# Contributing to Nit Thank you for your interest in contributing to Nit! We accept all forms of contribution, ranging from small example programs to improvements and additions to the libraries and posting of issues. ## Contribution process All the contributions to the Nit language, its tools and libraries, are done through Github Pull-Requests. All the information on our contribution policy is available on our [website](http://nitlanguage.org/internal/). We encourage you to take a look at the sections available here for a walthrough of what is required to submit a new PR. ## Other suggestions We are always open for suggestions or any other kind of contribution. If you do not want to submit code for some reason, you are always welcome to ask questions about the language or related topics via the issue system. You may also proof-read and correct documentation if you are willing! All the documents in this repository are written in English. However, most of our contributors are not native anglophones. Therefore we encourage people, especially those coming of an english-speaking culture to read the documentation available and submit patches to correct bad formulations, typos or related mistakes on our part through the usual system.