# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module action_nitro is app_name "Action Nitro" app_namespace "net.xymus.action_nitro" app_version(1, 0, git_revision) android_manifest_activity """android:screenOrientation="sensorLandscape"""" android_api_target 10 end import gamnit::depth import gamnit::keys import gamnit::limit_fps import game import gen::texts import gen::planes redef class App # Game world var world: World = new World is lazy # --- # Game world assets # Textures of the biplane, jet, helicopter, parachute and powerups var planes_sheet = new PlanesImages # Animation for the player movement private var player_textures: Array[Texture] = [for f in [1..12] do new Texture("textures/player/frame_{f.pad(2)}.png")] # Boss 3D model private var iss_model = new Model("models/iss.obj") # --- # Ground textures private var ground_texture = new Texture("textures/fastgras01.jpg") private var tree_texture = new Texture("textures/Tree03.png") # --- # Blood splatter private var splatter_texture = new Texture("textures/blood_splatter.png") private var splatter_material: TexturedMaterial do var mat = new TexturedMaterial([1.0]*4, [0.0]*4, [0.0]*4) mat.ambient_texture = splatter_texture return mat end private var splatter_model = new LeafModel(new Plane, splatter_material) # --- # Background private var city_texture = new TextureAsset("textures/city_background_clean.png") private var stars_texture = new Texture("textures/stars.jpg") private var stars = new Sprite(stars_texture, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 1100.0, -600.0)) is lazy # --- # Particle effects # Explosion particles var explosions = new ParticleSystem(20, explosion_program, new Texture("particles/explosion00.png")) # Blood explosion particles var blood = new ParticleSystem(20, explosion_program, new Texture("particles/blood07.png")) # Smoke for the background var smoke = new ParticleSystem(500, smoke_program, new Texture("particles/blackSmoke12.png")) # Static clouds particles var clouds = new ParticleSystem(1600, static_program, new Texture("particles/whitePuff12.png")) # --- # Sound effects # TODO #private var fx_fire = new Sound("sounds/fire.mp3") # --- # UI private var texts_sheet = new TextsImages private var tutorial_wasd = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.tutorial_wasd, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, -250.0, 0.0)) is lazy private var tutorial_arrows = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.tutorial_arrows, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, -350.0, 0.0)) is lazy private var tutorial_chute = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.tutorial_chute, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, -450.0, 0.0)) is lazy private var tutorial_goal = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.goal, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) is lazy private var outro_directed = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.directed, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, 400.0, 0.0)) is lazy private var outro_created = new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.created, app.ui_camera.center.offset(0.0, -200.0, 0.0)) is lazy # --- # Counters for the UI private var score_counter = new CounterSprites(texts_sheet.n, new Point3d[Float](32.0, -64.0, 0.0)) private var altitude_counter = new CounterSprites(texts_sheet.n, new Point3d[Float](1400.0, -64.0, 0.0)) # Did the player asked to skip the intro animation? private var skip_intro = false redef fun on_create do super show_splash_screen new Texture("textures/splash.jpg") # Load 3d models iss_model.load if iss_model.errors.not_empty then print_error iss_model.errors.join("\n") # Setup cameras world_camera.reset_height 60.0 ui_camera.reset_height 1080.0 # Register particle systems particle_systems.add explosions particle_systems.add blood particle_systems.add smoke particle_systems.add clouds # Stars background sprites.add stars stars.scale = 2.1 # City background city_texture.pixelated = true var city_sprite = new Sprite(city_texture, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 370.0, -600.0)) city_sprite.scale = 0.8 sprites.add city_sprite # Setup ground var ground_mesh = new