# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Module to build contract # This module provide extension of the modele to add contracts, the building phase and the "re-driving" to call the contract. # # FIXME Split the module in three parts: extension of the modele, building phase and the "re-driving" module contracts import parse_annotations import phase import semantize intrude import model_contract intrude import astbuilder intrude import modelize_property intrude import scope intrude import typing redef class ToolContext # Parses contracts annotations. var contracts_phase: Phase = new ContractsPhase(self, [modelize_property_phase,typing_phase]) end private class ContractsPhase super Phase # The entry point of the contract phase # In reality, the contract phase is executed on each module # FIXME: Actually all method is checked to add method if any contract is inherited redef fun process_nmodule(nmodule)do # Check if the contracts are disabled if toolcontext.opt_no_contract.value then return nmodule.do_contracts(self.toolcontext) end end redef class AModule # Compile all contracts # # The implementation of the contracts is done in two visits. # # - First step, the visitor analyzes and constructs the contracts # for each class (invariant) and method (expect, ensure). # # - Second step the visitor analyzes each `ASendExpr` to see # if the callsite calls a method with a contract. If this is # the case the callsite is replaced by another callsite to the contract method. fun do_contracts(toolcontext: ToolContext) do var ast_builder = new ASTBuilder(mmodule.as(not null)) # var contract_visitor = new ContractsVisitor(toolcontext, toolcontext.modelbuilder.identified_modules.first, self, ast_builder) contract_visitor.enter_visit(self) # var callsite_visitor = new CallSiteVisitor(toolcontext, ast_builder) callsite_visitor.enter_visit(self) end end # Visitor to build all contracts. private class ContractsVisitor super Visitor # Instance of the toolcontext var toolcontext: ToolContext # The main module # It's strore to define if the contract need to be build depending on the selected policy `--no-contract` `--full-contract` or default var mainmodule: MModule # Actual visited module var visited_module: AModule var ast_builder: ASTBuilder # The `ASignature` of the actual build contract var n_signature: ASignature is noinit # The `MSignature` of the actual build contract var m_signature: MSignature is noinit # The `current_location` can corresponding of the annotation or method location. var current_location: Location is noinit # Is the contrat is an introduction or not? # This attribute has the same value as the `is_intro` of the propdef attached to the contract. # Note : For MClassDef `is_intro_contract == false`. This is due to the fact that a method for checking invariants is systematically added to the root object class. var is_intro_contract: Bool is noinit # Actual visited class var visited_class: nullable AClassdef # is `no_contract` annotation was found var find_no_contract = false # The reference to the `in_contract` attribute. # This attribute is used to disable contract verification when you are already in a contract verification. # Keep the `in_contract` attribute to avoid searching at each contrat var in_contract_attribute: nullable MAttribute = null redef fun visit(node) do node.create_contracts(self) node.visit_all(self) end # Method use to define the signature part of the method `ASignature` and `MSignature` # The given `mcontract` provided `adapt_nsignature` and `adapt_msignature` to copy and adapt the given signature (`nsignature` and `msignature`) fun define_signature(mcontract: MContract, nsignature: nullable ASignature, msignature: nullable MSignature) do if nsignature != null and msignature != null then nsignature.ret_type = msignature.return_mtype self.n_signature = mcontract.adapt_nsignature(nsignature) self.m_signature = mcontract.adapt_msignature(msignature) end # Define the new contract take in consideration that an old contract exist or not private fun build_contract(n_annotations: Array[AAnnotation], mcontract: MContract, mclassdef: MClassDef) do var n_conditions = new Array[AExpr] # Retrieving the expression provided in the annotation for n_annotation in n_annotations do n_conditions.add