# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Low-level read MessagePack format from `Reader` streams module read import serialization private import binary import ext redef class Reader # Read the next MessagePack object and return it as a simple Nit object # # The return value is composed of: # * the simple types `null`, `Bool`, `Int`, `Float`, `String` and `Bytes`, # * collections of simple Nit objects `Array[nullable Serializable]` # and `Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable]`, # * and `MsgPackExt` for custom MessagePack *ext* data. # # This method reads plain MessagePack data, as written by `MsgPackSerializer` # when `plain_msgpack == true`. To deserialize full Nit objects from # MessagePack with metadata use `Reader::deserialize_msgpack`. fun read_msgpack: nullable Serializable do if last_error != null then return 0 var typ = read_byte if typ < 0 then # Error, return default `null` return null else if typ & 0b1000_0000 == 0 or typ & 0b1110_0000 == 0b1110_0000 then # fixint var bytes = new Bytes.with_capacity(1) bytes.add typ.to_b return bytes.to_i(signed=true) else if typ & 0b1111_0000 == 0b1000_0000 then # fixmap var len = typ & 0b0000_1111 return read_msgpack_map_data(len.to_i) else if typ & 0b1111_0000 == 0b1001_0000 then # fixarray var len = typ & 0b0000_1111 return read_msgpack_array_data(len.to_i) else if typ & 0b1110_0000 == 0b1010_0000 then # fixstr var len = typ & 0b0001_1111 return read_bytes(len.to_i).to_s else if typ == 0xC0 then return null else if typ == 0xC2 then return false else if typ == 0xC3 then return true else if typ >= 0xCC and typ <= 0xCF then # uint8, 16, 32 and 64 var len = 1 << (typ - 0xCC) return read_bytes(len).to_i else if typ >= 0xD0 and typ <= 0xD3 then # int8, 16, 32 and 64 var len = 1 << (typ - 0xD0) return read_bytes(len).to_i(true) else if typ == 0xCA then return read_float else if typ == 0xCB then return read_double else if typ >= 0xD9 and typ <= 0xDB then # str8, 16 and 32 var len_ln = 1 << (typ - 0xD9) var bf = read_bytes(len_ln) var len = bf.to_i if len < 0 then return null var rd_buf = read_bytes(len) if rd_buf.length != len then # Bad formatted message. return null end return rd_buf.to_s else if typ >= 0xC4 and typ <= 0xC6 then # bin8, 16 or 32 var len_ln = 1 << (typ - 0xC4) var bf = read_bytes(len_ln) var len = bf.to_i if len < 0 then return null var rd_buf = read_bytes(len) if rd_buf.length != len then # Bad formatted message. return null end return rd_buf else if typ == 0xDC or typ == 0xDD then # array16 and array32 var len_ln = 2 << (typ - 0xDC) var lenbuf = read_bytes(len_ln) return read_msgpack_array_data(lenbuf.to_i) else if typ == 0xDE or typ == 0xDF then # map16 and map32 var len_ln = 2 << (typ - 0xDE) var lenbuf = read_bytes(len_ln) return read_msgpack_map_data(lenbuf.to_i) else if typ == 0xD4 then # fixext1 return read_msgpack_fixext_data(1) else if typ == 0xD5 then # fixext2 return read_msgpack_fixext_data(2) else if typ == 0xD6 then # fixext4 return read_msgpack_fixext_data(4) else if typ == 0xD7 then # fixext8 return read_msgpack_fixext_data(8) else if typ == 0xD8 then # fixext16 return read_msgpack_fixext_data(16) else if typ == 0xC7 then # ext1 return read_msgpack_ext_data(1) else if typ == 0xC8 then # ext2 return read_msgpack_ext_data(2) else if typ == 0xC9 then # ext4 return read_msgpack_ext_data(4) end print_error "MessagePack Warning: Found no match for typ {typ.to_base(16)} / 0b{typ.to_base(2)}" return null end # Read the content of a map, `len` keys and values private fun read_msgpack_map_data(len: Int): Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable] do var map = new Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable] for i in [0..len.to_i[ do map[read_msgpack] = read_msgpack return map end # Read the content of an array of `len` items private fun read_msgpack_array_data(len: Int): Array[nullable Serializable] do return [for i in [0..len[ do read_msgpack] end # Read the content of a *fixext* of `len` bytes # # ~~~ # var reader = new BytesReader(b"\xC7\x03\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D") # var ext = reader.read_msgpack # assert ext isa MsgPackExt # assert ext.typ == 0x0Au8 # assert ext.data == b"\x0B\x0C\x0D" # ~~~ private fun read_msgpack_fixext_data(len: Int): MsgPackExt do var exttyp = read_byte if exttyp < 0 then exttyp = 0 var data = read_bytes(len) return new MsgPackExt(exttyp.to_b, data) end # Read the content of a dynamic *ext* including the length on `len_len` bytes private fun read_msgpack_ext_data(len_len: Int): MsgPackExt do var len = read_bytes(len_len).to_i return read_msgpack_fixext_data(len) end end