# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2014 Johan Kayser # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Targets the PNaCl platform # # To use this module and compile for PNaCl, you must install the # NaCl SDK (This file is based on Pepper 33). # If NACL_SDK_ROOT is not set in your PATH, you have to work in # 'nacl_sdk/pepper_your_pepper_version/getting_started/your_project_folder'. # # Provides PNaCl support for Nit. module pnacl is platform `{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ppapi/c/pp_errors.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppp.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppp_instance.h" #include "ppapi/c/pp_bool.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppb_var.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppb_messaging.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppp_messaging.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppb_var_dictionary.h" #include "ppapi/c/ppb_var_array.h" #define MAX_DICTIONARY_QUEUE_SIZE 200 #define MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE 10 extern int nit_main(int, char**); /* A working thread for Nit. */ static pthread_t g_nit_thread; /* Mutex that guards the queues. */ static pthread_mutex_t g_dictionary_queue_mutex; static pthread_mutex_t g_message_queue_mutex; /* Condition variables that are signalled when the queues are not empty. */ static pthread_cond_t g_dictionary_queue_not_empty_cond; static pthread_cond_t g_message_queue_not_empty_cond; /** Circular queues of dictionaries and messages from JavaScript to be handled. * * If g_queue_start < g_queue_end: * all elements in the range [g_queue_start, g_queue_end) are valid. * If g_queue_start > g_queue_end: * all elements in the ranges [0, g_queue_end) and * [g_queue_start, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) are valid. * If g_queue_start == g_queue_end, and g_queue_size > 0: * all elements in the g_queue are valid. * If g_queue_start == g_queue_end, and g_queue_size == 0: * No elements are valid. */ static struct PP_Var g_dictionary_queue[MAX_DICTIONARY_QUEUE_SIZE]; static char* g_message_queue[MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE]; /* The index of the head of the queues. */ static int g_dictionary_queue_start = 0; static int g_message_queue_start = 0; /* The index of the tail of the queues, non-inclusive. */ static int g_dictionary_queue_end = 0; static int g_message_queue_end = 0; /* The size of the queues. */ static int g_dictionary_queue_size = 0; static int g_message_queue_size = 0; /* PNaCl interfaces. */ const PPB_Messaging* g_varMessagingInterface; const PPB_Var* g_varInterface; const PPB_VarDictionary* g_varDictionaryInterface; const PPB_VarArray* g_varArrayInterface; PP_Instance g_instance; PnaclApp app; /* A wrapper to launch the Nit main on a new thread. */ void* WrapperNitMain(void* arg) { nit_main(0, NULL); return NULL; } /** Return whether the queues are empty. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_queue_mutex lock is held. * @return non-zero if the queue is empty. */ static int IsDictionaryQueueEmpty() { return g_dictionary_queue_size == 0; } static int IsMessageQueueEmpty() { return g_message_queue_size == 0; } /** Return whether the queues are full. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_queue_mutex lock is held. * @return non-zero if the queue is full. */ static int IsDictionaryQueueFull() { return g_dictionary_queue_size == MAX_DICTIONARY_QUEUE_SIZE; } static int IsMessageQueueFull() { return g_message_queue_size == MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE; } /* Initialize the queues. */ void InitializeQueues() { pthread_mutex_init(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&g_dictionary_queue_not_empty_cond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&g_message_queue_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&g_message_queue_not_empty_cond, NULL); } /** Enqueue a dictionary (i.e. add to the end) * * If the queue is full, the dictionary will be dropped. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_dictionary_queue_mutex is _NOT_ held. * @param[in] dictionary, the dictionary to enqueue. * @return non-zero if the dictionary was added to the queue. */ int EnqueueDictionary(struct PP_Var dictionary) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex); /* We shouldn't block the main thread waiting for the queue to not be full, * so just drop the dictionary. */ if (IsDictionaryQueueFull()) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex); return 0; } g_dictionary_queue[g_dictionary_queue_end] = dictionary; g_dictionary_queue_end = (g_dictionary_queue_end + 1) % MAX_DICTIONARY_QUEUE_SIZE; g_dictionary_queue_size++; pthread_cond_signal(&g_dictionary_queue_not_empty_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex); return 1; } /** Enqueue a message (i.e. add to the end) * * If the queue is full, the message will be dropped. