# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A storage medium for a graph. module graph_store import neo4j import console import flush_stdout # A storage medium for a graph. # # Provides a way to save a Neo4j graph. abstract class GraphStore # Escape control sequence to save the cursor position. private var term_save_cursor: String = (new TermSaveCursor).to_s # Escape control sequence to rewind to the last saved cursor position. private var term_rewind: String = "{new TermRestoreCursor}{new TermEraseDisplayDown}" # Is the storage medium already contains at least one node with the specified label? fun has_node_label(name: String): Bool is abstract # Save all specified Neo4j entities. fun save_all(neo_entities: Collection[NeoEntity]) is abstract # Prepare the output to show the progress. # # This method must be called before the first call to `show_progress` or # `show_done`. protected fun prepare_display do printn "{term_save_cursor} " flush_stdout end # Show the progress, in percentage. # # For use in the implementation of `save_all` only. protected fun show_progress(progress: Int) do printn "{term_rewind} {progress}% " flush_stdout end # Show a message to indicate that the task finished with success. # # For use in the implementation of `save_all` only. protected fun show_done do print "{term_rewind} Done." flush_stdout end end # An actual Neo4j database as a storage medium. class Neo4jStore super GraphStore # How many operations can be executed in one batch? private var batch_max_size = 1000 # The Neo4j client to use. var client: Neo4jClient redef fun has_node_label(name: String): Bool do var query = new CypherQuery.from_string( "match n where \{name\} in labels(n) return count(n)") query.params["name"] = name var data = client.cypher(query).as(JsonObject)["data"] var result = data.as(JsonArray).first.as(JsonArray).first.as(Int) return result > 0 end redef fun save_all(neo_entities: Collection[NeoEntity]) do var batch = new NeoBatch(client) var len = neo_entities.length var sum = 0 var i = 1 prepare_display for nentity in neo_entities do batch.save_entity(nentity) if i == batch_max_size then do_batch(batch) sum += batch_max_size show_progress(sum * 100 / len) batch = new NeoBatch(client) i = 1 else i += 1 end end do_batch(batch) show_done end # Execute `batch` and check for errors. # # Abort if `batch.execute` returns errors. private fun do_batch(batch: NeoBatch) do var errors = batch.execute if not errors.is_empty then for e in errors do sys.stderr.write("{sys.program_name}: {e}\n") exit(1) end end end