n_annotation.construct_condition(self) if is_intro_contract then # Create new contract method mcontract.create_intro_contract(self, n_conditions, mclassdef) else # Create a redef of contract to take in consideration the new condition mcontract.create_subcontract(self, n_conditions, mclassdef) end end # Inject the incontract attribute (`_in_contract_`) in the `Sys` class # This attribute allows to check if the contract need to be executed private fun inject_incontract_in_sys do # If the `in_contract_attribute` already know just return if in_contract_attribute != null then return var sys_class = toolcontext.modelbuilder.get_mclass_by_name(visited_module, mainmodule, "Sys") # Try to get the `in_contract` property, if it has already defined in a previously visited module. var in_contract_property = toolcontext.modelbuilder.try_get_mproperty_by_name(visited_module, sys_class.intro, "__in_contract_") if in_contract_property != null then self.in_contract_attribute = in_contract_property.as(MAttribute) return end var bool_false = new AFalseExpr.make(mainmodule.bool_type) var n_in_contract_attribute = toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_attribute_from_name("__in_contract_", sys_class.intro, mainmodule.bool_type, public_visibility).create_setter(toolcontext.modelbuilder, true).define_default(bool_false) in_contract_attribute = n_in_contract_attribute.mpropdef.mproperty end # Return the `_in_contract_` attribute. # If the attribute `_in_contract_` does not exist it's injected with `inject_incontract_in_sys` private fun get_incontract: MAttribute do if self.in_contract_attribute == null then inject_incontract_in_sys return in_contract_attribute.as(not null) end # Return an `AIfExpr` with the contract encapsulated by an `if` to check if it's already in a contract verification. # # Example: # ~~~nitish # class A # fun bar([...]) is except([...]) # # fun _contract_bar([...]) # do # if not sys._in_contract_ then # sys._in_contract_ = true # _bar_expect([...]) # sys._in_contract_ = false # end # bar([...]) # end # # fun _bar_expect([...]) # end # ~~~~ # private fun encapsulated_contract_call(visited_method: AMethPropdef, call_to_contracts: Array[ACallExpr]): AIfExpr do var sys_property = toolcontext.modelbuilder.model.get_mproperties_by_name("sys").first.as(MMethod) var callsite_sys = ast_builder.create_callsite(toolcontext.modelbuilder, visited_method, sys_property, true) var incontract_attribute = get_incontract var callsite_get_incontract = ast_builder.create_callsite(toolcontext.modelbuilder, visited_method, incontract_attribute.getter.as(MMethod), false) var callsite_set_incontract = ast_builder.create_callsite(toolcontext.modelbuilder, visited_method, incontract_attribute.setter.as(MMethod), false) var n_condition = ast_builder.make_not(ast_builder.make_call(ast_builder.make_call(new ASelfExpr, callsite_sys, null), callsite_get_incontract, null)) var n_if = ast_builder.make_if(n_condition, null) var if_then_block = n_if.n_then.as(ABlockExpr) if_then_block.add(ast_builder.make_call(ast_builder.make_call(new ASelfExpr, callsite_sys, null), callsite_set_incontract, [new ATrueExpr.make(mainmodule.bool_type)])) if_then_block.add_all(call_to_contracts) if_then_block.add(ast_builder.make_call(ast_builder.make_call(new ASelfExpr, callsite_sys, null), callsite_set_incontract, [new AFalseExpr.make(mainmodule.bool_type)])) return n_if end end # This visitor checks the `callsite` to see if the target `mpropdef` has a contract. private class CallSiteVisitor super Visitor # Instance of the toolcontext var toolcontext: ToolContext var ast_builder: ASTBuilder # Actual visited method var visited_propdef: APropdef is noinit redef fun visit(node) do node.check_callsite(self) node.visit_all(self) end # Check if the callsite is bound on a property with a contract. # If the property is linked to a contract a new callsite will be created towards the correct facet, # in the other case the returned callsite wall be the same as the given `callsite` private fun drive_callsite_to_contract(callsite: CallSite): CallSite do var contract_facet = callsite.mproperty.mcontract_facet var visited_mpropdef = visited_propdef.mpropdef if visited_mpropdef isa MContract or visited_mpropdef isa MFacet then return callsite if visited_mpropdef == null or contract_facet == null then return callsite return ast_builder.create_callsite(toolcontext.modelbuilder, visited_propdef, contract_facet, callsite.recv_is_self) end end redef class ANode private fun create_contracts(v: ContractsVisitor) do end private fun check_callsite(v: CallSiteVisitor) do end end redef class AAnnotation # Returns the conditions of annotation parameters. If there are several parameters, the result is an `AAndExpr` # Example: # the contract `ensure(true, i == 10, f >= 1.0)` # return this condition `(true and i == 10 and f >= 1.0)` private fun construct_condition(v : ContractsVisitor): AExpr do var n_condition = n_args.first n_args.remove_at(0) for n_arg in n_args do n_condition = v.ast_builder.make_and(n_condition, n_arg) n_condition.location = self.location return n_condition end end redef class MContract # Should contract be called? # return `true` if the contract needs to be called. private fun is_called(v: ContractsVisitor, mpropdef: MPropDef): Bool do return v.toolcontext.opt_full_contract.value end # Method use to diplay warning when the contract is not present at the introduction private fun no_intro_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, a: Array[AAnnotation])do end # Creating specific inheritance block contract # # `super_args` : Correspond to the `super` call arguments private fun create_inherit_nblock(v: ContractsVisitor, n_conditions: Array[AExpr], super_args: Array[AExpr]): ABlockExpr is abstract # Method to adapt the given `n_mpropdef.n_block` to the contract private fun adapt_method_to_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, mfacet: MFacet, n_mpropdef: AMethPropdef) is abstract # Create and return an adapted `MSignature` specifically for the contract in fonction of the given `m_signature` private fun adapt_specific_msignature(m_signature: MSignature): MSignature do return m_signature.adapt_to_contract # Create and return an adapted `ASignature` specifically for the contract in fonction of the given `n_signature` private fun adapt_specific_nsignature(n_signature: ASignature): ASignature do return n_signature.adapt_to_contract # Adapt the `m_signature` to the contract # If `m_signature == null` return a new `MSignature` else it calls a specific adapt method see `adapt_specific_msignature` private fun adapt_msignature(m_signature: nullable MSignature): MSignature do if m_signature == null then return new MSignature(new Array[MParameter]) return adapt_specific_msignature(m_signature) end # Adapt the `n_signature` to the contract # If `n_signature == null` return a new `ASignature` else it calls a specific adapt method see `adapt_specific_nsignature` private fun adapt_nsignature(n_signature: nullable ASignature): ASignature do if n_signature == null then return new ASignature return adapt_specific_nsignature(n_signature) end # Create the initial contract (intro) # All contracts have the same implementation for the introduction. # # Example: # ~~~nitish # fun contrat([...]) # do # assert contract_condition # end # ~~~ # private fun create_intro_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, n_conditions: Array[AExpr], mclassdef: MClassDef) do var n_block = v.ast_builder.make_block for n_condition in n_conditions do # Create a new tid to set the name of the assert for more explicit error var tid = new TId.init_tk(n_condition.location) tid.text = "{n_condition.location.text}" var n_assert = v.ast_builder.make_assert(tid, n_condition, null) # Define the assert location to reference the annoation n_assert.location = n_condition.location n_block.add n_assert end make_contract(v, n_block, mclassdef) end # Create a contract to check the old (super call) and the new conditions # # Example: # ~~~nitish # fun contrat([...]) # do # super # Call the old contracts # assert new_condition # end # ~~~ # private fun create_subcontract(v: ContractsVisitor, n_conditions: Array[AExpr], mclassdef: MClassDef) do var args = v.n_signature.make_parameter_read(v.ast_builder) var n_block = v.ast_builder.make_block n_block = self.create_inherit_nblock(v, n_conditions, args) make_contract(v, n_block, mclassdef) end # Build a new contract method with a specific block `n_block` in a specified `mclassdef` private fun make_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, n_block: AExpr, mclassdef: