# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # 3D client for Tinks! module client3d is app_name "Tinks! 3D" app_namespace "org.nitlanguage.tinks3d" app_version(1, 0, git_revision) android_api_target 10 android_manifest """""" end import gamnit::depth import gamnit::keys import app::audio import base redef class App # --- # Config # Maximum distance from the camera to hear events and display explosions private var far_dist2 = 2000.0 # Approximate maximum distance from the camera to display features private var features_radius = 24 # --- # Models # Models of rocks var models_rock = new Array[Model].with_items( new Model("models/Tall_Rock_1_01.obj"), new Model("models/Tall_Rock_2_01.obj"), new Model("models/Tall_Rock_3_01.obj"), new Model("models/Tall_Rock_4_01.obj")) # Models of trees var models_tree = new Array[Model].with_items( new Model("models/Oak_Dark_01.obj"), new Model("models/Oak_Green_01.obj"), new Model("models/Large_Oak_Dark_01.obj"), new Model("models/Large_Oak_Green_01.obj")) # Models of the debris left by a destroyed tank var models_debris = new Array[Model].with_items( new Model("models/debris0.obj"), new Model("models/debris1.obj")) # Model the health pickup var model_health = new Model("models/health.obj") # Model of the tank base (without the turret) var model_tank_base = new Model("models/tank.obj") # Model of the tank turret var model_tank_turret = new Model("models/tank-turret.obj") # Blast effect on the ground after an explosion private var blast_texture = new Texture("textures/blast.png") private var blast_material: TexturedMaterial do var mat = new TexturedMaterial([1.0]*4, [0.0]*4, [0.0]*4) mat.ambient_texture = blast_texture return mat end private var blast_model = new LeafModel(new Plane, blast_material) # --- # Particle effects # Explosion image for particle effect private var texture_explosion = new Texture("particles/explosion00.png") # Explosion particles var explosion_system = new ParticleSystem(20, explosion_program, texture_explosion) # Explosion image for particle effect private var texture_smoke = new Texture("particles/blackSmoke12.png") # Explosion particles var smoke_system = new ParticleSystem(200, smoke_program, texture_smoke) # --- # Sounds # Firing sound var turret_fire = new Sound("sounds/turret_fire.wav") # Turret is ready to fire sound var turret_ready = new Sound("sounds/turret_ready.mp3") # --- # Scene objects # Ground var ground: Actor is noinit private var ground_texture = new Texture("textures/fastgras01.png") # All `Feature` with an associated model, to be drawn on screen var features_in_sight = new Set[Feature] redef fun on_create do super # Show splash screen var logo = new Texture("textures/splash.png") show_splash_screen logo # Load everything for model in models do model.load for texture in all_root_textures do texture.load # Modify all textures so they have a higher ambient color for model in models do for leaf in model.leaves do var mat = leaf.material if mat isa TexturedMaterial then var mod = 0.25 mat.ambient_color[0] = mat.diffuse_color[0] * mod mat.ambient_color[1] = mat.diffuse_color[1] * mod mat.ambient_color[2] = mat.diffuse_color[2] * mod var tex = mat.diffuse_texture if tex != null then mat.ambient_texture = tex end end end # Setup ground # TODO we may need to move this plane if the player goes far from the center var ground_mesh = new Plane ground_mesh.repeat_x = 1000.0 ground_mesh.repeat_y = 1000.0 var ground_material = new TexturedMaterial( [0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0], [0.0]*4) ground_material.diffuse_texture = ground_texture var ground_model = new LeafModel(ground_mesh, ground_material) var ground = new Actor(ground_model, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ground.scale = 5000.0 self.ground = ground actors.add ground # Config the view world_camera.near = 0.1 # Sky color glClearColor(100.0/256.0, 120.0/256.0, 224.0/256.0, 1.0) # Move the sun a bit off right above light.position.x = 1000.0 light.position.z = 500.0 # Register our two systems particle_systems.add explosion_system particle_systems.add smoke_system # Connect