# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2004-2008 Jean Privat # Copyright 2008 Floréal Morandat # # This file is free software, which comes along with NIT. This software is # distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You can modify it is you want, provided this header # is kept unaltered, and a notification of the changes is added. # You are allowed to redistribute it and sell it, alone or is a part of # another product. # Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes. # Standard input and output can be handled through streams. module exec import file in "C" `{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include #endif typedef struct se_exec_data se_exec_data_t; struct se_exec_data { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE h_process; HANDLE h_thread; #endif pid_t id; int running; int status; int in_fd; int out_fd; int err_fd; }; `} # Simple sub-process class Process # The pid of the process fun id: Int do return data.id # Is the process finished? fun is_finished: Bool do return data.is_finished # Wait the termination of the process fun wait do data.wait assert is_finished end # The status once finished # # Require: `is_finished` fun status: Int do assert is_finished return data.status end # The target executable # Either a file path or the name of an executable available in PATH. var command: Text # The arguments of the command # Starts with the first real arguments---ie. does not include the progname (`argv[0]`, in C) var arguments: nullable Array[Text] # Launch a command with some arguments init(command: Text, arguments: Text...) is old_style_init do self.command = command self.arguments = arguments execute end # Launch a simple command with arguments passed as an array init from_a(command: Text, arguments: nullable Array[Text]) do self.command = command self.arguments = arguments execute end # Flags used internally to know which pipe to open private fun pipeflags: Int do return 0 # Internal code to handle execution protected fun execute do var arguments = self.arguments var args = new FlatBuffer var argc = 1 if not is_windows then # Pass the arguments as a big C string where elements are separated with '\0' args.append command if arguments != null then for a in arguments do args.add '\0' args.append a end argc += arguments.length end else # Combine the program and args in a single string assert not command.chars.has('"') args = new FlatBuffer args.add '"' args.append command args.add '"' if arguments != null then for a in arguments do args.append " \"" args.append a.replace('"', "\\\"") args.add '"' end end end data = basic_exec_execute(command.to_cstring, args.to_s.to_cstring, argc, pipeflags) assert not data.address_is_null else print_error "Internal error executing: {command}" end private var data: NativeProcess private fun basic_exec_execute(prog, args: CString, argc: Int, pipeflag: Int): NativeProcess `{ #ifdef _WIN32 SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attr; sec_attr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sec_attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; sec_attr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; STARTUPINFO start_info; ZeroMemory(&start_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); start_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); start_info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; HANDLE in_fd[2]; HANDLE out_fd[2]; HANDLE err_fd[2]; se_exec_data_t *result = (se_exec_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(se_exec_data_t)); // Redirect stdin? if (pipeflag & 1) { if (!CreatePipe(&in_fd[0], &in_fd[1], &sec_attr, 0)) { return NULL; } start_info.hStdInput = in_fd[0]; result->in_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)in_fd[1], _O_APPEND); if ( !SetHandleInformation(in_fd[1], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return NULL; } else { start_info.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); result->in_fd = -1; } // Redirect stdout? if (pipeflag & 2) { if (!CreatePipe(&out_fd[0], &out_fd[1], &sec_attr, 0)) { return NULL; } start_info.hStdOutput = out_fd[1]; result->out_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)out_fd[0], _O_RDONLY); if ( !SetHandleInformation(out_fd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return NULL; } else { start_info.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); result->out_fd = -1; } // Redirect stderr? if (pipeflag & 4) { if (!CreatePipe(&err_fd[0], &err_fd[1], &sec_attr, 0)) { return NULL; } start_info.hStdError = err_fd[1]; result->err_fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)err_fd[0], _O_RDONLY); if ( !SetHandleInformation(err_fd[0], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) ) return NULL; } else { start_info.