MClassDef) do var n_contractdef = v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_method_from_property(self, mclassdef, false, v.m_signature) # Set the signature to keep the same variable n_contractdef.n_signature = v.n_signature n_contractdef.n_block = n_block # Define the location of the new method for corresponding of the annotation location n_contractdef.location = v.current_location n_contractdef.do_all(v.toolcontext) end end redef class MExpect redef fun is_called(v: ContractsVisitor, mpropdef: MPropDef): Bool do var main_package = v.mainmodule.mpackage var actual_package = mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule.mpackage if main_package != null and actual_package != null then var condition_direct_arc = v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.model.mpackage_importation_graph.has_arc(main_package, actual_package) return super or main_package == actual_package or condition_direct_arc end return false end # Display warning if no contract is defined at introduction `expect`, # because if no contract is defined at the introduction the added # contracts will not cause any error even if they are not satisfied. # # Example: # ~~~nitish # class A # fun bar [...] # fun _bar_expect([...]) # do # [empty contract] # end # end # # redef class A # redef fun bar is expect(contract_condition) # redef fun _bar_expect([...]) # do # if (contract_condition) then return # super # end # end # ~~~~ # redef fun no_intro_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, a: Array[AAnnotation]) do v.toolcontext.warning(a.first.location,"useless_contract","Useless contract: No contract defined at the introduction of the method") end redef fun create_inherit_nblock(v: ContractsVisitor, n_conditions: Array[AExpr], super_args: Array[AExpr]): ABlockExpr do var n_block = v.ast_builder.make_block for n_condition in n_conditions do # Creating the if expression with the new condition var if_block = v.ast_builder.make_if(n_condition, n_condition.mtype) # Creating and adding return expr to the then case if_block.n_then = v.ast_builder.make_return if_block.location = n_condition.location n_block.add if_block end n_block.add v.ast_builder.make_super_call(super_args) return n_block end redef fun adapt_method_to_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, mfacet: MFacet, n_mpropdef: AMethPropdef) do var callsite = v.ast_builder.create_callsite(v.toolcontext.modelbuilder, n_mpropdef, self, true) var args = n_mpropdef.n_signature.make_parameter_read(v.ast_builder) var n_callexpect = v.ast_builder.make_call(new ASelfExpr, callsite,args) # Creation of the new instruction block with the call to expect condition var actual_expr = n_mpropdef.n_block var new_block = new ABlockExpr new_block.n_expr.push v.encapsulated_contract_call(n_mpropdef, [n_callexpect]) if actual_expr isa ABlockExpr then new_block.n_expr.add_all(actual_expr.n_expr) else if actual_expr != null then new_block.n_expr.push(actual_expr) end n_mpropdef.n_block = new_block mfacet.has_applied_expect = true end end redef class BottomMContract redef fun is_called(v: ContractsVisitor, mpropdef: MPropDef): Bool do return super or v.mainmodule.mpackage == mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule.mpackage end redef fun create_inherit_nblock(v: ContractsVisitor, n_conditions: Array[AExpr], super_args: Array[AExpr]): ABlockExpr do # Define contract block var n_block = v.ast_builder.make_block var super_call = v.ast_builder.make_super_call(super_args) n_block.add super_call for n_condition in n_conditions do var tid = new TId.init_tk(n_condition.location) tid.text = "{n_condition.location.text}" # Creating the assert expression with the new condition var n_assert = v.ast_builder.make_assert(tid, n_condition) n_assert.location = n_condition.location n_block.add n_assert end return n_block end # Inject the `result` variable into the `n_block` of the given n_mpropdef`. # # The purpose of the variable is to capture return values to use it in contracts. private fun inject_result(v: ContractsVisitor, n_mpropdef: AMethPropdef, ret_type: MType): Variable is expect(n_mpropdef.n_signature.n_type != null) do var actual_block = n_mpropdef.n_block # never happen. If it's the case the problem is in the contract facet building assert actual_block isa