# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2013 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This programs interprets the input of a physical interface thought the # GPIO pins of a Raspberry Pi to control an MPD server. # # It suppot two inputs: a play/pause button and a rotary encoder to adjust # the volume. # # The each data output of the volume control are connected to the board # pins #3 and #5. module physical_interface_for_mpd_on_rpi import bcm2835 import mpd import privileges class PhysicalInterface var mpd = new MPDConnection(server, port, password) protected fun password: String do return "password" fun server: String do return "localhost" fun port: Int do return 6600 var but_play: Switch var but_playlist_a: Switch var vol: RotaryEncoder var vol_step = 2 var lcd: HD44780 var lcd_backlight: RPiPin var lcd_backlight_delay = 1000 var buzzer: Buzzer init do # commandline options for privileges drop var opts = new OptionContext var opt_ug = new OptionUserAndGroup.for_dropping_privileges #opt_ug.mandatory = true opts.add_option(opt_ug) # parse and check command line options opts.parse(args) if not opts.errors.is_empty then print opts.errors print "Usage: {sys.program_name} [options]" opts.usage exit 1 end assert bcm2835_init else print "Failed to init" # drop privileges! var user_group = opt_ug.value if user_group != null then user_group.drop_privileges # Play button but_play = new Switch(new RPiPin.p1_13, new PUDControl.down) # Playlist a button but_playlist_a = new Switch(new RPiPin.p1_15, new PUDControl.down) # Vol + var vol3 = new RPiPin.p1_03 vol3.fsel = new FunctionSelect.inpt vol3.pud = new PUDControl.up # Vol - var vol5 = new RPiPin.p1_05 vol5.fsel = new FunctionSelect.inpt vol5.pud = new PUDControl.up vol = new RotaryEncoder(vol3,vol5) # LCD var lcd_rs = new RPiPin.p1_23 var lcd_en = new RPiPin.p1_21 var lcd_d4 = new RPiPin.p1_19 var lcd_d5 = new RPiPin.p1_26 var lcd_d6 = new RPiPin.p1_24 var lcd_d7 = new RPiPin.p1_22 lcd = new HD44780(lcd_rs, lcd_en, lcd_d4, lcd_d5, lcd_d6, lcd_d7) lcd.setup lcd.clear lcd_backlight = new RPiPin.p1_18 lcd_backlight.fsel = new FunctionSelect.outp # Buzzer var buzzer_pin = new RPiPin.p1_11 buzzer_pin.fsel = new FunctionSelect.outp buzzer = new Buzzer(buzzer_pin) end fun run do var tick = 0 var last_event = 0 loop var force_lcd_update = false # play button if but_play.changed and but_play.is_down then print "but" hit_play_stop force_lcd_update = true end if but_playlist_a.changed and but_playlist_a.is_down then play_playlist_a force_lcd_update = true end # volume var s = vol.update if s != null then if s == '<' then print "vol down" mpd.relative_volume = -vol_step else # > print "vol up" mpd.relative_volume = vol_step end force_lcd_update = true end # update lcd if tick % 100 == 0 or force_lcd_update then var status = mpd.status var song = mpd.current_song var status_char if status == null then lcd.text = "Unknown status" else if song == null then lcd.text = "No song playing" else if status.playing then last_event = tick status_char = ">" else status_char = "#" var tr = status.time_ratio var pos = "-" if tr != null then pos = (status.time_ratio*10.0).to_i.to_s lcd.text = "{status_char} {song.artist}\n{pos} {song.title}" end end # manage backlight if force_lcd_update then last_event = tick var diff_with_last_event = tick - last_event if diff_with_last_event == 0 then lcd_backlight.write(true) else if diff_with_last_event == lcd_backlight_delay then lcd_backlight.write(false) end 10.bcm2835_delay tick += 1 end end fun hit_play_stop do # get current status var status = mpd.status var playing = false if status != null then playing = status.playing else print "Cannot get state" return end if playing then # stop print "playing -> stop" mpd.pause else print "stopped -> play" mpd.play end bell end fun play_playlist_a do mpd.load_playlist("alexis") end fun bell do buzzer.buzz(1.5, 20) end var phy = new PhysicalInterface phy.run