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); result->err_fd = -1; } PROCESS_INFORMATION proc_info; ZeroMemory(&proc_info, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); BOOL created = CreateProcess(NULL, args, // command line NULL, // process security attributes NULL, // primary thread security attributes TRUE, // inherit handles 0, // creation flags NULL, // use parent's environment NULL, // use parent's current directory &start_info, &proc_info); // Error? if (!created) { result->running = 0; result->status = 127; // Close subprocess pipes if (pipeflag & 1) CloseHandle(in_fd[1]); if (pipeflag & 2) CloseHandle(out_fd[0]); if (pipeflag & 3) CloseHandle(err_fd[0]); } else { result->h_process = proc_info.hProcess; result->h_thread = proc_info.hThread; result->id = GetProcessId(proc_info.hProcess); result->running = 1; } return result; #else se_exec_data_t* result = NULL; int id; int in_fd[2]; int out_fd[2]; int err_fd[2]; if (pipeflag & 1) { int res = pipe(in_fd); if ( res == -1 ) { return NULL; } } if (pipeflag & 2) { int res = pipe(out_fd); if ( res == -1 ) { return NULL; } } if (pipeflag & 4) { int res = pipe(err_fd); if ( res == -1 ) { return NULL; } } id = fork(); if (id == 0) { /* child */ char **arg = malloc(sizeof(char*) * (argc+1)); char *c = args; int i; /* Prepare args */ for(i=0; i 0) { /* father */ result = (se_exec_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(se_exec_data_t)); result->id = id; result->running = 1; if (pipeflag & 1) { result->in_fd = in_fd[1]; close(in_fd[0]); } else result->in_fd = -1; if (pipeflag & 2) { result->out_fd = out_fd[0]; close(out_fd[1]); } else result->out_fd = -1; if (pipeflag & 4) { result->err_fd = err_fd[0]; close(err_fd[1]); } else result->err_fd = -1; } return result; #endif `} end # `Process` on which the `stdout` is readable like a `Reader` class ProcessReader super Process super Reader # File Descriptor used for the input. var stream_in: FileReader is noinit redef fun close do stream_in.close redef fun read_char do return stream_in.read_char redef fun read_byte do return stream_in.read_byte redef fun eof do return stream_in.eof redef fun pipeflags do return 2 redef fun execute do super stream_in = new FileReader.from_fd(data.out_fd) end end # `Process` on which `stdin` is writable like a `Writer` class ProcessWriter super Process super Writer # File Descriptor used for the output. var stream_out: Writer is noinit redef fun close do stream_out.close redef fun is_writable do return stream_out.is_writable redef fun write(s) do stream_out.write(s) redef fun pipeflags do return 1 redef fun execute do super var out = new FileWriter.from_fd(data.in_fd) out.set_buffering_mode(0, sys.buffer_mode_none) stream_out = out end end # `Process` on which stdout can be read and stdin can be written to like a `Duplex` class ProcessDuplex super ProcessReader super ProcessWriter super Duplex redef fun close do stream_in.close stream_out.close end redef fun pipeflags do return 3 redef fun execute do super # Write `input` to process and return its output # # Writing and reading are processed line by line, # reading only when something is available. # # ~~~ # var proc = new ProcessDuplex("tr", "[:lower:]", "[:upper:]") # assert proc.write_and_read(""" # Alice # Bob # """) == """ # ALICE # BOB # """ # ~~~ fun write_and_read(input: Text): String do var read = new Buffer # Main loop, read and write line by line var prev = 0 for delimiter in input.search_all('\n') do write input.substring(prev, delimiter.after-prev) prev = delimiter.after while stream_in.poll_in do read.append stream_in.read_line end end # Write the last line write input.substring_from(prev) stream_out.close # Read the rest, may be everything for some programs read.append stream_in.read_all stream_in.close # Clean up wait return read.to_s end end redef class Sys # Execute a shell command and return its error code fun system(command: Text): Int do return command.to_cstring.system end # The pid of the program fun pid: Int `{ return getpid(); `} end redef class CString # Execute self as a shell command. # # See the posix function system(3). fun system: Int `{ int status = system(self); #ifndef _WIN32 if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status) == SIGINT) { // system exited on SIGINT: in my opinion the user wants the main to be discontinued kill(getpid(), SIGINT); } #endif return status; `} end private extern class NativeProcess `{ se_exec_data_t* `} fun id: Int `{ return (long)self->id; `} fun status: Int `{ return self->status; `} fun in_fd: Int `{ return self->in_fd; `} fun out_fd: Int `{ return self->out_fd; `} fun err_fd: Int `{ return self->err_fd; `} fun is_finished: Bool `{ int result = (int)0; if (self->running) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (WaitForSingleObject(self->h_process, 0) == 0) { /* child is finished */ result = 1; long unsigned int status; GetExitCodeProcess(self->h_process, &status); self->running = 0; self->status = (int)status; CloseHandle(self->h_process); CloseHandle(self->h_thread); } #else int status; int id = waitpid(self->id, &status, WNOHANG); if (id != 0) { /* child is finished */ result = (int)(id == self->id); self->status = WEXITSTATUS(status); self->running = 0; } #endif } else{ result = (int)1; } return result; `} fun wait `{ #ifdef _WIN32 long unsigned int status; if (self->running) { WaitForSingleObject(self->h_process, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(self->h_process, &status); CloseHandle(self->h_process); CloseHandle(self->h_thread); self->status = (int)status; self->running = 0; } #else int status; if (self->running) { waitpid(self->id, &status, 0); self->status = WEXITSTATUS(status); self->running = 0; } #endif `} end