ABlockExpr var return_expr = actual_block.n_expr.last.as(AReturnExpr) var returned_expr = return_expr.n_expr # The return node has no returned expression assert returned_expr != null var return_var = new Variable("result") # Creating a new variable to keep the old return of the method var assign_result = v.ast_builder.make_var_assign(return_var, returned_expr) # Remove the actual return actual_block.n_expr.pop # Set the return type return_var.declared_type = ret_type # Adding the reading expr of result variable to the block actual_block.add assign_result # Expr to read the result variable var read_result = v.ast_builder.make_var_read(return_var, ret_type) # Definition of the new return return_expr = v.ast_builder.make_return(read_result) actual_block.add return_expr return return_var end end redef class MEnsure redef fun adapt_specific_msignature(m_signature: MSignature): MSignature do return m_signature.adapt_to_ensurecondition end redef fun adapt_specific_nsignature(n_signature: ASignature): ASignature do return n_signature.adapt_to_ensurecondition end redef fun adapt_method_to_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, mfacet: MFacet, n_mpropdef: AMethPropdef) do var callsite = v.ast_builder.create_callsite(v.toolcontext.modelbuilder, n_mpropdef, self, true) var n_self = new ASelfExpr # argument to call the contract method var args = n_mpropdef.n_signature.make_parameter_read(v.ast_builder) var actual_block = n_mpropdef.n_block # never happen. If it's the case the problem is in the contract facet building assert actual_block isa ABlockExpr var ret_type = n_mpropdef.mpropdef.mproperty.intro.msignature.return_mtype if ret_type != null then # Inject the variable result var result_var = inject_result(v, n_mpropdef, ret_type) # Expr to read the result variable var read_result = v.ast_builder.make_var_read(result_var, ret_type) var return_expr = actual_block.n_expr.pop # Adding the read return to argument args.add(read_result) var n_call_contract = v.ast_builder.make_call(n_self, callsite, args) actual_block.add_all([v.encapsulated_contract_call(n_mpropdef, [n_call_contract]), return_expr]) else # build the call to the contract method var n_call_contract = v.ast_builder.make_call(n_self, callsite, args) actual_block.add v.encapsulated_contract_call(n_mpropdef, [n_call_contract]) end n_mpropdef.do_all(v.toolcontext) mfacet.has_applied_ensure = true end end redef class MMethod # Define contract facet for MMethod in the given mclassdef. The facet represents the entry point with contracts (expect, ensure) of the method. # If a contract is given adapt the contract facet. # # `classdef`: Indicates the class where we want to introduce our facet # `exist_contract`: Indicates if it is necessary to define a new facet for the contract. If `exist_contract_facet and exist_contract` it's not necessary to add a facet. # # Exemple: # ~~~nitish # from: # classe A # i :Int # fun add_one is ensure(old(i) + 1 == i) # end # to: # classe A # fun add_one is ensure(old(i) + 1 == i) # # # The contract facet # fun contract_add_one do # add_one # ensure_add_one(old_add_one) # end # end # ~~ private fun define_contract_facet(v: ContractsVisitor, classdef: MClassDef, mcontract: nullable MContract) do var exist_contract_facet = has_contract_facet var contract_facet = build_contract_facet # Do nothing the contract and the contract facet already exist if mcontract != null and mcontract.is_already_applied(contract_facet) then return var n_contract_facet: AMethPropdef if not exist_contract_facet then # If has no contract facet in intro just create it if classdef != intro_mclassdef then create_facet(v, intro_mclassdef, contract_facet, self) end n_contract_facet = create_facet(v, classdef, contract_facet, self) else # Check if the contract facet already exist in this context (in this classdef) if classdef.mpropdefs_by_property.has_key(contract_facet) then # get the definition n_contract_facet = v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.mpropdef2node(classdef.mpropdefs_by_property[contract_facet]).as(AMethPropdef) else # create a new contract facet definition n_contract_facet = create_facet(v, classdef, contract_facet, self) var block = v.ast_builder.make_block # super call to the contract facet var args = n_contract_facet.n_signature.make_parameter_read(v.ast_builder) var