# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2013 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Supports the use of the C++ language through the FFI module cpp import extern_classes import c redef class FFILanguageAssignationPhase var cpp_language: FFILanguage = new CPPLanguage(self) end redef class AModule private var cpp_file: nullable CPPCompilationUnit = null end class CPPLanguage super FFILanguage redef fun identify_language(n) do return n.is_cpp redef fun compile_module_block(block, ecc, nmodule) do if nmodule.cpp_file == null then nmodule.cpp_file = new CPPCompilationUnit if block.is_cpp_header then nmodule.cpp_file.header_custom.add(block.location.as_line_pragma) nmodule.cpp_file.header_custom.add(block.code) else if block.is_cpp_body then nmodule.cpp_file.body_custom.add( block.location.as_line_pragma ) nmodule.cpp_file.body_custom.add( block.code ) end end # We call C++ from C using 2 more files (_ffi.c and _ffi.cpp) and multiple generated functions: # 1. The standard C implementation function (___impl) expected by the common FFI # 2. The indirection function (___cpp_impl_mid) is a C function, called from C but implemented as `extern "C"` in C++ # 3. The actual C++ implementation function (___cpp_impl) redef fun compile_extern_method(block, m, ecc, nmodule) do if nmodule.cpp_file == null then nmodule.cpp_file = new CPPCompilationUnit var mmodule = nmodule.mmodule.as(not null) var mclass_type = m.parent.as(AClassdef).mclass.mclass_type var mproperty = m.mpropdef.mproperty # Signature of the indirection function implemented as `extern "C"` in C++ var indirection_sig = mproperty.build_csignature(mclass_type, mmodule, "___cpp_impl_mid", long_signature, internal_call_context) ## In C file (__ffi.c) # Declare the indirection function in C ecc.body_decl.add("{indirection_sig};\n") # Call the indirection function from C (___impl) var fc: CFunction = new ExternCFunction(m, mmodule) fc.exprs.add(mproperty.build_ccall(mclass_type, mmodule, "___cpp_impl_mid", long_signature, cpp_call_context, null)) fc.exprs.add("\n") ecc.add_exported_function( fc ) ## In C++ file (__ffi.cpp) # Declare the indirection function in C++ nmodule.cpp_file.header_decl.add("extern \"C\" \{\n") nmodule.cpp_file.header_decl.add("{indirection_sig};\n") nmodule.cpp_file.header_decl.add("\}\n") # Implement the indirection function as extern in C++ # Will convert C arguments to C++ and call the C++ implementation function. fc = new CFunction(indirection_sig) if not mproperty.is_init then var param_name = "recv" var type_name = to_cpp_call_context.name_mtype(mclass_type) if mclass_type.mclass.ftype isa ForeignCppType then fc.exprs.add("{type_name} {param_name}_for_cpp = static_cast<{type_name}>({param_name});\n") else fc.exprs.add("{type_name} {param_name}_for_cpp = {param_name};\n") end end for param in m.mpropdef.msignature.mparameters do var param_name = param.name var type_name = to_cpp_call_context.name_mtype(param.mtype) if mclass_type.mclass.ftype isa ForeignCppType then fc.exprs.add("{type_name} {param_name}_for_cpp = static_cast<{type_name}>({param_name});\n") else fc.exprs.add("{type_name} {param_name}_for_cpp = {param_name};\n") end end fc.exprs.add(mproperty.build_ccall(mclass_type, mmodule, "___cpp_impl", long_signature, cpp_call_context, "_for_cpp")) fc.exprs.add("\n") nmodule.cpp_file.add_local_function(fc) # Custom C++, the body of the Nit C++ method is copied to its own C++ function var cpp_signature = mproperty.build_csignature(mclass_type, mmodule, "___cpp_impl", long_signature, cpp_call_context) fc = new CFunction(cpp_signature) fc.decls.add( block.location.as_line_pragma ) fc.exprs.add( block.code ) nmodule.cpp_file.add_local_function( fc ) end redef fun compile_extern_class(block, m, ecc, nmodule) do end redef fun get_ftype(block, m) do return new ForeignCppType(block.code) redef fun compile_to_files(nmodule, compdir) do var cpp_file = nmodule.cpp_file assert cpp_file != null # write .cpp and .hpp file cpp_file.header_custom.add("extern \"C\" \{\n") cpp_file.header_custom.add("#include \"{nmodule.mmodule.name}._ffi.h\"\n") cpp_file.header_custom.add("\}\n") var file = cpp_file.write_to_files(nmodule, compdir) # add complation to makefile nmodule.ffi_files.add(file) # add linked option to support C++ nmodule.c_linker_options = "{nmodule.c_linker_options} -lstdc++" end redef fun compile_callback(callback, nmodule, mmodule, ecc) do callback.compile_callback_to_cpp(nmodule, mmodule) end end redef class AExternCodeBlock fun is_cpp : Bool do return language_name != null and (language_name_lowered == "c++" or language_name_lowered.has_prefix("c++ ")) fun is_cpp_body : Bool do return language_name != null and (language_name_lowered == "c++" or language_name_lowered == "c++ body") fun is_cpp_header : Bool do return language_name != null and (language_name_lowered == "c++ header") end class CPPCompilationUnit super CCompilationUnit fun write_to_files(amodule: AModule, compdir: String): ExternCppFile do var base_name = "{amodule.mmodule.name}._ffi" var h_file = "{base_name}.hpp" var guard = "{amodule.cname.to_s.to_upper}_NIT_HPP" write_header_to_file(amodule, "{compdir}/{h_file}", new Array[String], guard) var c_file = "{base_name}.cpp" write_body_to_file(amodule, "{compdir}/{c_file}", ["", "", "\"{h_file}\""]) files.add("{compdir}/{c_file}") return new ExternCppFile("{compdir}/{c_file}") end end class ExternCppFile super ExternFile redef fun makefile_rule_name do return "{filename.basename("")}.o" redef fun makefile_rule_content do return "g++ -c {filename.basename("")} -o {filename.basename("")}.o" end class ForeignCppType super ForeignType var cpp_type: String init (cpp_type: String) do self.cpp_type = cpp_type end end redef class NitniCallback fun compile_callback_to_cpp(nmodule: AModule, mmodule: MModule) do end end redef class Object private fun cpp_call_context: CppCallContext do return once new CppCallContext private fun to_cpp_call_context: ToCppCallContext do return once new ToCppCallContext private fun from_cpp_call_context: FromCppCallContext do return once new FromCppCallContext end redef class MExplicitCall redef fun compile_callback_to_cpp(nmodule, mmodule) do var mproperty = mproperty assert mproperty isa MMethod var cpp_signature = mproperty.build_csignature(recv_mtype, mmodule, null, short_signature, from_cpp_call_context) var ccall = mproperty.build_ccall(recv_mtype, mmodule, null, long_signature, from_cpp_call_context, null) var fc = new CFunction(cpp_signature) fc.exprs.add(ccall) nmodule.cpp_file.add_local_function( fc ) end end private class CppCallContext super CallContext redef fun name_mtype(mtype) do if mtype isa MClassType then var ftype = mtype.mclass.ftype if ftype isa ForeignCppType then return ftype.cpp_type end end return mtype.cname end end class ToCppCallContext super CppCallContext redef fun cast_to(mtype, name) do if mtype isa MClassType and mtype.mclass.ftype isa ForeignCppType then return "(void*)({name})" else return name end end private class FromCppCallContext super CppCallContext redef fun cast_from(mtype, name) do if mtype isa MClassType and mtype.mclass.ftype isa ForeignCppType then return "static_cast<{name_mtype(mtype)}>({name})" else return name end end