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_message_queue_mutex is _NOT_ held. * @param[in] message The message to enqueue. * @return non-zero if the message was added to the queue. */ int EnqueueMessage(char* message) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_message_queue_mutex); /* We shouldn't block the main thread waiting for the queue to not be full, * so just drop the message. */ if (IsMessageQueueFull()) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_message_queue_mutex); return 0; } g_message_queue[g_message_queue_end] = message; g_message_queue_end = (g_message_queue_end + 1) % MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE; g_message_queue_size++; pthread_cond_signal(&g_message_queue_not_empty_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_message_queue_mutex); return 1; } /** Dequeue a dictionary and return it. * * This function blocks until a dictionary is available. It should not be called * on the main thread. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_dictionary_queue_mutex is _NOT_ held. * @return The dictionary at the head of the queue. */ struct PP_Var DequeueDictionary() { struct PP_Var dictionary = g_varDictionaryInterface->Create(); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex); while (IsDictionaryQueueEmpty()) { pthread_cond_wait(&g_dictionary_queue_not_empty_cond, &g_dictionary_queue_mutex); } dictionary = g_dictionary_queue[g_dictionary_queue_start]; g_dictionary_queue_start = (g_dictionary_queue_start + 1) % MAX_DICTIONARY_QUEUE_SIZE; g_dictionary_queue_size--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_dictionary_queue_mutex); return dictionary; } /** Dequeue a message and return it. * * This function blocks until a message is available. It should not be called * on the main thread. * * NOTE: this function assumes g_queue_mutex is _NOT_ held. * @return The message at the head of the queue. */ char* DequeueMessage() { char* message = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_message_queue_mutex); while (IsMessageQueueEmpty()) { pthread_cond_wait(&g_message_queue_not_empty_cond, &g_message_queue_mutex); } message = g_message_queue[g_message_queue_start]; g_message_queue_start = (g_message_queue_start + 1) % MAX_MESSAGE_QUEUE_SIZE; g_message_queue_size--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_message_queue_mutex); return message; } /* Posts a string message to JS. */ void PostMessage(char* message) { /* Create PP_Var containing the message body. */ struct PP_Var varString = g_varInterface->VarFromUtf8(message, strlen(message)); /* Post message to the JavaScript layer. */ g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, varString); } /* Posts a Dictionary (JS like object) to JS. */ void PostDictionary(struct PP_Var dictionary) { g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, dictionary); } /* Posts a Variable (aka PepperVar) to JS. Should only be used for testing, conventional conversation is made with Strings or Dictionaries. */ void PostVar(struct PP_Var v) { g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, v); } /* char* to PP_Var. */ static struct PP_Var CStrToVar(const char* str) { if (g_varInterface != NULL) { return g_varInterface->VarFromUtf8(str, strlen(str)); } return PP_MakeUndefined(); } static PP_Bool Instance_DidCreate(PP_Instance instance, uint32_t argc, const char* argn[], const char* argv[]) { g_instance = instance; /* Initialization of the queues and creation of the thread for Nit. */ InitializeQueues(); pthread_create(&g_nit_thread, NULL, &WrapperNitMain, NULL); return PP_TRUE; } static void Instance_DidDestroy(PP_Instance instance) { // TODO } static void Instance_DidChangeView(PP_Instance pp_instance, PP_Resource view) { // TODO } static void Instance_DidChangeFocus(PP_Instance pp_instance, PP_Bool has_focus) { // TODO } static PP_Bool Instance_HandleDocumentLoad(PP_Instance pp_instance, PP_Resource pp_url_loader) { // TODO return PP_FALSE; } /* Called when JS sends something, is set to accept Strings or Dictionaries, returns an error if received object is not a String or Dictionary. */ void Messaging_HandleMessage(PP_Instance instance, struct PP_Var varMessage) { if(varMessage.type == PP_VARTYPE_DICTIONARY) { if(!EnqueueDictionary(varMessage)) { struct