n_super_call = v.ast_builder.make_super_call(args) # verification for add a return or not if self.intro.msignature.return_mtype != null then block.add(v.ast_builder.make_return(n_super_call)) else block.add(n_super_call) end n_contract_facet.n_block = block end end if mcontract != null then mcontract.adapt_method_to_contract(v, contract_facet, n_contract_facet) n_contract_facet.location = v.current_location n_contract_facet.do_all(v.toolcontext) end # Method to create a facet of the method. # See `define_contract_facet` for more information about two types of facets. # # `called` : is the property to call in this facet. private fun create_facet(v: ContractsVisitor, classdef: MClassDef, facet: MFacet, called: MMethod): AMethPropdef is expect( called.is_same_instance(self) or called.is_same_instance(self.mcontract_facet) ) do # Defines the contract facet is an init or not # it is necessary to use the contracts with in a constructor facet.is_init = is_init var n_contractdef = v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_method_from_property(facet, classdef, false, self.intro.msignature) # FIXME set the location because the callsite creation need the node location n_contractdef.location = v.current_location n_contractdef.validate var block = v.ast_builder.make_block # Arguments to call the `called` property var args: Array[AExpr] args = n_contractdef.n_signature.make_parameter_read(v.ast_builder) var callsite = v.ast_builder.create_callsite(v.toolcontext.modelbuilder, n_contractdef, called, true) var n_call = v.ast_builder.make_call(new ASelfExpr, callsite, args) if self.intro.msignature.return_mtype == null then block.add(n_call) else block.add(v.ast_builder.make_return(n_call)) end n_contractdef.n_block = block n_contractdef.do_all(v.toolcontext) return n_contractdef end end redef class MMethodDef # Entry point to build contract (define the contract facet and define the contract method verification) private fun construct_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, n_signature: ASignature, n_annotations: Array[AAnnotation], mcontract: MContract, exist_contract: Bool) do v.define_signature(mcontract, n_signature, mproperty.intro.msignature) if not exist_contract and not is_intro then no_intro_contract(v, mcontract, n_annotations) v.build_contract(n_annotations, mcontract, mclassdef) # Check if the contract must be called to know if it's needed to construct the facet if mcontract.is_called(v, self) then mproperty.define_contract_facet(v, mclassdef, mcontract) end # Create a contract on the introduction classdef of the property. # Display an warning message if necessary private fun no_intro_contract(v: ContractsVisitor, mcontract: MContract, n_annotations: Array[AAnnotation]) do v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_method_from_property(mcontract, mcontract.intro_mclassdef, false, v.m_signature) mcontract.no_intro_contract(v, n_annotations) end # Apply the `no_contract` annotation to the contract. This method removes the inheritance by adding an empty contract method. # Display a warning if the annotation is not needed private fun no_contract_apply(v: ContractsVisitor, n_signature: ASignature) do var mensure = mproperty.mensure var mexpect = mproperty.mexpect if mensure == null and mexpect == null then v.toolcontext.warning(location, "useless_nocontract", "Useless `no_contract`, no contract was declared for `{name}`. Remove the `no_contract`") end if mensure != null then # Add an empty ensure method to replace the actual definition v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_method_from_property(mensure, mclassdef, false, mensure.intro.msignature) end if mexpect != null then # Add an empty expect method to replace the actual definition v.toolcontext.modelbuilder.create_method_from_property(mexpect, mclassdef, false, mexpect.intro.msignature) end end end redef class APropdef redef fun check_callsite(v) do v.visited_propdef = self end end redef class AMethPropdef # Entry point to create a contract (verification of inheritance, or new contract). redef fun create_contracts(v) do v.ast_builder.check_mmodule(mpropdef.mclassdef.mmodule) v.current_location = self.location v.is_intro_contract = mpropdef.is_intro check_annotation(v) if not mpropdef.is_intro