:once} kwonce :no expr_minus~nopar~nobra ; expr_new~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_atom~nopar~nobra {-> expr_atom~nopar~nobra.expr} | {new} kwnew no type~nobra_nopar args {-> New expr.new(kwnew, type~nobra_nopar.type, Null, args.exprs)} | {isset_attr} kwisset recv~nopar~nobra qualified? attrid {-> New expr.isset_attr(kwisset, recv~nopar~nobra.expr, attrid)} ; expr_atom~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = {attr} recv~nopar~nobra qualified? attrid {-> New expr.attr(recv~nopar~nobra.expr, attrid)} | {call} recv~nopar~nobra qualified? id args {-> New expr.call(recv~nopar~nobra.expr, id, args.exprs)} | {super} qualified? kwsuper args {-> New expr.super(qualified, kwsuper, args.exprs)} | {init} recv~nopar~nobra kwinit args {-> New expr.init(recv~nopar~nobra.expr, kwinit, args.exprs)} !nobra | {bra} expr_atom~nopar braargs {-> New expr.bra(expr_atom~nopar.expr, braargs.exprs)} | {new} kwnew no type~nobra_nopar dot [n2]:no qualified? id args {-> New expr.new(kwnew, type~nobra_nopar.type, id, args.exprs)} // !nopar to unambiguise 'foo[5].bar' between '(foo[5]).bar' and 'foo([5].bar), !nobra!nopar | {range} obra no expr [n2]:no dotdot [n3]:no [expr2]:expr_nobra [n4]:no cbra annotations? {-> New expr.crange(obra, expr, expr2.expr, cbra, annotations)} !nobra!nopar | {orange} obra no expr [n2]:no dotdot [n3]:no [expr2]:expr_nobra [n4]:no [cbra]:obra annotations? {-> New expr.orange(obra, expr, expr2.expr, cbra, annotations)} !nobra!nopar | {array} braargs annotations? {-> New expr.array(braargs.exprs, annotations)} | {self} kwself annotations? {-> New expr.self(kwself, annotations)} | {true} kwtrue annotations? {-> New expr.true(kwtrue, annotations)} | {false} kwfalse annotations? {-> New expr.false(kwfalse, annotations)} | {null} kwnull annotations? {-> New expr.null(kwnull, annotations)} | {int} number annotations? {-> New expr.int(number, annotations)} | {float} float annotations? {-> New expr.float(float, annotations)} | {char} char annotations? {-> New expr.char(char, annotations)} | {string} string annotations? {-> New expr.string(string, annotations)} | {superstring} superstring {-> superstring.expr} !nopar | {par} opar no expr [n2]:no cpar annotations? {-> New expr.par(opar, expr, cpar, annotations)} | {as_cast} expr_atom~nopar~nobra dot no kwas [n2]:no opar [n3]:no type [n4]:no cpar {-> New expr.as_cast(expr_atom~nopar~nobra.expr, kwas, opar, type, cpar)} | {as_notnull} expr_atom~nopar~nobra dot no kwas [n2]:no opar [n3]:no kwnot [n4]:no kwnull [n5]:no cpar {-> New expr.as_notnull(expr_atom~nopar~nobra.expr, kwas, opar, kwnot, kwnull, cpar)} ; superstring {-> expr} = superstring_start superstring_middle* superstring_end annotations? {-> New expr.superstring([superstring_start.expr, superstring_middle.expr, superstring_end.expr], annotations)}; superstring_start {-> expr*} = start_string_p no expr [n2]:no {-> [start_string_p.expr, expr]}; start_string_p {-> expr} = start_string {-> New expr.start_string(start_string)}; superstring_middle {-> expr*} = mid_string_p no expr [n2]:no {-> [mid_string_p.expr, expr]}; mid_string_p {-> expr} = mid_string {-> New expr.mid_string(mid_string)}; superstring_end {-> expr} = end_string {-> New expr.end_string(end_string)}; /* ANNOTATIONS *******************************************************************/ annotations~nopar {-> annotations} = {one} at