# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Copyright 2013 Jean-Philippe Caissy # Copyright 2014 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Low-level wrapper around the libevent library to manage events on file descriptors # # For mor information, refer to the libevent documentation at # http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/doxygen-2.0.1/ module libevent is pkgconfig("libevent") in "C header" `{ #include #include #include `} in "C" `{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Protect callbacks for compatibility with light FFI #ifdef Connection_decr_ref // Callback forwarded to 'Connection.write_callback' static void c_write_cb(struct bufferevent *bev, Connection ctx) { Connection_write_callback(ctx); } // Callback forwarded to 'Connection.read_callback_native' static void c_read_cb(struct bufferevent *bev, Connection ctx) { Connection_read_callback_native(ctx, bev); } // Callback forwarded to 'Connection.event_callback' static void c_event_cb(struct bufferevent *bev, short events, Connection ctx) { int release = Connection_event_callback(ctx, events); if (release) Connection_decr_ref(ctx); } // Callback forwarded to 'ConnectionFactory.accept_connection' static void accept_connection_cb(struct evconnlistener *listener, evutil_socket_t fd, struct sockaddr *addrin, int socklen, ConnectionFactory ctx) { ConnectionFactory_accept_connection(ctx, listener, fd, addrin, socklen); } #endif `} # Structure to hold information and state for a Libevent dispatch loop. # # The event_base lies at the center of Libevent; every application will # have one. It keeps track of all pending and active events, and # notifies your application of the active ones. extern class NativeEventBase `{ struct event_base * `} # Create a new event_base to use with the rest of Libevent new `{ return event_base_new(); `} # Has `self` been correctly initialized? fun is_valid: Bool do return not address_is_null # Event dispatching loop # # This loop will run the event base until either there are no more added # events, or until something calls `exit_loop`. fun dispatch `{ event_base_dispatch(self); `} # Exit the event loop # # TODO support timer fun exit_loop `{ event_base_loopexit(self, NULL); `} # Destroy this instance fun destroy `{ event_base_free(self); `} end # Spawned to manage a specific connection # # TODO, use polls class Connection super Writer # Closing this connection has been requested, but may not yet be `closed` var close_requested = false # This connection is closed var closed = false # The native libevent linked to `self` var native_buffer_event: NativeBufferEvent # Close this connection if possible, otherwise mark it to be closed later redef fun close do if closed then return var success = native_buffer_event.destroy close_requested = true closed = success end # Callback method on a write event fun write_callback do if close_requested then close end private fun read_callback_native(bev: NativeBufferEvent) do var evbuffer = bev.input_buffer var len = evbuffer.length var buf = new NativeString(len) evbuffer.remove(buf, len) var str = buf.to_s_with_length(len) read_callback str end # Callback method when data is available to read fun read_callback(content: String) do if close_requested then close end # Callback method on events: EOF, user-defined timeout and unrecoverable errors # # Returns `true` if the native handles to `self` can be released. fun event_callback(events: Int): Bool do if events & bev_event_error != 0 or events & bev_event_eof != 0 then if events & bev_event_error != 0 then print_error "Error from bufferevent" close return true end return false end # Write a string to the connection redef fun write(str) do if close_requested then return native_buffer_event.write(str.to_cstring, str.byte_length) end redef fun write_byte(byte) do if close_requested then return native_buffer_event.write_byte(byte) end redef fun write_bytes(bytes) do if close_requested then return native_buffer_event.write(bytes.items, bytes.length) end # Write a file to the connection # # If `not path.file_exists`, the method returns. fun write_file(path: String) do if close_requested then return var file = new FileReader.open(path) if file.last_error != null then var error = new IOError("Failed to open file at '{path}'") error.cause = file.last_error self.last_error = error file.close return end var stat = file.file_stat if stat == null then last_error = new IOError("Failed to stat file at '{path}'") file.close return end var err = native_buffer_event.output_buffer.add_file(file.fd, 0, stat.size) if err then last_error = new IOError("Failed to add file at '{path}'") file.close end end end # --- # Error code for event callbacks # error encountered while reading fun bev_event_reading: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_READING; `} # error encountered while writing fun bev_event_writing: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_WRITING; `} # eof file reached fun bev_event_eof: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_EOF; `} # unrecoverable error encountered fun bev_event_error: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_ERROR; `} # user-specified timeout reached fun bev_event_timeout: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT; `} # connect operation finished. fun bev_event_connected: Int `{ return BEV_EVENT_CONNECTED; `} # --- # Options that can be specified when creating a `NativeBufferEvent` # Close the underlying file descriptor/bufferevent/whatever when this bufferevent is freed. fun bev_opt_close_on_free: Int `{ return BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE; `} # If threading is enabled, protect the operations on this bufferevent with a lock. fun bev_opt_threadsafe: Int `{ return BEV_OPT_THREADSAFE; `} # Run callbacks deferred in the event loop. fun bev_opt_defer_callbacks: Int `{ return BEV_OPT_DEFER_CALLBACKS; `} # If set, callbacks are executed without locks being held on the bufferevent. fun bev_opt_unlock_callbacks: Int `{ return BEV_OPT_UNLOCK_CALLBACKS; `} # --- # Options for `NativeBufferEvent::enable` # Read operation fun ev_read: Int `{ return EV_READ; `} # Write operation fun ev_write: Int `{ return