# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Copyright 2012 Jean Privat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # print AST in an human form module astprinter import semantize intrude import parser private import literal private class ASTPrinterVisitor super Visitor redef fun visit(node) do node.accept_printer(self) end var out = new List[String] var indent_level = 0 var has_eol = true fun eol do if has_eol then return out.add("\n") for x in [0..indent_level[ do out.add("\t") has_eol = true end var last_current: nullable ANode = null fun write(s: String) do if last_current != current_node then last_current = current_node end out.add(s) has_eol = false end fun indent do indent_level += 1 fun unindent do indent_level -= 1 end redef class ANode # print the tree (using the semantic information) on screen # This method is used to debug AST transformations fun print_tree do var v = new ASTPrinterVisitor v.enter_visit(self) v.eol for s in v.out do printn s end end private fun accept_printer(v: ASTPrinterVisitor) do v.eol v.write("({inspect}") v.indent visit_all(v) v.write(")") v.unindent end end redef class ABlockExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do for x in n_expr do v.enter_visit(x) v.eol end end end redef class AIntegerExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do v.write(value.to_s) end end redef class ANewExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do v.write("new {mtype.as(not null)}.{callsite.mproperty}") if not n_args.n_exprs.is_empty then v.write("(") v.indent var is_first = true for a in n_args.n_exprs do if is_first then is_first = false else v.write(",") v.enter_visit(a) end v.unindent v.write(")") end end end redef class ASendExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do v.enter_visit(n_expr) v.write(".{callsite.mproperty.name}") if not raw_arguments.is_empty then v.write("(") v.indent var is_first = true for a in raw_arguments do if is_first then is_first = false else v.write(",") v.enter_visit(a) end v.unindent v.write(")") end end end redef class AVarExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do var name = variable.name if name == "" then name = "t{variable.object_id}" v.write(name) end end redef class AVarAssignExpr redef fun accept_printer(v) do var name = variable.name if name == "" then name = "t{variable.object_id}" v.write("{name} = ") v.indent v.enter_visit(n_value) v.unindent end end