# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2013 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import gtk class CalculatorContext var result : nullable Float = null var last_op : nullable Char = null var current : nullable Float = null var after_point : nullable Int = null fun push_op( op : Char ) do apply_last_op_if_any last_op = op # store for next push_op # prepare next current after_point = null current = null end fun push_digit( digit : Int ) do var current = current if current == null then current = 0.0 var after_point = after_point if after_point == null then current = current * 10.0 + digit.to_f else current = current + digit.to_f * 10.0.pow(after_point.to_f) after_point -= 1 end self.current = current end fun switch_to_decimals do if after_point != null then return after_point = -1 end fun apply_last_op_if_any do var op = last_op var result = result if result == null then result = 0.0 var current = current if current == null then current = 0.0 if op == null then result = current else if op == '+' then result = result + current else if op == '-' then result = result - current else if op == '/' then result = result / current else if op == '*' then result = result * current end self.result = result self.current = null end end class CalculatorGui super GtkCallable var win : GtkWindow var container : GtkGrid var lbl_disp : GtkLabel var but_eq : GtkButton var context = new CalculatorContext redef fun signal( sender, user_data ) do if user_data isa Char then # is an operation var c = user_data if c == '.' then context.switch_to_decimals else context.push_op( c ) lbl_disp.text = context.result.to_s end else if user_data isa Int then # is a number var n = user_data context.push_digit( n ) lbl_disp.text = context.current.to_s end end init do init_gtk win = new GtkWindow( 0 ) container = new GtkGrid(2,1,true) win.add( container ) lbl_disp = new GtkLabel( "_" ) container.attach( lbl_disp, 0, 0, 5, 1 ) # digits for n in [0..9] do var but = new GtkButton.with_label( n.to_s ) but.set_size_request( 64, 64 ) but.signal_connect( "clicked", self, n ) if n == 0 then container.attach( but, 0, 4, 1, 1 ) else container.attach( but, (n-1)%3, 3-(n-1)/3, 1, 1 ) end # operators var r = 1 for op in ['+', '-', '*', '/' ] do var but = new GtkButton.with_label( op.to_s ) but.set_size_request( 64, 64 ) but.signal_connect( "clicked", self, op ) container.attach( but, 4, r, 1, 1 ) r+=1 end # = but_eq = new GtkButton.with_label( "=" ) but_eq.set_size_request( 64, 64 ) but_eq.signal_connect( "clicked", self, '=' ) container.attach( but_eq, 5, 3, 1, 2 ) # . var but_dot = new GtkButton.with_label( "." ) but_dot.set_size_request( 64, 64 ) but_dot.signal_connect( "clicked", self, '.' ) container.attach( but_dot, 1, 4, 1, 1 ) win.show_all end end # context tests var context = new CalculatorContext context.push_digit( 1 ) context.push_digit( 2 ) context.push_op( '+' ) context.push_digit( 3 ) context.push_op( '*' ) context.push_digit( 2 ) context.push_op( '=' ) var r = context.result.to_precision( 2 ) assert r == "30.00" else print r context = new CalculatorContext context.push_digit( 1 ) context.push_digit( 4 ) context.switch_to_decimals context.push_digit( 1 ) context.push_op( '*' ) context.push_digit( 3 ) context.push_op( '=' ) r = context.result.to_precision( 2 ) assert r == "42.30" else print r context.push_op( '+' ) context.push_digit( 1 ) context.push_digit( 1 ) context.push_op( '=' ) r = context.result.to_precision( 2 ) assert r == "53.30" else print r context = new CalculatorContext context.push_digit( 4 ) context.push_digit( 2 ) context.switch_to_decimals context.push_digit( 3 ) context.push_op( '/' ) context.push_digit( 3 ) context.push_op( '=' ) r = context.result.to_precision( 2 ) assert r == "14.10" else print r # graphical application if "NIT_TESTING".environ != "true" then var app = new CalculatorGui run_gtk end