Plane ground_mesh.repeat_x = 100.0 ground_mesh.repeat_y = 100.0 var ground_material = new TexturedMaterial( [0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0], [0.0]*4) ground_material.diffuse_texture = ground_texture var ground_model = new LeafModel(ground_mesh, ground_material) var ground = new Actor(ground_model, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ground.scale = 5000.0 actors.add ground # Trees for i in 2000.times do var s = 0.1 + 0.1.rand var h = tree_texture.height * s var sprite = new Sprite(tree_texture, new Point3d[Float](0.0 & 1500.0, h/2.0 - 10.0*s, 10.0 - 609.0.rand)) sprite.static = true sprite.scale = s sprites.add sprite var c = 1.0.rand c *= 0.7 sprite.tint = [c, 1.0, c, 1.0] end # Clouds var no_clouds_layer = 200.0 for i in [0 .. 32[ do var zp = 1.0.rand var x = 0.0 & 1000.0 * zp var y = no_clouds_layer + (world.boss_altitude - no_clouds_layer*2.0).rand var z = -500.0*zp - 10.0 var r = 50.0 & 1.0 for j in [0..32[ do var a = 2.0*pi.rand var rj = r.rand clouds.add(new Point3d[Float](x+2.0*a.cos*rj, y+a.sin*rj, z & 1.0), 48000.0 & 16000.0, inf) end end # Move the sun to best light the ISS light.position.x = 2000.0 light.position.z = 4000.0 # Prepare for intro animation ui_sprites.add tutorial_goal world_camera.far = 1024.0 end redef fun update(dt) do # Game logic world.update dt # Update background color var player = world.player var player_pos = if player != null then player.center else new Point3d[Float](0.0, 200.0, 0.0) var altitude = player_pos.y var p = altitude / world.boss_altitude var ip = 1.0 - p glClearColor(0.3*ip, 0.3*ip, ip, 1.0) stars.alpha = (1.4*p-0.4).clamp(0.0, 1.0) # Randomly add smoke var poss = [ new Point3d[Float](291.0, 338.0, -601.0), new Point3d[Float](-356.0, 422.0, -601.0)] var r = 8.0 if 2.rand == 0 then var pos = poss.rand smoke.add( new Point3d[Float](pos.x & r, pos.y & r, pos.z & r), 96000.0 & 16000.0, 10.0) end # Move camera world_camera.position.x = player_pos.x world_camera.position.y = player_pos.y + 5.0 # Cinematic? var t = world.t var intro_duration = 8.0 if t < intro_duration and not skip_intro then var pitch = t/intro_duration pitch = (pitch*pi).sin world_camera.pitch = pitch return end if world.player == null then world_camera.pitch = 0.0 world_camera.far = 700.0 begin_play true end # Update counters score_counter.value = world.score var alt = 0 if world.player != null then alt = world.player.altitude.to_i altitude_counter.value = alt # General movement on the X axis if player != null then player.moving = 0.0 if pressed_keys.has("left") then player.moving -= 1.0 if pressed_keys.has("right") then player.moving += 1.0 player.sprite.as(PlayerSprite).update end # Try to fire as long as a key is pressed if pressed_keys.not_empty then var a = inf if pressed_keys.has("a") then if pressed_keys.has("w") then a = 0.75 * pi else if pressed_keys.has("s") then a = 1.25 * pi else a = pi end else if pressed_keys.has("d") then if pressed_keys.has("w") then a = 0.25 * pi else if pressed_keys.has("s") then a = 1.75 * pi else a = 0.0 end else if pressed_keys.has("w") then a = 0.50 * pi else if pressed_keys.has("s") then a = 1.50 * pi end if a != inf and player != null then player.shoot(a, world) hide_tutorial_wasd end end # Low-gravity controls if player != null and player.is_alive and player.altitude >= world.boss_altitude then var d = 50.0*dt for key in pressed_keys do if key == "up" then player.inertia.y += d else if key == "down" then player.inertia.y -= d else if key == "left" then player.inertia.x -= d else if key == "right" then player.inertia.x += d end end end # Detect if game won var won_at = won_at if won_at == null then var boss = world.boss if boss != null and not boss.is_alive then self.won_at = world.t end else # Show outro var t_since_won = world.t - won_at if t_since_won > 1.0 and not ui_sprites.has(outro_directed) then ui_sprites.add outro_directed if t_since_won > 2.0 and not ui_sprites.has(outro_created) then ui_sprites.add outro_created end end # Begin playing, after intro if `initial`, otherwise after death fun begin_play(initial: Bool) do ui_sprites.clear world.spawn_player world.planes.add new Airplane(new Point3d[Float](0.0, world.player.center.y - 10.0, 0.0), 16.0, 4.0) if initial