module pep8analysis import backbone import ast import model import cfg import flow_analysis redef class AnalysisManager var opt_help = new OptionBool("Display this help message", "--help","-h") var opt_quiet = new OptionBool("Do not show notes", "--quiet","-q") fun quiet: Bool do return opt_quiet.value fun verbose: Bool do return not opt_quiet.value var opt_output = new OptionString("Output directory", "--output", "-o") redef init do super opts.add_option(opt_help) opts.add_option(opt_quiet) opts.add_option(opt_output) end fun run do opts.parse(args) var files = if files.is_empty or opt_help.value then print "Usage: pep8analysis [options] file.pep [other_file.pep [...]]" print "Options:" opts.usage return end var dir = opt_output.value if dir == null then dir = "out" if not dir.file_exists then dir.mkdir # Parsing for filename in files do reset # noter if verbose then print "Analyzing {filename}" if not filename.file_exists then print "Target file \"{filename}\" does not exist." exit 1 end var ast = build_ast( filename ) assert ast != null if failed then continue var mangled_filename = filename.replace("/","-").replace("..","up") if opt_ast.value then var printer = new ASTPrinter printer.enter_visit(ast) var of = new"{dir}/{mangled_filename.replace(".pep", "")}") of.write printer.str of.close end # Build program model var model = build_model(ast) if failed then continue if model.lines.is_empty then fatal_error( ast, "This programs appears empty" ) continue end # Create CFG var cfg = build_cfg(model) if opt_cfg.value or opt_cfg_long.value then var of = new"{dir}/{mangled_filename.replace(".pep", "")}") cfg.print_dot(of, opt_cfg_long.value) of.close end if failed then continue # Run analyses ## Reaching defs do_reaching_defs_analysis(cfg) ## Range do_range_analysis(ast, cfg) ## Types do_types_analysis(ast, cfg) # Print results var of = new"{dir}/{mangled_filename.replace(".pep","")}") cfg.print_dot(of, true) of.close end if not opt_quiet.value then print_notes end end end redef class Object redef fun manager do return once new AnalysisManager end