Benitlux is an unofficial mailing list to keep faithful bargoers informed of the current beer offer at the excellent Brasserie Bénélux . This project is composed of two softwares: * a Web interface to subscribe and unsubscribe, * and a daily background program which updates the BD and send emails. The web interface is currently published at # Compile and execute Make sure all the required packages are installed. Under Debian or Ubuntu, you can use: `apt-get install libevent-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev sendmail` To compile, run: `make` To launch the daily background program, run: `bin/benitlux_daily` (the argument `-e` activates sending emails) To launch the Web interface, run: `bin/benitlux_web` The Web interface will be accessible at # Features and TODO - [x] Web page parser - [x] Daily mailer - [x] Web interface - [x] Serialization and deserialization of data classes - [ ] Android app - [ ] iOS app - [ ] Charlevoix location support - [ ] Customize mails (daily, on change, per locations) - [ ] Authenticate unsubscribe actions over GET - [ ] Social network and location updates - [ ] Event updates