then # Setup tutorial ui_sprites.add_all([tutorial_wasd, tutorial_arrows, tutorial_chute]) end end # Seconds at which the game was won, using `world.t` as reference private var won_at: nullable Float = null # Remove the tutorial sprite about WASD from `ui_sprites` private fun hide_tutorial_wasd do if ui_sprites.has(tutorial_wasd) then ui_sprites.remove(tutorial_wasd) # Remove the tutorial sprite about arrows from `ui_sprites` private fun hide_tutorial_arrows do if ui_sprites.has(tutorial_arrows) then ui_sprites.remove(tutorial_arrows) # Remove the tutorial sprite about the parachute from `ui_sprites` private fun hide_tutorial_chute do if ui_sprites.has(tutorial_chute) then ui_sprites.remove(tutorial_chute) redef fun accept_event(event) do if super then return true if event isa QuitEvent then print perfs exit 0 else if event isa KeyEvent then if event.name == "escape" and event.is_down then print perfs exit 0 end var player = world.player if player != null and player.is_alive then # Hide tutorial about arrows once they are used var arrows = once ["left", "right"] if arrows.has(event.name) then hide_tutorial_arrows if player.altitude < world.boss_altitude then if event.name == "space" and event.is_down and not player.parachute_deployed and player.plane == null then player.parachute if player.parachute_deployed then var pc = player.center world.parachute = new Parachute(new Point3d[Float](pc.x, pc.y + 5.0, pc.z-0.1), 8.0, 5.0) end hide_tutorial_chute end if (event.name == "space" or event.name == "up") and event.is_down then player.jump end if event.name == "left" then var mod = if event.is_down then -1.0 else 1.0 player.moving += mod end if event.name == "right" then var mod = if event.is_down then 1.0 else -1.0 player.moving += mod end if player.moving == 0.0 then player.sprite.as(PlayerSprite).stop_running else player.sprite.as(PlayerSprite).start_running end end end # When player is dead, respawn on spacebar or pointer depressed if (event isa KeyEvent and event.name == "space") or (event isa PointerEvent and not event.is_move and event.depressed) then var player = world.player if player == null then skip_intro = true else if not player.is_alive then begin_play false end end return false end end redef class Body # Sprite representing this entity if there is no `actor` fun sprite: Sprite is abstract # 3D actor fun actor: nullable Actor do return null init do var actor = actor if actor != null then app.actors.add actor else app.sprites.add sprite end redef fun destroy(world) do super var actor = actor if actor != null then app.actors.remove actor else app.sprites.remove sprite end end redef class Human redef fun die(world) do super death_animation end # Show death animation (explosion) fun death_animation do var force = 4.0 health = 0.0 for i in 32.times do app.blood.add( new Point3d[Float](center.x & force, center.y & force, center.z & force), (2048.0 & 4096.0) * force, 0.3 & 0.1) end end end redef class Platform init do sprite.scale = width/sprite.texture.width redef fun update(dt, world) do super if inertia.x < 0.0 then sprite.invert_x = false else if inertia.x > 0.0 then sprite.invert_x = true end end end redef class Airplane private fun texture: Texture do return if center.y < 600.0 then app.planes_sheet.biplane else app.planes_sheet.jet redef var sprite = new Sprite(texture, center) is lazy end redef class Helicopter redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.planes_sheet.helicopter, center) is lazy end redef class Boss redef var actor is lazy do var actor = new Actor(app.iss_model, center) actor.yaw = pi/2.0 return actor end redef fun death_animation do var force = 64.0 app.explosions.add(center, 4096.0 * force, 0.3) for i in (8.0*force).to_i.times do app.explosions.add( new Point3d[Float](center.x & force, center.y & force/8.0, center.z & force), (2048.0 & 1024.0) * force, 0.3 + 5.0.rand, 5.0.rand) end end end redef class Enemy redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.player_textures.rand, center) is lazy init do sprite.scale = width/sprite.texture.width * 2.0 end redef class Parachute redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.planes_sheet.parachute, center) is lazy init do sprite.scale = width / sprite.texture.width