# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Simple brainfuck interpreter module brainfuck # Interpreter for Brainfuck source code. class BFInterpreter # Data cells var dr = new Array[Char] # Data pointer var dp = 0 # Instruction pointer var ip = 0 # The program being interpreted var program: String # Contains the set of valid instructions, used in next var valid_instr: Set[Char] is noinit # Create an interpreter for `program`. init do valid_instr = new HashSet[Char] valid_instr.add_all "><[].,+-".chars dr.add 0.ascii end # Create an interpreter for the file located at `path`. init from_file(path: String) do var ifs = new IFStream.open(path) init(ifs.read_all) end # Starts the interpretation of the loaded program fun start do loop if ip >= program.length then break eval next end end # Go to the next executable instruction fun next do ip += 1 while ip < program.length and not valid_instr.has(program[ip]) do ip += 1 end end # Evaluates the current instruction fun eval do var instr = program[ip] if instr == '.' then printn dr[dp] if instr == '[' then if dr[dp] == 0.ascii then ip = find_matching_rbra return end end if instr == ']' then if dr[dp] != 0.ascii then ip = find_matching_lbra return end end if instr == '>' then dp += 1 if dp >= dr.length then dr.add(0.ascii) end if instr == '<' then dp -= 1 if dp < 0 then abort end if instr == '+' then dr[dp] = (dr[dp].ascii + 1).ascii end if instr == '-' then dr[dp] = (dr[dp].ascii - 1).ascii end if instr == ',' then dr[dp] = getc end end # Seeks for the position of the matching `]` for the `[` located at `ip` fun find_matching_rbra: Int do var pos = ip + 1 var lbracnt = 0 loop if pos > program.length then abort if program[pos] == ']' then if lbracnt > 0 then lbracnt -= 1 else break end end if program[pos] == '[' then lbracnt += 1 pos += 1 end return pos end # Seeks for the position of the matching `[` for the `]` located at `ip` fun find_matching_lbra: Int do var pos = ip - 1 var rbracnt = 0 loop if pos < 0 then abort if program[pos] == '[' then if rbracnt > 0 then rbracnt -= 1 else break end end if program[pos] == ']' then rbracnt += 1 pos -= 1 end return pos end end new BFInterpreter.from_file(args[0]).start