iOS support for _app.nit_ # System configuration Configure your system for OS X by installing Xcode and brew. Follow the instructions in `` at the root of the repository. Optionally, install ios-sim to run compiled apps in the simulator: `brew install ios-sim` # Compile and run a simple application Let's use the `hello_ios` example in the folder `lib/ios/examples/`. Compile with: `nitc hello_world.nit` Run in the simulator with: `ios-sim` # Sample portable applications See the calculator example at `examples/calculator` and the Tnitter client at `contrib/tnitter/` for portable applications working on GNU/Linux, OS X, iOS and Android. # Application icon To associate icons to your application, create the directory `ios/AppIcon.appiconset` and fill it with standard icons and `Contents.json`. These files can be generated in a number of different ways: * Using the tool `svg_to_icons` packaged with the Nit repository at `contrib/inkscape_tools/bin/svg_to_icons`. * Using Xcode to assign images to each slot, create the folder and the file `Contents.json`. * Write or modify the file `Contents.json` manually. It is in Json format and easily readable.