one_annotation~nopar {-> New annotations(at, Null, [one_annotation~nopar.annotation], Null)} | {many} at opar no annotation_list [n2]:no cpar {-> New annotations(at, opar, [annotation_list.annotation], cpar)} ; one_annotation~nopar {-> annotation} = {alone} atid annotations~nopar? {-> New annotation(atid, Null, [], Null, annotations~nopar.annotations)} // !nopar to unambiguise 'new T@foo(bar)' between 'new T@(foo(bar))' and 'new (T@foo)(bar)' !nopar | {args} atid opar no at_args [n2]:no cpar annotations~nopar? {-> New annotation(atid, opar, [at_args.at_arg], cpar, annotations~nopar.annotations)} ; many_annotations {-> annotations} = {many} annotation_list {-> New annotations(Null, Null, [annotation_list.annotation], Null)} ; annotation_list {-> annotation*} = {many} one_annotation annotations_tail* {-> [one_annotation.annotation, annotations_tail.annotation] } ; line_annotations~forclass {-> annotations} = line_annotation~forclass+ {-> New annotations(Null, Null, [line_annotation~forclass.annotation], Null) } ; line_annotation~forclass {-> annotation} = [doc]:no atid~forclass annotations? n1 {-> New annotation(atid~forclass.atid, Null, [], Null, annotations)} | {args} [doc]:no atid~forclass opar no at_args cpar annotations? n1 {-> New annotation(atid~forclass.atid, opar, [at_args.at_arg], cpar, annotations)} | {nopar} [doc]:no atid~forclass at_args_nopar n1 {-> New annotation(atid~forclass.atid, Null, [at_args_nopar.at_arg], Null, Null)} ; annotations_tail {-> annotation} = comma no one_annotation {-> one_annotation.annotation} ; at_args~nopar {-> at_arg* } = {many} at_arg~nopar at_args_tail* {-> [at_arg~nopar.at_arg, at_args_tail.at_arg]} ; at_args_tail {-> at_arg} = comma no at_arg {-> at_arg} ; at_arg~nopar {-> at_arg} = {type} type {-> New at_arg.type(type)} | {expr} expr~nopar {-> New at_arg.expr(expr~nopar.expr)} | {stmt} stmt_noexpr~nopar {-> New at_arg.expr(stmt_noexpr~nopar.expr)} !nopar | {at} annotations {-> New at_arg.at(annotations.annotations)} ; atid~forclass {-> atid} = {id} qualified? id {-> New atid.id(id)} //!forclass | {kwextern} qualified? kwextern {-> New atid.kwextern(kwextern)} //!forclass | {kwintern} qualified? kwintern {-> New atid.kwintern(kwintern)} !forclass | {kwreadable} qualified? kwreadable {-> New atid.kwreadable(kwreadable)} !forclass | {kwwritable} qualified? kwwritable {-> New atid.kwwritable(kwwritable)} | {kwimport} qualified? kwimport {-> New atid.kwimport(kwimport)} ; /* MISC **********************************************************************/ recv~nopar~nobra {-> expr} = expr_atom~nopar~nobra dot no {-> expr_atom~nopar~nobra.expr} | {implicit} {-> New expr.implicit_self()} ; args {-> exprs} = opar no expr_list cpar {-> New exprs.par(opar, [expr_list.expr], cpar) } | {emptypar} opar no cpar {-> New exprs.par(opar, [], cpar) } | {empty} {-> New exprs.list([])} ; args_nopar {-> exprs} = opar no expr_list cpar {-> New exprs.par(opar, [expr_list.expr], cpar) } | {onearg} expr_nopar {-> New exprs.list([expr_nopar.expr])} | {emptypar} opar no cpar {-> New exprs.par(opar, [], cpar) } | {empty} {-> New exprs.list([])} ; braargs {-> exprs} = obra no expr_list cbra {-> New exprs.bra(obra, [expr_list.expr], cbra)}; expr_list {-> expr*} = expr [n2]:no expr_tail* {-> [expr, expr_tail.expr]}; expr_tail {-> expr} = comma no expr [n2]:no {-> expr}; idlist {-> id*} = opar no idlist_nopar [n2]:no cpar {-> [idlist_nopar.id]} | {nopar} idlist_nopar {-> [idlist_nopar.id]} ; idlist_nopar {-> id*} = {single} id {-> [id]} | {more} idlist_nopar no comma [n2]:no id {-> [idlist_nopar.id, id]} ; module_name {-> module_name} = {mod} modquad* id {-> New module_name(Null, [modquad.id], id)} | {root} quad no modquad* id {-> New module_name(quad, [modquad.id], id)} ; qualified = {cla} modquad* classquad {-> New qualified([modquad.id], classquad.classid)} | {mod} modquad+ {-> New qualified([modquad.id], Null)} ; modquad {-> id} = id quad no {-> id}; classquad {-> classid} = classid quad no {-> classid}; n1 = {a} comment | {b} eol; n {-> doc?} = {a} n2? comment+ {-> New doc([comment])} | {b} n2 {-> Null} ; no {-> doc?} = {empty} {-> Null} | n {-> n.doc} ; n2 = {a} n2? comment+ eol+ | {b} eol+ ; /*****************************************************************************/ Abstract Syntax Tree /*****************************************************************************/ module = moduledecl? [imports]:import* [extern_code_blocks]:extern_code_block* [classdefs]:classdef*; moduledecl = doc? kwmodule [name]:module_name annotations?; import = {std} visibility kwimport [name]:module_name annotations? | {no} visibility kwimport kwend ; visibility = {public} | {private} kwprivate | {protected} kwprotected | {intrude} kwintrude ; classdef= {std} doc? kwredef? visibility classkind [id]:classid? [formaldefs]:formaldef* annotations? extern_code_block? [superclasses]:superclass* [propdefs]:propdef* kwend | {top} [propdefs]:propdef* | {main} [propdefs]:propdef* ; classkind = {concrete} kwclass | {abstract} kwabstract kwclass | {interface} kwinterface | {enum} kwenum | {extern} kwextern kwclass? ; formaldef = [id]:classid type? annotations?; superclass = kwsuper type annotations?; propdef = {attr} doc? [readable]:able? [writable]:able? kwredef? visibility kwvar [id]:attrid? [id2]:id? type? annotations? expr? | {meth} doc? kwredef? visibility methid signature | {deferred_meth} doc? kwredef? visibility kwmeth methid signature annotations? | {intern_meth} doc? kwredef? visibility kwmeth methid signature | {extern_meth} doc? kwredef? visibility kwmeth methid signature [extern]:string? extern_calls? extern_code_block? | {concrete_meth} doc? kwredef? visibility kwmeth methid signature annotations? [block]:expr? | {concrete_init} doc? kwredef? visibility kwinit methid? signature annotations? [block]:expr? //| {concrete_new} doc? kwredef? visibility kwnew methid? signature [block]:expr? | {extern_init} doc? kwredef? visibility kwnew methid? signature [extern]:string? extern_calls? extern_code_block? | {main_meth} kwredef? [block]:expr? | {type} doc? kwredef? visibility kwtype [id]:classid type annotations? ; able = {read} kwredef? kwreadable | {write} kwredef? visibility? kwwritable ; methid = {id} id | {plus} plus | {minus} minus | {star} star | {slash} slash | {percent} percent | {eq} eq | {ne} ne | {le} le | {ge} ge | {lt} lt | {gt} gt | {ll} ll | {gg} gg | {bra} obra cbra | {starship} starship | {assign} id assign | {braassign} obra cbra assign; signature = opar? [params]:param* cpar? type?; param = id type? dotdotdot? annotations? ; type = kwnullable? [id]:classid [types]:type* annotations?; label = kwlabel id; expr = {block} expr* kwend? | {vardecl} kwvar id type? assign? expr? annotations? | {return} kwreturn? expr? | {break} kwbreak label? expr? | {abort} kwabort | {continue} kwcontinue? label? expr? | {do} kwdo [block]:expr? label? | {if} kwif expr [then]:expr? [else]:expr? | {ifexpr} kwif expr kwthen [then]:expr kwelse [else]:expr | {while} kwwhile expr kwdo [block]:expr? label? | {loop} kwloop [block]:expr? label? | {for} kwfor [ids]:id* expr kwdo [block]:expr? label? | {assert} kwassert id? expr [else]:expr? | {once} kwonce expr | {send} expr | {binop} expr [expr2]:expr | {or} expr [expr2]:expr | {and} expr [expr2]:expr | {or_else} expr [expr2]:expr | {implies} expr [expr2]:expr | {not} kwnot expr | {eq} expr [expr2]:expr | {ne} expr [expr2]:expr | {lt} expr [expr2]:expr | {le} expr [expr2]:expr | {ll} expr [expr2]:expr | {gt} expr [expr2]:expr | {ge} expr [expr2]:expr | {gg} expr [expr2]:expr | {isa} expr type | {plus} expr [expr2]:expr | {minus} expr [expr2]:expr | {starship} expr [expr2]:expr | {star} expr [expr2]:expr | {slash} expr [expr2]:expr | {percent} expr [expr2]:expr | {uminus} minus expr | {new} kwnew type id? [args]:exprs | {attr} expr [id]:attrid | {attr_assign} expr [id]:attrid assign [value]:expr | {attr_reassign} expr [id]:attrid assign_op [value]:expr | {call} expr id [args]:exprs | {call_assign} expr id [args]:exprs assign [value]:expr | {call_reassign} expr id [args]:exprs assign_op [value]:expr | {super} qualified? kwsuper [args]:exprs | {init} expr kwinit [args]:exprs | {bra} expr [args]:exprs | {bra_assign} expr [args]:exprs assign [value]:expr | {bra_reassign} expr [args]:exprs assign_op [value]:expr | {var} id | {var_assign} id assign [value]:expr | {var_reassign} id assign_op [value]:expr | {range} expr [expr2]:expr annotations? | {crange} obra expr [expr2]:expr cbra annotations? | {orange} obra expr [expr2]:expr [cbra]:obra annotations? | {array} [exprs]:exprs annotations? | {self} kwself annotations? | {implicit_self} | {true} kwtrue annotations? | {false} kwfalse annotations? | {null} kwnull annotations? | {int} number annotations? | {float} float annotations? | {char} char annotations? | {string} string annotations? | {start_string} [string]:start_string | {mid_string} [string]:mid_string | {end_string} [string]:end_string | {superstring} [exprs]:expr* annotations? | {par} opar expr cpar annotations? | {as_cast} expr kwas opar type cpar | {as_notnull} expr kwas opar kwnot kwnull cpar | {isset_attr} kwisset expr [id]:attrid | {debug_type} kwdebug kwtype expr type ; exprs = {list} [exprs]:expr* | {par} opar [exprs]:expr* cpar | {bra} obra [exprs]:expr* cbra ; assign_op = {plus} pluseq | {minus} minuseq ; module_name = quad? [path]:id* id; extern_calls = kwimport [extern_calls]:extern_call* ; extern_call = | {super} kwsuper | {local_prop} methid | {full_prop} classid quad? methid | {init_prop} classid | {cast_as} [from_type]:type kwas [to_type]:type | {as_nullable} type kwas kwnullable | {as_not_nullable} type kwas kwnot kwnullable ; in_language = kwin string; extern_code_block = in_language? extern_code_segment; qualified = id* classid? ; doc = comment+; annotations = at? opar? [items]:annotation* cpar?; annotation = atid opar? [args]:at_arg* cpar? annotations?; at_arg = {type} type | {expr} expr | {at} annotations ; atid = {id} id | {kwextern} [id]:kwextern | {kwintern} [id]:kwintern | {kwreadable} [id]:kwreadable | {kwwritable} [id]:kwwritable | {kwimport} [id]:kwimport; /*****************************************************************************/