EV_WRITE; `} # --- # A buffer event structure, strongly associated to a connection, an input buffer and an output_buffer extern class NativeBufferEvent `{ struct bufferevent * `} # Socket-based `NativeBufferEvent` that reads and writes data onto a network new socket(base: NativeEventBase, fd, options: Int) `{ return bufferevent_socket_new(base, fd, options); `} # Enable a bufferevent. fun enable(operation: Int) `{ bufferevent_enable(self, operation); `} # Set callbacks to `read_callback_native`, `write_callback` and `event_callback` of `conn` fun setcb(conn: Connection) import Connection.read_callback_native, Connection.write_callback, Connection.event_callback, NativeString `{ Connection_incr_ref(conn); bufferevent_setcb(self, (bufferevent_data_cb)c_read_cb, (bufferevent_data_cb)c_write_cb, (bufferevent_event_cb)c_event_cb, conn); `} # Write `length` bytes of `line` fun write(line: NativeString, length: Int): Int `{ return bufferevent_write(self, line, length); `} # Write the byte `value` fun write_byte(value: Byte): Int `{ unsigned char byt = (unsigned char)value; return bufferevent_write(self, &byt, 1); `} # Check if we have anything left in our buffers. If so, we set our connection to be closed # on a callback. Otherwise we close it and free it right away. fun destroy: Bool `{ struct evbuffer* out = bufferevent_get_output(self); struct evbuffer* in = bufferevent_get_input(self); if(evbuffer_get_length(in) > 0 || evbuffer_get_length(out) > 0) { return 0; } else { bufferevent_free(self); return 1; } `} # The output buffer associated to `self` fun output_buffer: OutputNativeEvBuffer `{ return bufferevent_get_output(self); `} # The input buffer associated to `self` fun input_buffer: InputNativeEvBuffer `{ return bufferevent_get_input(self); `} # Read data from this buffer fun read_buffer(buf: NativeEvBuffer): Int `{ return bufferevent_read_buffer(self, buf); `} # Write data to this buffer fun write_buffer(buf: NativeEvBuffer): Int `{ return bufferevent_write_buffer(self, buf); `} end # A single buffer extern class NativeEvBuffer `{ struct evbuffer * `} # Length of data in this buffer fun length: Int `{ return evbuffer_get_length(self); `} # Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read fun remove(buffer: NativeString, len: Int) `{ evbuffer_remove(self, buffer, len); `} end # An input buffer extern class InputNativeEvBuffer super NativeEvBuffer # Empty/clear `length` data from buffer fun drain(length: Int) `{ evbuffer_drain(self, length); `} end # An output buffer extern class OutputNativeEvBuffer super NativeEvBuffer # Add file to buffer fun add_file(fd, offset, length: Int): Bool `{ return evbuffer_add_file(self, fd, offset, length); `} end # A listener acting on an interface and port, spawns `Connection` on new connections extern class ConnectionListener `{ struct evconnlistener * `} private new bind_to(base: NativeEventBase, address: NativeString, port: Int, factory: ConnectionFactory) import ConnectionFactory.accept_connection, error_callback `{ struct sockaddr_in sin; struct evconnlistener *listener; ConnectionFactory_incr_ref(factory); struct hostent *hostent = gethostbyname(address); if (!hostent) { return NULL; } memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = hostent->h_addrtype; sin.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy( &(sin.sin_addr.s_addr), (const void*)hostent->h_addr, hostent->h_length ); listener = evconnlistener_new_bind(base, (evconnlistener_cb)accept_connection_cb, factory, LEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | LEV_OPT_REUSEABLE, -1, (struct sockaddr*)&sin, sizeof(sin)); if (listener != NULL) { evconnlistener_set_error_cb(listener, (evconnlistener_errorcb)ConnectionListener_error_callback); } return listener; `} # Get the `NativeEventBase` associated to `self` fun base: NativeEventBase `{ return evconnlistener_get_base(self); `} # Callback method on listening error fun error_callback do var cstr = socket_error sys.stderr.write "libevent error: '{cstr}'" end # Error with sockets fun socket_error: NativeString `{ // TODO move to Nit and maybe NativeEventBase int err = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR(); return evutil_socket_error_to_string(err); `} end # Factory to listen on sockets and create new `Connection` class ConnectionFactory # The `NativeEventBase` for the dispatch loop of this factory var event_base: NativeEventBase # Accept a connection on `listener` # # By default, it creates a new NativeBufferEvent and calls `spawn_connection`. fun accept_connection(listener: ConnectionListener, fd: Int, addrin: Pointer, socklen: Int) do var base = listener.base var bev = new NativeBufferEvent.socket(base, fd, bev_opt_close_on_free) # Human representation of remote client address var addr_len = 46 # Longest possible IPv6 address + null byte var addr_buf = new NativeString(addr_len) addr_buf = addrin_to_address(addrin, addr_buf, addr_len) var addr = if addr_buf.address_is_null then "Unknown address" else addr_buf.to_s var conn = spawn_connection(bev, addr) bev.enable ev_read|ev_write bev.setcb conn end # Create a new `Connection` object for `buffer_event` fun spawn_connection(buffer_event: NativeBufferEvent, address: String): Connection do return new Connection(buffer_event) end # Listen on `address`:`port` for new connection, which will callback `spawn_connection` fun bind_to(address: String, port: Int): nullable ConnectionListener do var listener = new ConnectionListener.bind_to(event_base, address.to_cstring, port, self) if listener.address_is_null then sys.stderr.write "libevent warning: Opening {address}:{port} failed\n" end return listener end # Put string representation of source `address` into `buf` private fun addrin_to_address(address: Pointer, buf: NativeString, buf_len: Int): NativeString `{ struct sockaddr *addrin = (struct sockaddr*)address; if (addrin->sa_family == AF_INET) { struct in_addr *src = &((struct sockaddr_in*)addrin)->sin_addr; return (char *)inet_ntop(addrin->sa_family, src, buf, buf_len); } else if (addrin->sa_family == AF_INET6) { struct in6_addr *src = &((struct sockaddr_in6*)addrin)->sin6_addr; return (char *)inet_ntop(addrin->sa_family, src, buf, buf_len); } return NULL; `} end