to server (or launch one) and assign models to rules var context = context context.game.story.assign_models end redef fun update(dt) do # Game logic var turn = context.do_turn for event in turn.events do event.client_react # Is the player alive? var local_player = context.local_player var local_tank = null if local_player != null then local_tank = local_player.tank if local_tank != null then # Update camera position above the tank var pos = local_tank.pos world_camera.position.x = pos.x world_camera.position.z = pos.y world_camera.yaw = 1.5 * pi - local_tank.heading world_camera.position.y = 1.8 end end redef fun accept_event(event) do # Let `pressed_keys` be populated first var s = super var local_player = context.local_player var local_tank = null if local_player != null then local_tank = local_player.tank # Quit game? if event isa QuitEvent or (event isa KeyEvent and event.name == "escape") then exit 0 end if event isa KeyEvent then # Move tank? var direction_change = ["w", "a", "s", "d"].has(event.name) if direction_change and local_tank != null and local_player != null then var forward = pressed_keys.has("w") var backward = pressed_keys.has("s") var left = pressed_keys.has("a") var right = pressed_keys.has("d") # Cancel contradictory commands if forward and backward then forward = false backward = false end if left and right then left = false right = false end # Set movement and direction var move = 0.0 if forward then move = 0.5 else if backward then move = -0.5 var ori = 0.0 if left then ori = -local_tank.rule.max_direction/2.0 else if right then ori = local_tank.rule.max_direction/2.0 # Activate to invert the orientation on reverse, (for @R4p4Ss) #if backward then ori = -ori # Bonus when only moving or only turning if not forward and not backward then ori *= 2.0 if not left and not right then move *= 2.0 # Give order local_player.orders.add new TankDirectionOrder(local_tank, ori, move) return true end # Open fire? if event.name == "space" and local_tank != null and event.is_down then if local_player == null then return false # Open fire var heading = local_tank.heading var dist = 200.0 var target = new Pos(local_tank.pos.x + dist*heading.cos, local_tank.pos.y + dist*heading.sin) local_player.orders.add new AimAndFireOrder(local_tank, target) end end # Open fire with a target? if event isa PointerEvent and event.pressed and not event.is_move then if local_player == null then return false var display = display if display == null then return false if local_tank == null then local_player.orders.add new SpawnTankOrder(local_player) return true end # Compute approximate target var dx = event.x / display.width.to_f dx = dx * 2.0 - 1.0 # center of the screen var fovx = display.aspect_ratio * world_camera.field_of_view_y fovx *= 0.8 var heading = local_tank.heading + dx * fovx var dy = event.y / display.height.to_f dy = dy - 0.5 if dy >= 0.0 then var ty = dy * world_camera.field_of_view_y var dist = world_camera.position.y / ty.tan / 1.6 if dist > 200.0 then dist = 200.0 # Issue fire order var target = new Pos(local_tank.pos.x + dist*heading.cos, local_tank.pos.y + dist*heading.sin) local_player.orders.add new AimAndFireOrder(local_tank, target) end end return s end end # --- # Story and rules (meta game objects) redef class FeatureRule # Models of different alternatives var models: Array[Model] is noinit end redef class TankRule # Models of the tank base var base_model: Model is noinit # Models of the turret var turret_model: Model is noinit end redef class Story # Assign models from `app` to the corresponding rules fun assign_models do tree.models = app.models_tree rock.models = app.models_rock debris.models = app.models_debris for tank in tanks do tank.base_model = app.model_tank_base tank.turret_model = app.model_tank_turret end health.models = [app.model_health] end end # --- # Game entities redef class Feature # Actor representing this feature, if in sight var actor: nullable Actor = null # Instantiate `actor` and add it to the 3D world fun add_actor_to_scene do app.features_in_sight.add self var actor = actor if actor != null then # Reuse existing actor if not app.actors.has(actor) then app.actors.add actor return end # Apply a random model and rotation to new features actor = new Actor(rule.models.rand, new Point3d[Float](pos.x, 0.0, pos.y)) actor.rotation = 2.0*pi.rand actor.scale = 0.75 self.actor = actor app.actors.add actor end # Remove `actor` from the `actors` list as it will net be used anymore fun destroy_actor do var actor = actor if actor != null then app.actors.remove actor self.actor = null end end end redef class Tank # Actors representing this tank, both the base and the turret var actors: Array[Actor] is lazy do var actors = new Array[Actor] var actor = new Actor(app.model_tank_base, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) app.actors.add actor actors.add actor var tank_turret = new Actor(app.model_tank_turret, new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) app.actors.add tank_turret actors.add tank_turret return actors end end # --- # Events redef class TEvent private fun client_react do end end redef class FeatureChangeEvent redef fun client_react do var old_feature = old_feature if old_feature != null then old_feature.destroy_actor var feature = feature if feature != null then feature.add_actor_to_scene end end redef class ExplosionEvent redef fun client_react do for feature in destroyed_features do feature.destroy_actor # Particles app.explosion_system.add(new Point3d[Float](pos.x, 1.0, pos.y), 4096.0, 0.3) for i in 8.times do app.explosion_system.add( new Point3d[Float](pos.x & 1.0, 1.0 & 1.0, pos.y & 1.0), 2048.0 & 1024.0, 0.3 & 0.1) end # Blast mark on the ground var blast = new Actor(app.blast_model, new Point3d[Float](pos.x, 0.05 & 0.04, pos.y)) blast.scale = 3.0 blast.rotation = 2.0*pi.rand app.actors.add blast # Smoke for s in 32.times do var dt = 0.2 * s.to_f + 0.1.rand app.smoke_system.add( new Point3d[Float](pos.x & 0.2, 0.0, pos.y & 0.2), 1024.0 & 512.0, 10.0 & 4.0, dt) end end end redef class OpenFireEvent redef fun client_react do if tank.pos.dist2_3d(app.world_camera.position) < app.far_dist2 then # Within earshot app.turret_fire.play # Particle var d = 1.7 var a = tank.turret.heading - 0.025 # Correct to center the art var pos = new Point3d[Float](tank.pos.x + d*a.cos, 1.25, tank.pos.y + d*a.sin) app.explosion_system.add(pos, 0.75*256.0, 0.15) end end end redef class TurretReadyEvent redef fun client_react do if tank.pos.dist2_3d(app.world_camera.position) < app.far_dist2 then # Within earshot app.turret_ready.play end end end redef class TankMoveEvent redef fun client_react do var pos = tank.pos for actor in tank.actors do actor.center.x = pos.x actor.center.z = pos.y end tank.actors[0].rotation = tank.heading + pi tank.actors[1].rotation = tank.turret.heading + pi # Keep going only for the local tank var local_player = app.context.local_player if local_player != tank.player then return var center = tank.pos var d = app.features_radius var l = center.x.to_i - d var r = center.x.to_i + d var t = center.y.to_i - d var b = center.y.to_i + d # Remove out of range features for feature in app.features_in_sight.to_a do var x = feature.pos.x.to_i var y = feature.pos.y.to_i if x < l or x > r or y < t or y > b then var actor = feature.actor app.actors.remove actor app.features_in_sight.remove feature end end # Add newly in range features for x in [l..r[ do for y in [t..b[ do var feature = app.context.game.world[x, y] if feature != null then feature.add_actor_to_scene end end end end end redef class TankDeathEvent redef fun client_react do for actor in tank.actors do app.actors.remove actor tank.actors.clear end end # --- # Misc services redef class Point[N] # Square of the distance to 3D coordinates `other` # # Same as `dist2` but using `other.z` as the Y value # to adapt from the flat plane on X/Y to X/Z. private fun dist2_3d(other: Point3d[Numeric]): N do var dx = other.x.sub(x) var dy = other.z.sub(y) var s = (dx.mul(dx)).add(dy.mul(dy)) return x.value_of(s) end end redef class Float # Fuzzy value in `[self-variation..self+variation]` fun &(variation: Float): Float do return self - variation + 2.0*variation.rand end