{ "name": "test_prog", "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "test_prog>", "mdoc": { "content": "Test program for model tools.\n\nThis program creates a fake model that can be used to test tools like:\n\n* `nitdoc`\n* `nitmetrics`\n* `nitx`\n* or others `modelbuilder`.\n\nAn image:\n\n![Tinks3D](../../contrib/tinks/doc/tinks3d.png)", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 12, "line_start": 1, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["group"], "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "line_start": 0, "file": "test_location" }, "is_root": true, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "default_mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::test_prog" }, "parent": null, "mmodules": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::test_prog" }], "mgroups": [{ "full_name": "test_prog>game>" }, { "full_name": "test_prog>platform>" }, { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }] } { "name": "game", "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "test_prog>game>", "mdoc": { "content": "Gaming group", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 1, "line_start": 1, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["group"], "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "line_start": 0, "file": "test_location" }, "is_root": false, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "default_mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::game" }, "parent": { "full_name": "test_prog>" }, "mmodules": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::game" }], "mgroups": [] } { "name": "platform", "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "test_prog>platform>", "mdoc": { "content": "Fictive Crappy Platform.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 1, "line_start": 1, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["group"], "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "line_start": 0, "file": "test_location" }, "is_root": false, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "default_mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::platform" }, "parent": { "full_name": "test_prog>" }, "mmodules": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::platform" }], "mgroups": [] } { "name": "rpg", "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>", "mdoc": { "content": "Role Playing Game group", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 1, "line_start": 1, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["group"], "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "line_start": 0, "file": "test_location" }, "is_root": false, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "default_mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::rpg" }, "parent": { "full_name": "test_prog>" }, "mmodules": [{ "full_name": "test_prog::careers" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::character" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::races" }, { "full_name": "test_prog::rpg" }], "mgroups": [] } { "name": "excluded", "class_name": "MGroup", "full_name": "excluded>", "mdoc": null, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["group"], "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 0, "line_end": 0, "line_start": 0, "file": "test_location" }, "is_root": true, "mpackage": { "full_name": "excluded" }, "default_mmodule": { "full_name": "excluded::excluded" }, "parent": null, "mmodules": [{ "full_name": "excluded::excluded" }], "mgroups": [] }