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"mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "hit_points", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Character$Combatable::hit_points", "mdoc": { "content": "Use character `health` to determines hit_points.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 58, "line_start": 57, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["redef", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 38, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 58, "line_start": 57, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": false, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat$Character" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable::hit_points" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$hit_points" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "attack", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$attack", "mdoc": { "content": "A `Combatable` can attack a `target` that is also a `Combatable`.\n\nAttack the `target` using `wepaon` and returns the number of inflicted hit points.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 37, "line_start": 34, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 64, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 37, "line_start": 34, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable::attack" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$attack" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 2, "mparams": [{ "is_vararg": false, "name": "target", "mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable" } }, { "is_vararg": false, "name": "weapon", "mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Weapon" } }], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "direct_attack", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$direct_attack", "mdoc": { "content": "Like `attack` but cannot be defended.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 40, "line_start": 39, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 71, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 40, "line_start": 39, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable::direct_attack" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$direct_attack" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 2, "mparams": [{ "is_vararg": false, "name": "target", "mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable" } }, { "is_vararg": false, "name": "weapon", "mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Weapon" } }], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "defend", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$defend", "mdoc": { "content": "`Combatable` can defend against attacks.\n\nDefends against a number of received hit points and return the number of pared hit points.\n\n@param hit: damage received.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 47, "line_start": 42, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 38, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 47, "line_start": 42, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable::defend" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$defend" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 1, "mparams": [{ "is_vararg": false, "name": "hit", "mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" } }], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Int" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "is_dead", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$is_dead", "mdoc": { "content": "Is the character still have hit_points?", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 50, "line_start": 49, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 43, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 50, "line_start": 49, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Combatable::is_dead" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable$is_dead" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Combatable" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::combat" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>rpg>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::Bool" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "player_characters", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Game$player_characters", "mdoc": { "content": "Characters played by human players.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 26, "line_start": 25, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 51, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 26, "line_start": 25, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Game::player_characters" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game$player_characters" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::game" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>game>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::List[test_prog::Character]" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "computer_characters", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Game$computer_characters", "mdoc": { "content": "Characters players by computer.", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 29, "line_start": 28, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 53, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 29, "line_start": 28, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Game::computer_characters" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game$computer_characters" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::game" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>game>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": { "full_name": "test_prog::List[test_prog::Character]" }, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "start_game", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Game$start_game", "mdoc": { "content": "Start the game.\n\nYou have to implement that method!", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 34, "line_start": 31, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 27, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 34, "line_start": 31, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Game::start_game" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game$start_game" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::game" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>game>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": null, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "pause_game", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Game$pause_game", "mdoc": { "content": "Pause the game.\n\nYou have to implement that method!", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 39, "line_start": 36, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { "column_end": 27, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 39, "line_start": 36, "file": "test_location" }, "is_intro": true, "mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mproperty": { "full_name": "test_prog::Game::pause_game" }, "intro": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game$pause_game" }, "intro_mclassdef": { "full_name": "test_prog$Game" }, "mmodule": { "full_name": "test_prog::game" }, "mgroup": { "full_name": "test_prog>game>" }, "mpackage": { "full_name": "test_prog" }, "msignature": { "arity": 0, "mparams": [], "return_mtype": null, "vararg_rank": -1 } } { "name": "stop_game", "class_name": "MMethodDef", "full_name": "test_prog$Game$stop_game", "mdoc": { "content": "Stop the game.\n\nYou have to implement that method!", "location": { "column_end": 0, "column_start": 2, "line_end": 44, "line_start": 41, "file": "test_location" } }, "visibility": "public", "modifiers": ["public", "abstract", "fun"], "location": { 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