PP_Var errorMessage = CStrToVar("QueueFull : dropped dictionary because the queue was full."); g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, errorMessage); } } else if(varMessage.type == PP_VARTYPE_STRING) { uint32_t len; char* message = (char*)g_varInterface->VarToUtf8(varMessage, &len); if(!EnqueueMessage(message)) { struct PP_Var errorMessage = CStrToVar("QueueFull : dropped message because the queue was full."); g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, errorMessage); } } else { struct PP_Var errorMessage = CStrToVar("TypeError : only accepts JS objects or Strings"); g_varMessagingInterface->PostMessage(g_instance, errorMessage); } } /* This function is called by Nit when using check_dictionary, returns the dictionary at the head of the queue. */ void* NitHandleDictionary() { struct PP_Var dictionary = DequeueDictionary(); PnaclApp_handle_dictionary(app, &dictionary); return 0; } /* This function is called By Nit when waiting for a user input. */ char* NitHandleMessage() { return DequeueMessage(); } /* Entry point */ PP_EXPORT int32_t PPP_InitializeModule(PP_Module module_id, PPB_GetInterface get_browser_interface) { /* Initializing global pointers. */ g_varMessagingInterface = (const PPB_Messaging*) get_browser_interface(PPB_MESSAGING_INTERFACE); g_varInterface = (const PPB_Var*) get_browser_interface(PPB_VAR_INTERFACE); g_varDictionaryInterface = (const PPB_VarDictionary*) get_browser_interface(PPB_VAR_DICTIONARY_INTERFACE); g_varArrayInterface = (const PPB_VarArray*) get_browser_interface(PPB_VAR_ARRAY_INTERFACE); return PP_OK; } PP_EXPORT void PPP_ShutdownModule() { // TODO } PP_EXPORT const void* PPP_GetInterface(const char* interface_name) { if (strcmp(interface_name, PPP_INSTANCE_INTERFACE) == 0) { static PPP_Instance instance_interface = { &Instance_DidCreate, &Instance_DidDestroy, &Instance_DidChangeView, &Instance_DidChangeFocus, &Instance_HandleDocumentLoad }; return &instance_interface; } else if (strcmp(interface_name, PPP_MESSAGING_INTERFACE) == 0) { static PPP_Messaging messaging_interface = { &Messaging_HandleMessage }; return &messaging_interface; } return NULL; } /* Hack in order to avoid the problem with file. */ int poll(void *fds, int nfds, int timeout) { return 0; } `} # Nit class representing a Pepper C API PP_Var typed as a Dictionary. extern class PepperDictionary `{ struct PP_Var* `} new `{ struct PP_Var* recv = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *recv = g_varDictionaryInterface->Create(); return recv; `} # Get fonction using PepperVars. # # Returns the value that is associated with 'key'. # If 'key' is not a String typed PepperVar, or doesn't exist in the Dictionary, an undefined PepperVar is returned. fun native_get(key: PepperVar): PepperVar `{ struct PP_Var* value = malloc( sizeof ( struct PP_Var ) ); *value = g_varDictionaryInterface->Get(*recv, *key); return value; `} # Returns the value associated with 'key'. # # 'key' must be a String. # If 'key' is not a String or doesn't exist in the Dictionary, 'null' is returned. fun [](key: nullable Pepperable): nullable Pepperable do var native_key = key.to_pepper var native_value = native_get(native_key) return native_value.to_nit end # Set function using PepperVars. # # Sets the value associated with the specified key. # 'key' must be a String typed PepperVar. # If 'key' hasn't existed in the Dictionary, it is added and associated with 'value'. # Otherwise, the previous value is replaced with 'value'. # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeds. fun native_set(key: PepperVar, value: PepperVar): Bool `{ PP_Bool b; b = g_varDictionaryInterface->Set(*recv, *key, *value); return b; `} # Sets the value associated with the specified key. # # 'key' must be a String. # If 'key' hasn't existed in the Dictionary, it is added and associated with 'value'. # Otherwise, the previous value is replaced with 'value'. # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeds. fun []=(key: nullable Pepperable, value: nullable Pepperable): Bool do var native_key = key.to_pepper var native_value = value.to_pepper return native_set(native_key, native_value) end # Deletes the specified key and its associated value, if the key exists. # # Takes a String typed PepperVar. fun native_delete(key: PepperVar) `{ g_varDictionaryInterface->Delete(*recv, *key); `} # Deletes the specified key and its associated value, if the key exists. # # Takes a String. fun delete(key: String) do var native_key = key.to_pepper native_delete native_key end # Checks whether a key exists. # # Takes a String typed PepperVar. fun native_has_key(key: PepperVar): Bool `{ PP_Bool b; b = g_varDictionaryInterface->HasKey(*recv, *key); return b; `} # Checks whether a key exists. # # Takes a String. fun has_key(key: String): Bool do var native_key = key.to_pepper return native_has_key(native_key) end # Gets all the keys in a dictionary. # # Returns a PepperArray which contains all the keys of the Dictionary. The elements are string vars. fun get_keys: PepperArray `{ struct PP_Var* array = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *array = g_varDictionaryInterface->GetKeys(*recv); return array; `} # Use this function to copy a dictionary. fun copy: PepperDictionary `{ struct PP_Var* varDictionary = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *varDictionary = g_varDictionaryInterface->Create(); *varDictionary = *recv; return varDictionary; `} end # Nit class representing a Pepper C API PP_Var typed as an Array. extern class PepperArray `{ struct PP_Var* `} new `{ struct PP_Var* recv = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *recv = g_varArrayInterface->Create(); return recv; `} # Returns the element at the specified position as a PepperVar. # # If 'index' is larger than or equal to the array length, an undefined PepperVar is returned. fun native_get(index: Int): PepperVar `{ struct PP_Var* value = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *value = g_varArrayInterface->Get(*recv, index); return value; `} # Returns the element at the specified position. # # If 'index' is larger than or equal to the array length, 'null' is returned. fun [](index: Int): nullable Pepperable do var native_value = native_get(index) return native_value.to_nit end # Returns an int containing the length of the PepperArray. fun length: Int `{ int length = g_varArrayInterface->GetLength(*recv); return length; `} # Takes a PepperVar for the 'value' param. # # Sets the value of an element in the array at indicated index. # If 'index' is larger than or equal to the array length, the length is updated to be 'index' + 1. # Any position in the array that hasn't been set before is set to undefined, i.e., PepperVar of C type PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED. # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeds. fun native_set(index: Int, value: PepperVar): Bool `{ PP_Bool b; b = g_varArrayInterface->Set(*recv, index, *value); return b; `} # Sets the value of an element in the array at indicated index. # # If 'index' is larger than or equal to the array length, the length is updated to be 'index' + 1. # Any position in the array that hasn't been set before is set to undefined, i.e., PepperVar of C type PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED. # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeds. fun []=(index: Int, value: nullable Pepperable): Bool do var native_value = value.to_pepper return native_set(index, native_value) end # Sets the array length. # # If 'length' is smaller than its current value, the array is truncated to the new length. # Any elements that no longer fit are removed and the references to them will be released. # If 'length' is larger than its current value, undefined PepperVars are appended to increase the array to the specified length. # Returns a Boolean indicating whether the operation succeeds. fun length=(length: Int): Bool `{ PP_Bool b; b = g_varArrayInterface->SetLength(*recv, length); return b; `} end # Nit class representing a Pepper C API PP_Var. extern class PepperVar `{ struct PP_Var* `} new `{ return malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); `} # Converts PepperVar to standard types. # # Actually supports bools, ints, floats, strings. To be used with 'isa'. fun to_nit: nullable Pepperable do if isa_null then return null if isa_bool then return as_bool if isa_int then return as_int if isa_float then return as_float if isa_string then return as_string if is_undefined then return null return null end private fun isa_null: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_NULL; `} private fun isa_bool: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_BOOL; `} private fun isa_int: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_INT32; `} private fun isa_float: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_DOUBLE; `} private fun isa_string: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_STRING; `} private fun is_undefined: Bool `{ return recv->type == PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED; `} private fun as_bool: Bool `{ return recv->value.as_bool; `} private fun as_int: Int `{ return recv->value.as_int; `} private fun as_float: Float `{ return