# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Ad-hoc hand-writen lexer for nitcc # This avoid to commit (and relyon ) a generated lexer # module nitcc_lexer0 # Required for the tokens definitions import nitcc_parser # Hand-writen lexer of nitcc # Used only for the boostrap of the tool. class Lexer_nitcc var text: String var iter: Iterator[Char] = "".chars.iterator var pos = 0 var tokens = new Array[NToken] fun lex: Array[NToken] do iter = text.chars.iterator while iter.is_ok do trim if not iter.is_ok then break var c = iter.item iter.next pos += 1 if c == '*' then tokens.add new Nstar else if c == '?' then tokens.add new Nques else if c == '+' then tokens.add new Nplus else if c == '-' then if iter.item == '>' then iter.next tokens.add new Narrow else tokens.add new Nminus end else if c == '(' then tokens.add new Nopar else if c == ')' then tokens.add new Ncpar else if c == '{' then tokens.add new Nocur else if c == '}' then tokens.add new Nccur else if c == '|' then tokens.add new Npipe else if c == ',' then tokens.add new Ncomma else if c == ':' then tokens.add new Ncolo else if c == ';' then tokens.add new Nsemi else if c == '.' then tokens.add new Ndot else if c == '=' then tokens.add new Neq else if c == '\'' then str else if c >= 'a' and c <= 'z' then id(c) else if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z' then kw(c) else if c == '/' and iter.is_ok and iter.item == '/' then while iter.is_ok and iter.item != '\n' do iter.next else error(c) end end tokens.add new NEof return tokens end fun error(c: Char) do print "pos {pos}: Lexer error on '{c}'." abort end fun str do var b = new FlatBuffer b.add('\'') while iter.is_ok do var c = iter.item iter.next if c == '\\' then if not iter.is_ok then error(c) end b.add(c) c = iter.item iter.next else if c == '\'' then b.add(c) var token = new Nstr token.text = b.to_s tokens.add token return end b.add c end error('\n') abort end fun id(c: Char) do var b = new FlatBuffer b.add c while iter.is_ok do c = iter.item if c != '_' and (c<'a' or c >'z') and (c<'0' or c>'9') then break end b.add c iter.next end var token = new Nid token.text = b.to_s tokens.add token end fun kw(c: Char) do var b = new FlatBuffer b.add c while iter.is_ok do c = iter.item if c != '_' and (c<'a' or c >'z') and (c<'0' or c>'9') then break end b.add c iter.next end var token = new Nkw token.text = b.to_s tokens.add token end fun trim do while iter.is_ok and iter.item <= ' ' do iter.next pos += 1 end end end