end redef class Player redef var sprite = new PlayerSprite(app.player_textures[1], center, app.player_textures, 0.08) is lazy init do sprite.scale = width/sprite.texture.width * 2.0 redef fun update(dt, world) do super if moving > 0.0 then sprite.invert_x = false else if moving < 0.0 then sprite.invert_x = true end end redef fun die(world) do super if center.y < 10.0 then # Blood splatter on the ground var splatter = new Actor(app.splatter_model, new Point3d[Float](center.x, 0.05 & 0.04, center.y)) splatter.scale = 32.0 splatter.yaw = 2.0*pi.rand app.actors.add splatter end # Display respawn instructions app.ui_sprites.add new Sprite(app.texts_sheet.respawn, app.ui_camera.center) end end redef class Bullet redef var sprite = new Sprite(weapon.bullet_texture, center) is lazy init do sprite.scale = 0.03 sprite.rotation = angle end end redef class Weapon fun bullet_texture: Texture do return app.planes_sheet.bullet_ak end redef class Pistol redef fun bullet_texture do return app.planes_sheet.bullet_pistol end redef class RocketLauncher redef fun bullet_texture do return app.planes_sheet.bullet_rocket end redef class Powerup # Scale so it looks like 5 world units wide, not matter the size of the texture init do sprite.scale = 5.0/sprite.texture.width end redef class Ak47PU redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.planes_sheet.ak, center) is lazy end redef class RocketLauncherPU redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.planes_sheet.rocket, center) is lazy end redef class Life redef var sprite = new Sprite(app.planes_sheet.health, center) is lazy init do sprite.scale = 3.0/sprite.texture.height end redef class World redef fun explode(center, force) do super # Particles app.explosions.add(center, 8192.0 * force, 0.3) for i in (4.0*force).to_i.times do app.explosions.add( new Point3d[Float](center.x & force, center.y & force/2.0, center.z & force), (4096.0 & 2048.0) * force, 0.3 & 0.3, 0.5.rand) end end end redef class Int # Pad a number with `0`s on the left side to reach `size` digits private fun pad(size: Int): String do var s = to_s var d = size - s.length if d > 0 then s = "0"*d + s return s end end # Special `Sprite` for the player character which is animated class PlayerSprite super Sprite # Animation of the running character var running_animation: Array[Texture] # Seconds per frame of the animations var time_per_frame: Float # Currently playing animation private var current_animation: nullable Array[Texture] = null # Second at witch `current_animation` started private var anim_ot = 0.0 # Start the running animation fun start_running do anim_ot = app.world.t current_animation = running_animation end # Stop the running animation fun stop_running do current_animation = null # Update `texture` from `current_animation` fun update do var anim = current_animation if anim != null then var dt = app.world.t - anim_ot var i = (dt / time_per_frame).to_i+2 texture = anim.modulo(i) end end end # Manager to display numbers in sprite class CounterSprites # TODO clean up and move up to lib # Number textures, from 0 to 9 # # Require: `textures.length == 10` var textures: Array[Texture] # Center of the first digit in UI coordinates var anchor: Point3d[Float] # Last set of sprites generated to display the `value=` private var sprites = new Array[Sprite] # Update the value displayed by the counter by inserting new sprites into `app.ui_sprites` fun value=(value: Int) do # Clean up last used sprites for s in sprites do if app.ui_sprites.has(s) then app.ui_sprites.remove s sprites.clear # Build new sprites var s = value.to_s # TODO manipulate ints directly var x = 0.0 for c in s do var i = c.to_i var tex = textures[i] x += tex.width/2.0 sprites.add new Sprite(tex, new Point3d[Float](anchor.x + x, anchor.y, anchor.z)) x += tex.width/2.0 end # Register sprites to be drawn by `app.ui_camera` app.ui_sprites.add_all sprites end end redef class SmokeProgram # Redef source to get particles that move up faster redef fun vertex_shader_core do return """ vec4 c = center; c.y += dt * 20.0; c.x += dt * dt * 2.0; gl_Position = c * mvp; gl_PointSize = scale / gl_Position.z * (pt+0.1); if (pt < 0.1) v_color.a = pt / 0.1; else v_color.a = 1.0 - pt*0.9; """ end