# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2015-2016 Guilherme Mansur # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A native wrapper ove the postgres c api module native_postgres is pkgconfig("libpq") in "C header" `{ #include `} extern class ExecStatusType `{int`} new empty `{ return PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY; `} new command_ok `{ return PGRES_COMMAND_OK; `} new tuples_ok `{ return PGRES_TUPLES_OK; `} new copy_out `{ return PGRES_COPY_OUT; `} new copy_in `{ return PGRES_COPY_IN; `} new bad_response `{ return PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE; `} new nonfatal_error `{ return PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR; `} new fatal_error `{ return PGRES_FATAL_ERROR; `} fun is_ok: Bool `{ return !(self == PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE || self == PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR || self == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR); `} redef fun to_s import NativeString.to_s `{ char * err = PQresStatus(self); if(err == NULL) err = ""; return NativeString_to_s(err); `} end extern class ConnStatusType `{int`} new connection_ok `{ return CONNECTION_OK; `} new connection_bad `{ return CONNECTION_BAD; `} fun is_ok: Bool `{return self == CONNECTION_OK; `} end extern class NativePGResult `{PGresult *`} # Frees the memory block associated with the result fun clear `{PQclear(self); `} # Returns the number of rows in the query result fun ntuples:Int `{ return PQntuples(self); `} # Returns the number of columns in each row of the query result fun nfields:Int `{return PQnfields(self); `} # Returns the ExecStatusType of a result fun status: ExecStatusType `{ return PQresultStatus(self); `} # Returns the field name of a given column_number fun fname(column_number:Int):String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s( PQfname(self, column_number)); `} # Returns the column number associated with the column name fun fnumber(column_name:String):Int import String.to_cstring `{ return PQfnumber(self, String_to_cstring(column_name)); `} # Returns a single field value of one row of the result at row_number, column_number fun value(row_number:Int, column_number:Int):String import NativeString.to_s `{ return NativeString_to_s(PQgetvalue(self, row_number, column_number)); `} # Tests wether a field is a null value fun is_null(row_number:Int, column_number: Int): Bool `{ return PQgetisnull(self, row_number, column_number); `} end extern class NativePostgres `{PGconn *`} # Connect to a new database using the conninfo string as a parameter new connectdb(conninfo: Text) import Text.to_cstring `{ PGconn * self = NULL; self = PQconnectdb(Text_to_cstring(conninfo)); return self; `} # Submits a query to the server and waits for the result returns the ExecStatustype of the query fun exec(query: Text): NativePGResult import Text.to_cstring `{ PGresult *res = PQexec(self, Text_to_cstring(query)); return res; `} # Prepares a statement with the given parameters fun prepare(stmt: String, query: String, nParams: Int): NativePGResult import String.to_cstring `{ const char * stmtName = String_to_cstring(stmt); const char * queryStr = String_to_cstring(query); PGresult * res = PQprepare(self, stmtName, queryStr, nParams, NULL); return res; `} fun exec_prepared(stmt: String, nParams: Int, values: Array[String], pLengths: Array[Int], pFormats: Array[Int], resultFormat: Int): NativePGResult import String.to_cstring, Array[String].[], Array[Int].[] `{ const char * stmtName = String_to_cstring(stmt); const char * paramValues[nParams]; int paramLengths[nParams]; int paramFormats[nParams]; int i; for(i = 0; i < nParams; i++) paramValues[i] = String_to_cstring(Array_of_String__index(values, i)); for(i = 0; i < nParams; i++) paramLengths[i] = Array_of_Int__index(pLengths, i); for(i = 0; i < nParams; i++) paramFormats[i] = Array_of_Int__index(pFormats, i); PGresult * res = PQexecPrepared(self, stmtName, nParams, paramValues, paramLengths, paramFormats, resultFormat); return res; `} # Returns the error message of the last operation on the connection fun error: String import NativeString.to_s `{ char * error = PQerrorMessage(self); return NativeString_to_s(error); `} # Returns the status of this connection fun status: ConnStatusType `{ return PQstatus(self); `} # Closes the connection to the server fun finish `{ PQfinish(self); `} # Closes the connection to the server and attempts to reconnect with the previously used params fun reset `{ PQreset(self); `} end