# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # This file is free software, which comes along with NIT. This software is # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You can modify it is you want, provided this header # is kept unaltered, and a notification of the changes is added. # You are allowed to redistribute it and sell it, alone or is a part of # another product. # XML DOM-parsing facilities module parser intrude import parser_base intrude import xml_entities # Provides XML parsing facilities class XMLProcessor super StringProcessor # Parses a full XML document fun parse_document: XMLEntity do var stack = new Array[XMLStartTag] var doc = new XMLDocument loop ignore_whitespaces if pos >= src.length then break if src[pos] == '<' then var tag = read_tag if tag isa XMLStartTag then if stack.is_empty then tag.parent = doc else var st_last = stack.last tag.parent = st_last end stack.push tag else if tag isa XMLEndTag then if stack.is_empty then return new XMLError(location = tag.location, "Missing matching tag for `{tag.tag_name}`") end var st_last = stack.last if tag.tag_name == st_last.tag_name then st_last.matching = tag tag.matching = st_last stack.pop else var miss = stack.pop return new XMLError("Missing matching tag for `{miss.tag_name}`", location=miss.location) end else if tag isa XMLError then return tag else if stack.is_empty then tag.parent = doc else tag.parent = stack.last end end else var st = pos var end_pc = ignore_until("<") - 1 var pc = new PCDATA(src.substring(st, end_pc - st + 1).trim) if stack.is_empty then pc.parent = doc else pc.parent = stack.last end end end if not stack.is_empty then var miss = stack.pop return new XMLError("Missing matching tag for `{miss.tag_name}`", location=miss.location) end return doc end # Reads the tag starting in `src` at current position private fun read_tag: XMLEntity do var st_loc = new Location(line, line_offset) var c = src[pos] if not c == '<' then return new XMLError(location=st_loc, "Expected start of tag, got `{c}`") var st = pos pos += 1 c = src[pos] if c == '!' then # Special tag return read_special_tag(st_loc) else if c == '?' then # Prolog tag return read_prolog_tag(st_loc) else if c == '/' then # End tag return read_end_tag(st_loc) else # Start tag return read_start_tag(st_loc) end end # Reads a Special tag (starting with = srclen then return new XMLError(location=st_loc, "Unexpected EOF on start of Special tag") if src[pos] == '-' and src[pos + 1] == '-' then pos += 2 var comst = pos var endcom = ignore_until("-->") if endcom == -1 then return new XMLError(location=st_loc, "Malformatted comment") pos += 3 return new XMLCommentTag(location=st_loc ,src.substring(comst, endcom - comst + 1)) end var st = pos if srclen - pos >= 7 then var spe_type = src.substring(pos, 7) if spe_type == "[CDATA[" then pos += 7 var cdst = pos var cdend = ignore_until("]]>") pos += 3 if pos >= srclen then return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Unfinished CDATA block") return new CDATA(src.substring(cdst, cdend - cdst)) else if spe_type == "DOCTYPE" then pos += 7 return parse_doctype(st_loc) end end var end_spec = ignore_until(">") pos += 1 return new XMLSpecialTag(location=st_loc, src.substring(st, end_spec - st)) end # Parse a Doctype declaration tag private fun parse_doctype(st_loc: Location): XMLEntity do var elemts = new Array[String] var srclen = src.length loop ignore_whitespaces if pos >= srclen then return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Malformatted doctype") var c = src[pos] # TODO: Properly support intern DOCTYPE definitions if c == '[' then var intern_st = pos var intern_end = ignore_until("]") if intern_end == -1 then return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Unfinished internal doctype declaration") pos += 1 elemts.push src.substring(intern_st, intern_end - intern_st + 1) continue end var elm_st = pos while pos < srclen and not src[pos].is_whitespace and src[pos] != '>' do pos += 1 if pos >= srclen then return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Malformatted doctype") if pos - elm_st > 1 then var str = src.substring(elm_st, pos - elm_st) elemts.push str end if src[pos] == '>' then pos += 1 return new XMLDoctypeTag(location = st_loc, "DOCTYPE", elemts.join(" ")) end end end # Reads a Prolog or Processing Instruction tag (starting with = srclen then return new XMLError(location=st_loc, "Invalid start of prolog") var idst = pos var tag_name = parse_tag_name(['<', '>']) var c = src[pos] if c == '<' or c == '>' then return new XMLError(location=st_loc ,"Unexpected character `{c}` in prolog declaration") if tag_name == "xml" then var args = parse_args(['?']) for i in args do if i isa BadXMLAttribute then return new XMLError(location = i.location, i.name) end if src[pos] == '?' then if src[pos + 1] == '>' then pos += 2 return new XMLPrologTag(location=st_loc, tag_name, args) end end else if tag_name.has("xml") then return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Forbidden keyword xml in Processing Instruction") var cont_st = pos var cont_end = ignore_until("?>") if cont_end == -1 then pos += 2 return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Malformatted Processing Instruction tag") end pos += 2 return new XMLProcessingInstructionTag(location=st_loc, tag_name, src.substring(cont_st, cont_end - cont_st)) end pos += 1 return new XMLError(location=st_loc, "Malformatted prolog tag") end # Reads an End tag (starting with ']) ignore_whitespaces if src[pos] == '>' then pos += 1 return new XMLEndTag(location=st_loc, tag_name) end return new XMLError(location = st_loc, "Bad end tag `{tag_name}`") end # Reads a Start tag (starting with <) # # In case of error, returns a `XMLError` private fun read_start_tag(st_loc: Location): XMLEntity do var srclen = src.length var tag_name = parse_tag_name(['/', '>']) var args = parse_args(['/', '>']) for i in args do if i isa BadXMLAttribute then return new XMLError(location=i.location, i.name) end if src[pos] == '/' then if src[pos + 1] == '>' then pos += 2 return new XMLOnelinerTag(location=st_loc, tag_name, args) end end pos += 1 return new XMLStartTag(location=st_loc, tag_name, args) end # Parses an xml tag name private fun parse_tag_name(delims: Array[Char]): String do var idst = pos var c = src[pos] var srclen = src.length while pos < srclen and not c.is_whitespace and not delims.has(c) do pos += 1 c = src[pos] end return src.substring(idst, pos - idst).trim end # Parse the arguments of a tag private fun parse_args(endtags: Array[Char]): Array[XMLAttribute] do var attrs = new Array[XMLAttribute] loop var arg = parse_arg(endtags) if arg isa XMLAttributeEnd then return attrs attrs.add arg if arg isa BadXMLAttribute then return attrs end end # Parses the next argument in `src` private fun parse_arg(endtags: Array[Char]): XMLAttribute do var srclen = src.length var attr: XMLAttribute ignore_whitespaces var st_loc = new Location(line, line_offset) if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(location = st_loc, "Unfinished attribute name") # FIXME: Ugly, but as long as it remains private, it is OK I guess if endtags.has(src[pos]) then return new XMLAttributeEnd("") var attrname_st = pos while pos < srclen and src[pos] != '=' and not endtags.has(src[pos]) do pos += 1 if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(location = st_loc, "Unfinished attribute name") if src[pos] != '=' then return new BadXMLAttribute(location = st_loc, "Malformatted attribute") var attrname_end = pos - 1 var name = src.substring(attrname_st, attrname_end - attrname_st + 1).trim pos += 1 ignore_whitespaces var attrval_st = pos if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(location=st_loc, "Unfinished attribute `{name}`") var match = src[pos] if match != '\'' and match != '"' then return new BadXMLAttribute(location=st_loc, "Invalid string delimiter `{match}` for attribute `{name}`") pos += 1 while pos < srclen and src[pos] != match do pos += 1 if pos >= srclen then return new BadXMLAttribute(location=st_loc, "Unfinished attribute `{name}`") var attrval_end = pos var val = src.substring(attrval_st, attrval_end - attrval_st + 1).trim pos += 1 return new XMLStringAttr(location=st_loc, name, val.substring(1, val.length - 2), match) end end redef class Text # Tries to parse the current string to XML # # Returns an `XMLDocument` if successful, or an `XMLError` if not fun to_xml: XMLEntity do return (new XMLProcessor(self.to_s)).parse_document end