# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2012 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Loading of Nit source files module loader import modelbuilder_base redef class ToolContext # Option --path var opt_path = new OptionArray("Set include path for loaders (may be used more than once)", "-I", "--path") # Option --only-metamodel var opt_only_metamodel = new OptionBool("Stop after meta-model processing", "--only-metamodel") # Option --only-parse var opt_only_parse = new OptionBool("Only proceed to parse step of loaders", "--only-parse") redef init do super option_context.add_option(opt_path, opt_only_parse, opt_only_metamodel) end end redef class ModelBuilder redef init do super # Setup the paths value paths.append(toolcontext.opt_path.value) var path_env = "NIT_PATH".environ if not path_env.is_empty then paths.append(path_env.split_with(':')) end var nit_dir = toolcontext.nit_dir var libname = "{nit_dir}/lib" if libname.file_exists then paths.add(libname) end # Load a bunch of modules. # `modules` can contains filenames or module names. # Imported modules are automatically loaded and modelized. # The result is the corresponding model elements. # Errors and warnings are printed with the toolcontext. # # Note: class and property model elements are not analysed. fun parse(modules: Sequence[String]): Array[MModule] do var time0 = get_time # Parse and recursively load self.toolcontext.info("*** PARSE ***", 1) var mmodules = new ArraySet[MModule] for a in modules do var nmodule = self.load_module(a) if nmodule == null then continue # Skip error # Load imported module build_module_importation(nmodule) mmodules.add(nmodule.mmodule.as(not null)) end var time1 = get_time self.toolcontext.info("*** END PARSE: {time1-time0} ***", 2) self.toolcontext.check_errors if toolcontext.opt_only_parse.value then self.toolcontext.info("*** ONLY PARSE...", 1) exit(0) end return mmodules.to_a end # The list of directories to search for top level modules # The list is initially set with: # # * the toolcontext --path option # * the NIT_PATH environment variable # * `toolcontext.nit_dir` # Path can be added (or removed) by the client var paths = new Array[String] # Like (and used by) `get_mmodule_by_name` but just return the ModulePath fun search_mmodule_by_name(anode: nullable ANode, mgroup: nullable MGroup, name: String): nullable ModulePath do # First, look in groups var c = mgroup while c != null do var dirname = c.filepath if dirname == null then break # virtual group if dirname.has_suffix(".nit") then break # singleton project # Second, try the directory to find a file var try_file = dirname + "/" + name + ".nit" if try_file.file_exists then var res = self.identify_file(try_file.simplify_path) assert res != null return res end # Third, try if the requested module is itself a group try_file = dirname + "/" + name + "/" + name + ".nit" if try_file.file_exists then var res = self.identify_file(try_file.simplify_path) assert res != null return res end c = c.parent end # Look at some known directories var lookpaths = self.paths # Look in the directory of the group project also (even if not explicitly in the path) if mgroup != null then # path of the root group var dirname = mgroup.mproject.root.filepath if dirname != null then dirname = dirname.join_path("..").simplify_path if not lookpaths.has(dirname) and dirname.file_exists then lookpaths = lookpaths.to_a lookpaths.add(dirname) end end end var candidate = search_module_in_paths(anode.hot_location, name, lookpaths) if candidate == null then if mgroup != null then error(anode, "Error: cannot find module {name} from {mgroup.name}. tried {lookpaths.join(", ")}") else error(anode, "Error: cannot find module {name}. tried {lookpaths.join(", ")}") end return null end return candidate end # Get a module by its short name; if required, the module is loaded, parsed and its hierarchies computed. # If `mgroup` is set, then the module search starts from it up to the top level (see `paths`); # if `mgroup` is null then the module is searched in the top level only. # If no module exists or there is a name conflict, then an error on `anode` is displayed and null is returned. fun get_mmodule_by_name(anode: nullable ANode, mgroup: nullable MGroup, name: String): nullable MModule do var path = search_mmodule_by_name(anode, mgroup, name) if path == null then return null # Forward error var res = self.load_module(path.filepath) if res == null then return null # Forward error # Load imported module build_module_importation(res) return res.mmodule.as(not null) end # Search a module `name` from path `lookpaths`. # If found, the path of the file is returned private fun search_module_in_paths(location: nullable Location, name: String, lookpaths: Collection[String]): nullable ModulePath do var candidate: nullable String = null for dirname in lookpaths do var try_file = (dirname + "/" + name + ".nit").simplify_path if try_file.file_exists then if candidate == null then candidate = try_file else if candidate != try_file then # try to disambiguate conflicting modules var abs_candidate = module_absolute_path(candidate) var abs_try_file = module_absolute_path(try_file) if abs_candidate != abs_try_file then toolcontext.error(location, "Error: conflicting module file for {name}: {candidate} {try_file}") end end end try_file = (dirname + "/" + name + "/" + name + ".nit").simplify_path if try_file.file_exists then if candidate == null then candidate = try_file else if candidate != try_file then # try to disambiguate conflicting modules var abs_candidate = module_absolute_path(candidate) var abs_try_file = module_absolute_path(try_file) if abs_candidate != abs_try_file then toolcontext.error(location, "Error: conflicting module file for {name}: {candidate} {try_file}") end end end end if candidate == null then return null return identify_file(candidate) end # Cache for `identify_file` by realpath private var identified_files_by_path = new HashMap[String, nullable ModulePath] # All the currently identified modules. # See `identify_file`. var identified_files = new Array[ModulePath] # Identify a source file # Load the associated project and groups if required # # Silently return `null` if `path` is not a valid module path. fun identify_file(path: String): nullable ModulePath do # special case for not a nit file if path.file_extension != "nit" then # search dirless files in known -I paths if path.dirname == "" then var res = search_module_in_paths(null, path, self.paths) if res != null then return res end # Found nothing? maybe it is a group... var candidate = null if path.file_exists then var mgroup = get_mgroup(path) if mgroup != null then var owner_path = mgroup.filepath.join_path(mgroup.name + ".nit") if owner_path.file_exists then candidate = owner_path end end if candidate == null then return null end path = candidate end # Fast track, the path is already known var pn = path.basename(".nit") var rp = module_absolute_path(path) if identified_files_by_path.has_key(rp) then return identified_files_by_path[rp] # Search for a group var mgrouppath = path.join_path("..").simplify_path var mgroup = get_mgroup(mgrouppath) if mgroup == null then # singleton project var mproject = new MProject(pn, model) mgroup = new MGroup(pn, mproject, null) # same name for the root group mgroup.filepath = path mproject.root = mgroup toolcontext.info("found project `{pn}` at {path}", 2) end var res = new ModulePath(pn, path, mgroup) mgroup.module_paths.add(res) identified_files_by_path[rp] = res identified_files.add(res) return res end # Groups by path private var mgroups = new HashMap[String, nullable MGroup] # Return the mgroup associated to a directory path. # If the directory is not a group null is returned. fun get_mgroup(dirpath: String): nullable MGroup do var rdp = module_absolute_path(dirpath) if mgroups.has_key(rdp) then return mgroups[rdp] end # Hack, a group is determined by: # * the presence of a honomymous nit file # * the fact that the directory is named `src` var pn = rdp.basename(".nit") var mp = dirpath.join_path(pn + ".nit").simplify_path var dirpath2 = dirpath if not mp.file_exists then if pn == "src" then # With a src directory, the group name is the name of the parent directory dirpath2 = rdp.dirname pn = dirpath2.basename("") else return null end end # check parent directory var parentpath = dirpath.join_path("..").simplify_path var parent = get_mgroup(parentpath) var mgroup if parent == null then # no parent, thus new project var mproject = new MProject(pn, model) mgroup = new MGroup(pn, mproject, null) # same name for the root group mproject.root = mgroup toolcontext.info("found project `{mproject}` at {dirpath}", 2) else mgroup = new MGroup(pn, parent.mproject, parent) toolcontext.info("found sub group `{mgroup.full_name}` at {dirpath}", 2) end var readme = dirpath2.join_path("README.md") if not readme.file_exists then readme = dirpath2.join_path("README") if readme.file_exists then var mdoc = new MDoc var s = new IFStream.open(readme) while not s.eof do mdoc.content.add(s.read_line) end mgroup.mdoc = mdoc mdoc.original_mentity = mgroup end mgroup.filepath = dirpath mgroups[rdp] = mgroup return mgroup end # Force the identification of all ModulePath of the group and sub-groups. fun visit_group(mgroup: MGroup) do var p = mgroup.filepath for f in p.files do var fp = p/f var g = get_mgroup(fp) if g != null then visit_group(g) identify_file(fp) end end # Transform relative paths (starting with '../') into absolute paths private fun module_absolute_path(path: String): String do return getcwd.join_path(path).simplify_path end # Try to load a module AST using a path. # Display an error if there is a problem (IO / lexer / parser) and return null fun load_module_ast(filename: String): nullable AModule do if filename.file_extension != "nit" then self.toolcontext.error(null, "Error: file {filename} is not a valid nit module.") return null end if not filename.file_exists then self.toolcontext.error(null, "Error: file {filename} not found.") return null end self.toolcontext.info("load module {filename}", 2) # Load the file var file = new IFStream.open(filename) var lexer = new Lexer(new SourceFile(filename, file)) var parser = new Parser(lexer) var tree = parser.parse file.close # Handle lexer and parser error var nmodule = tree.n_base if nmodule == null then var neof = tree.n_eof assert neof isa AError error(neof, neof.message) return null end return nmodule end # Try to load a module using a path. # Display an error if there is a problem (IO / lexer / parser) and return null. # Note: usually, you do not need this method, use `get_mmodule_by_name` instead. # # The MModule is created however, the importation is not performed, # therefore you should call `build_module_importation`. fun load_module(filename: String): nullable AModule do # Look for the module var file = identify_file(filename) if file == null then toolcontext.error(null, "Error: cannot find module `{filename}`.") return null end # Already known and loaded? then return it var mmodule = file.mmodule if mmodule != null then return mmodule2nmodule[mmodule] end # Load it manually var nmodule = load_module_ast(file.filepath) if nmodule == null then return null # forward error # build the mmodule and load imported modules mmodule = build_a_mmodule(file.mgroup, file.name, nmodule) if mmodule == null then return null # forward error # Update the file information file.mmodule = mmodule return nmodule end # Injection of a new module without source. # Used by the interpreter. fun load_rt_module(parent: nullable MModule, nmodule: AModule, mod_name: String): nullable AModule do # Create the module var mgroup = null if parent != null then mgroup = parent.mgroup var mmodule = new MModule(model, mgroup, mod_name, nmodule.location) nmodule.mmodule = mmodule nmodules.add(nmodule) self.mmodule2nmodule[mmodule] = nmodule if parent!= null then var imported_modules = new Array[MModule] imported_modules.add(parent) mmodule.set_visibility_for(parent, intrude_visibility) mmodule.set_imported_mmodules(imported_modules) else build_module_importation(nmodule) end return nmodule end # Visit the AST and create the `MModule` object private fun build_a_mmodule(mgroup: nullable MGroup, mod_name: String, nmodule: AModule): nullable MModule do # Check the module name var decl = nmodule.n_moduledecl if decl == null then #warning(nmodule, "Warning: Missing 'module' keyword") #FIXME: NOT YET FOR COMPATIBILITY else var decl_name = decl.n_name.n_id.text if decl_name != mod_name then error(decl.n_name, "Error: module name missmatch; declared {decl_name} file named {mod_name}") end end # Create the module var mmodule = new MModule(model, mgroup, mod_name, nmodule.location) nmodule.mmodule = mmodule nmodules.add(nmodule) self.mmodule2nmodule[mmodule] = nmodule if decl != null then var ndoc = decl.n_doc if ndoc != null then var mdoc = ndoc.to_mdoc mmodule.mdoc = mdoc mdoc.original_mentity = mmodule else advice(decl, "missing-doc", "Documentation warning: Undocumented module `{mmodule}`") end end return mmodule end # Analyze the module importation and fill the module_importation_hierarchy # # Unless you used `load_module`, the importation is already done and this method does a no-op. fun build_module_importation(nmodule: AModule) do if nmodule.is_importation_done then return nmodule.is_importation_done = true var mmodule = nmodule.mmodule.as(not null) var stdimport = true var imported_modules = new Array[MModule] for aimport in nmodule.n_imports do stdimport = false if not aimport isa AStdImport then continue end var mgroup = mmodule.mgroup if aimport.n_name.n_quad != null then mgroup = null # Start from top level for grp in aimport.n_name.n_path do var path = search_mmodule_by_name(grp, mgroup, grp.text) if path == null then return # Skip error mgroup = path.mgroup end var mod_name = aimport.n_name.n_id.text var sup = self.get_mmodule_by_name(aimport.n_name, mgroup, mod_name) if sup == null then continue # Skip error aimport.mmodule = sup imported_modules.add(sup) var mvisibility = aimport.n_visibility.mvisibility if mvisibility == protected_visibility then error(aimport.n_visibility, "Error: only properties can be protected.") return end if sup == mmodule then error(aimport.n_name, "Error: Dependency loop in module {mmodule}.") end if sup.in_importation < mmodule then error(aimport.n_name, "Error: Dependency loop between modules {mmodule} and {sup}.") return end mmodule.set_visibility_for(sup, mvisibility) end if stdimport then var mod_name = "standard" var sup = self.get_mmodule_by_name(nmodule, null, mod_name) if sup != null then # Skip error imported_modules.add(sup) mmodule.set_visibility_for(sup, public_visibility) end end self.toolcontext.info("{mmodule} imports {imported_modules.join(", ")}", 3) mmodule.set_imported_mmodules(imported_modules) # Force standard to be public if imported for sup in mmodule.in_importation.greaters do if sup.name == "standard" then mmodule.set_visibility_for(sup, public_visibility) end end # TODO: Correctly check for useless importation # It is even doable? var directs = mmodule.in_importation.direct_greaters for nim in nmodule.n_imports do if not nim isa AStdImport then continue var im = nim.mmodule if im == null then continue if directs.has(im) then continue # This generates so much noise that it is simpler to just comment it #warning(nim, "Warning: possible useless importation of {im}") end end # All the loaded modules var nmodules = new Array[AModule] # Register the nmodule associated to each mmodule # FIXME: why not refine the `MModule` class with a nullable attribute? var mmodule2nmodule = new HashMap[MModule, AModule] # Retrieve the associated AST node of a mmodule. # This method is used to associate model entity with syntactic entities. # # If the module is not associated with a node, returns null. fun mmodule2node(mmodule: MModule): nullable AModule do return mmodule2nmodule.get_or_null(mmodule) end end # File-system location of a module (file) that is identified but not always loaded. class ModulePath # The name of the module # (it's the basename of the filepath) var name: String # The human path of the module var filepath: String # The group (and the project) of the possible module var mgroup: MGroup # The loaded module (if any) var mmodule: nullable MModule = null redef fun to_s do return filepath end redef class MGroup # Modules paths associated with the group var module_paths = new Array[ModulePath] # Is the group interesting for a final user? # # Groups are mandatory in the model but for simple projects they are not # always interesting. # # A interesting group has, at least, one of the following true: # # * it has 2 modules or more # * it has a subgroup # * it has a documentation fun is_interesting: Bool do return module_paths.length > 1 or mmodules.length > 1 or not in_nesting.direct_smallers.is_empty or mdoc != null end end redef class AStdImport # The imported module once determined var mmodule: nullable MModule = null end redef class AModule # The associated MModule once build by a `ModelBuilder` var mmodule: nullable MModule # Flag that indicate if the importation is already completed var is_importation_done: Bool = false end