recv->value.as_double; `} private fun as_string: String import NativeString.to_s_with_length `{ uint32_t len; char* str = (char*)g_varInterface->VarToUtf8(*recv, &len); return NativeString_to_s_with_length(str, len); `} end # Provides a method to convert in PepperVars. interface Pepperable fun to_pepper: PepperVar is abstract end redef class Int super Pepperable # Converts a Int into a PepperVar with Int type. redef fun to_pepper `{ struct PP_Var* var = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *var = PP_MakeInt32(recv); return var; `} end redef class Float super Pepperable # Converts a Float into a PepperVar with Float type. redef fun to_pepper `{ struct PP_Var* var = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *var = PP_MakeDouble(recv); return var; `} end redef class Bool super Pepperable # Converts a Bool into a PepperVar with Bool type. redef fun to_pepper `{ struct PP_Var* var = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *var = PP_MakeBool(recv); return var; `} end redef class String super Pepperable # Converts a String into a PepperVar with String type. redef fun to_pepper: PepperVar import String.to_cstring, String.length `{ char *str = String_to_cstring(recv); struct PP_Var* var = malloc( sizeof( struct PP_Var ) ); *var = g_varInterface->VarFromUtf8(str, String_length(recv)); return var; `} end # A stream for PNaCl, redefines basic input and output methods. class PnaclStream super PollableIStream super OStream super BufferedIStream init do prepare_buffer(10) redef var end_reached: Bool = false redef fun eof do return end_reached # Redefintion of 'write' to send messages to the browser. redef fun write(s: Text) do app.post_message s.to_s redef fun is_writable: Bool do return true # Checks if there is a message in the queue, and if so the message is handled automatically. fun check_message: NativeString `{ return NitHandleMessage(); `} # fill_buffer now checks for a message in the message queue which is filled by user inputs. redef fun fill_buffer do _buffer.clear _buffer_pos = 0 _buffer.append check_message.to_s end end # For a PNaCl app, Sys uses PnaclStreams. redef class Sys fun pnacl_stdstr: PnaclStream do return once new PnaclStream # NaCl input. redef fun stdin do return pnacl_stdstr # NaCl output. redef fun stdout do return pnacl_stdstr # NaCl output for errors. redef fun stderr do return pnacl_stdstr end # Class that provides the tools to interact with PNaCl. class PnaclApp # Sets everything up to work, need to be called at first. fun initialize import PnaclApp.handle_message, PnaclApp.handle_dictionary, NativeString.to_s_with_length `{ app = recv; `} # Posts a message to JS. fun post_message(message: String) import String.to_cstring `{ char* str = String_to_cstring(message); PostMessage(str); `} # Posts a dictionary to JS. fun post_dictionary(dictionary: PepperDictionary) `{ PostDictionary(*dictionary); `} # Posts a PepperVar to JS. # # Should be used for testing, not recommanded for conventional conversation. private fun post_var(v: PepperVar) `{ PostVar(*v); `} # Is called when a message is received from JS. # # Is set to be redefined in your application to handle like you want. fun handle_message(message: String) do # To be Implemented by user. end # Is called when a Dictionary is received from JS. # # Is set to be redefined in your application to handle like you want. # The dictionary is freed after this method returns. fun handle_dictionary(dictionary: PepperDictionary) do # To be Implemented by user. end # Checks if there is a dictionary in the queue, and if so the dictionary is handled automatically. fun check_dictionary `{ NitHandleDictionary(); `} # Infinite loop on check_dictionary fun run do loop check_dictionary end end end # Creates a new thread for Nit. # # This function launches the Nit main on a new thread. # Its purpose is to allow Nit to be still operational after an exit when needed, # because reloading the page may not be an option. # # Should only be used within the 'exit' before stopping the current thread # when the Nit execution causes a crash. # # REQUIRE: g_nit_thread and WrapperNitMain are set. fun create_thread `{ pthread_create(&g_nit_thread, NULL, &WrapperNitMain, NULL); `} # Calls 'pthread_exit on current thread. fun exit_thread(exit_value: Int) `{ pthread_exit((void*) exit_value); `} # Redef of exit in order to avoid the module to crash by terminating only the Nit thread. redef fun exit(exit_value: Int) do var dictionary = new PepperDictionary dictionary["exit"] = exit_value app.post_dictionary dictionary exit_thread exit_value end fun app: PnaclApp do return once new PnaclApp