then check_redef(v) end # Verification of the annotation to know if it is a contract annotation. # If this is the case, we built the appropriate contract. private fun check_annotation(v: ContractsVisitor) do var annotations_expect = get_annotations("expect") var annotations_ensure = get_annotations("ensure") var annotation_no_contract = get_annotations("no_contract") if (not annotations_expect.is_empty or not annotations_ensure.is_empty) and not annotation_no_contract.is_empty then v.toolcontext.error(location, "The new contract definition is not correct when using `no_contract`. Remove the contract definition or the `no_contract`") return end var nsignature = n_signature or else new ASignature if not annotation_no_contract.is_empty then mpropdef.no_contract_apply(v, nsignature.clone) return end if not annotations_expect.is_empty then var exist_contract = mpropdef.mproperty.has_expect mpropdef.construct_contract(v, nsignature.clone, annotations_expect, mpropdef.mproperty.build_expect, exist_contract) end if not annotations_ensure.is_empty then var exist_contract = mpropdef.mproperty.has_ensure mpropdef.construct_contract(v, nsignature.clone, annotations_ensure, mpropdef.mproperty.build_ensure, exist_contract) end end # Verification if the method have an inherited contract to apply it. private fun check_redef(v: ContractsVisitor) do var mexpect = mpropdef.mproperty.mexpect var mensure = mpropdef.mproperty.mensure var mcontract_facet = mpropdef.mproperty.mcontract_facet if mexpect != null then if mcontract_facet != null and mcontract_facet.has_applied_expect then return if mexpect.is_called(v, mpropdef.as(not null)) then mpropdef.mproperty.define_contract_facet(v, mpropdef.mclassdef, mexpect) end if mensure != null then if mcontract_facet != null and mcontract_facet.has_applied_ensure then return if mensure.is_called(v, mpropdef.as(not null)) then mpropdef.mproperty.define_contract_facet(v, mpropdef.mclassdef, mensure) end end end redef class MSignature # Adapt signature for an contract # # The returned `MSignature` is the copy of `self` without return type. private fun adapt_to_contract: MSignature do return new MSignature(mparameters.to_a, null) # Adapt signature for a ensure contract # # The returned `MSignature` is the copy of `self` without return type. # The return type is replaced by a new parameter `result` private fun adapt_to_ensurecondition: MSignature do var rtype = return_mtype var msignature = adapt_to_contract if rtype != null then msignature.mparameters.add(new MParameter("result", rtype, false)) end return msignature end # The returned `MSignature` is the exact copy of `self`. private fun clone: MSignature do return new MSignature(mparameters.to_a, return_mtype) end redef class ASignature # Create an array of AVarExpr representing the read of every parameters private fun make_parameter_read(ast_builder: ASTBuilder): Array[AVarExpr] do var args = new Array[AVarExpr] for n_param in self.n_params do var mtype = n_param.variable.declared_type var variable = n_param.variable if variable != null and mtype != null then args.push ast_builder.make_var_read(variable, mtype) end end return args end # Create a new ASignature adapted for contract # # The returned `ASignature` is the copy of `self` without return type. private fun adapt_to_contract: ASignature do var adapt_nsignature = self.clone if adapt_nsignature.n_type != null then adapt_nsignature.n_type.detach return adapt_nsignature end # Create a new ASignature adapted for ensure # # The returned `ASignature` is the copy of `self` without return type. # The return type is replaced by a new parameter `result` private fun adapt_to_ensurecondition: ASignature do var nsignature = adapt_to_contract if ret_type != null then var variable = new Variable("result") variable.declared_type = ret_type nsignature.n_params.add new AParam.make(variable, ret_type.create_ast_representation) end return nsignature end end redef class ASendExpr redef fun check_callsite(v) do var actual_callsite = callsite if actual_callsite != null then callsite = v.drive_callsite_to_contract(actual_callsite) end end end redef class ANewExpr redef fun check_callsite(v) do var actual_callsite = callsite if actual_callsite != null then callsite = v.drive_callsite_to_contract(actual_callsite) end end end