// The grammar of nitcc (subset of sablecc4) Grammar nitcc; Lexer // Identifier, used for production, expressions, alternatives, etc. id = ('a'..'z')('a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*; // A printable character (inside strings) ch = ' ' ...; // Literal strings str = '\'' (ch-'\\'-'\''|'\\'ch)* '\''; // A char by decimal ascii ch_dec = '#' ('0'..'9')+ ; // A char by hexadecimal ascii ch_hex = '#' ('x'|'X') ('0'..'9'|'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')+ ; // A single-line comment comment = '//' ch* '\n'?; any = '\t' ...; not_star = any - '*'; not_star_not_slash = not_star - '/'; ccomment = '/*' not_star* ('*' (not_star_not_slash not_star*)?)* '*/'; unknown_keyword = 'A'..'Z'('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|'_')*; // Igndored stufs blank = '\r' | '\n' | '\t' | ' ' | comment | ccomment; Parser Ignored blank; Rejected unknown_keyword; grammar = 'Grammar' id ';' lexer_part? parser_part? tree_part?; lexer_part = 'Lexer' expr*; expr = id '=' re ';'; // No priority (yet) so just decompose re = {alter:} re '|' re1 | re1 ; re1 {-> re} = {minus:} re1 '-' re2 | {except:} re1 'Except' re2 | {and:} re1 'And' re2 | re2 ; re2 {-> re} = {conc:} re2 re3 | re3 ; re3 {-> re} = {ques:} re3 '?' | {star:} re3 '*' | {plus:} re3 '+' | {shortest:} 'Shortest' '(' re ')' | {longest:} 'Longest' '(' re ')' | {prefixes:} 'Prefixes' '(' re ')' | {id:} id | {par:} '(' re ')' | {class:} text '.' '.' text | {openclass:} text '.' '.' '.' | {any:} 'Any' | {end:} 'End' | {text:} text ; text {-> re} = {str:} str | {ch_dec:} ch_dec | {ch_hex:} ch_hex ; parser_part = 'Parser' ign? rej? prod*; ign = 'Ignored' elem_list ';' ; rej = 'Rejected' elem_list ';' ; prod = id ptrans? '=' alts priority* ';'; ptrans = '{' '->' id '}'; atrans = '{' '->' '}'; alts = {more:} alts '|' alt | {one:} alt ; alt = altid? nelem* atrans?; altid = '{' id ':' '}' | '{' id '}'; nelem = elem | elemid elem; elemid = '[' id ':' ']' | '[' id ']' ':'; elem_list = {more:} elem_list ',' elem | {one:} elem ; elem = {id:} id | {str:} text | {star:} elem '*' | {ques:} elem '?' | {plus:} elem '+' | {empty:} 'Empty' ; priority = {left:} 'Left' alts | {right:} 'Right' alts | {unary:} 'Unary' alts ; tree_part = 'Tree' prod*;