# This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Thansformations that simplify the AST of expressions # This module transform complex AST `AExpr` nodes into simplier ones module transform import astbuilder import semantize intrude import semantize::scope intrude import semantize::typing redef class ToolContext var transform_phase: Phase = new TransformPhase(self, [typing_phase, auto_super_init_phase]) # --no-shortcut-range var opt_no_shortcut_range: OptionBool = new OptionBool("Always instantiate a range and its iterator on 'for' loops", "--no-shortcut-range") redef init do super self.option_context.add_option(self.opt_no_shortcut_range) end end private class TransformPhase super Phase redef fun process_npropdef(npropdef: APropdef) do var val var m = npropdef.mpropdef if m == null then return var v = new TransformVisitor(self, m) v.enter_visit(npropdef) val = new ASTValidationVisitor val.enter_visit(npropdef) end end private class TransformVisitor super Visitor var phase: TransformPhase var mmodule: MModule is noinit var mclassdef: MClassDef is noinit var mpropdef: MPropDef var builder: ASTBuilder is noinit init do self.mclassdef = mpropdef.mclassdef self.mmodule = mclassdef.mmodule self.builder = new ASTBuilder(mmodule, mpropdef.mclassdef.bound_mtype) end redef fun visit(node) do if node isa AAnnotations then return node.full_transform_visitor(self) end # Get a primitive method or display a fatal error on `location`. fun get_method(location: AExpr, name: String, recv: MClass): MMethod do return phase.toolcontext.modelbuilder.force_get_primitive_method(location, name, recv, mmodule) end end redef class ANode private fun full_transform_visitor(v: TransformVisitor) do visit_all(v) accept_transform_visitor(v) end private fun accept_transform_visitor(v: TransformVisitor) do end end redef class AExpr redef fun full_transform_visitor(v: TransformVisitor) do var na = comprehension if na != null then # We are building a comprehension array `array` # Replace `self` with `array.push(self)` var place = detach_with_placeholder var recv = na.nnew.make_var_read var nadd = v.builder.make_call(recv, na.push_callsite.as(not null), [self]) place.replace_with(nadd) end visit_all(v) if is_broken then return # Skip broken accept_transform_visitor(v) end redef fun replace_with(other) do super if other isa AExpr then if other.implicit_cast_to == null then other.implicit_cast_to = implicit_cast_to other.vararg_decl = vararg_decl end end end redef class AVardeclExpr # `var x = y` is replaced with `x = y` # # Declarations are only useful for scope rules # Once names are associated with real objects, ther declaration become useless # Therefore, if there is no initial value, then just ignore it # Else, replace it with a simple assignment redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nexpr = n_expr if nexpr == null then # do nothing # note: not detached because the collection is currently under iteration else var nvar = v.builder.make_var_assign(self.variable.as(not null), nexpr) replace_with(nvar) end end end redef class AIfexprExpr # is replaced with `AIfExpr` # Expression if and statement-if use two distinct classes for historical reasons # However, on can replace the `AIfexprExpr` with the simpler `AIfExpr` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nif = v.builder.make_if(n_expr, self.mtype) nif.n_then.add(n_then) nif.n_else.add(n_else) replace_with(nif) end end redef class AOrExpr # `x or y` is replaced with `if x then x else y` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nif = v.builder.make_if(n_expr, self.mtype) nif.n_then.add(n_expr.make_var_read) nif.n_else.add(n_expr2) replace_with(nif) end end redef class AImpliesExpr redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do # TODO end end redef class AAndExpr # `x and y` is replaced with `if x then y else x` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nif = v.builder.make_if(n_expr, self.mtype) nif.n_then.add(n_expr2) nif.n_else.add(n_expr.make_var_read) replace_with(nif) end end redef class AWhileExpr redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nloop = v.builder.make_loop var nif = v.builder.make_if(n_expr, null) nloop.add nif var nblock = n_block if nblock != null then nif.n_then.add nblock var escapemark = self.break_mark.as(not null) var nbreak = v.builder.make_break(escapemark) nif.n_else.add nbreak nloop.break_mark = self.break_mark nloop.continue_mark = self.continue_mark replace_with(nloop) end end redef class AForExpr redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var escapemark = self.break_mark assert escapemark != null # Main block that will contain the whole for and will replace `self` var nblock = v.builder.make_block # Part before the loop var before = v.builder.make_block nblock.add before # The loop var nloop = v.builder.make_loop nloop.break_mark = escapemark nblock.add nloop # Part before the body inside the loop var begin = v.builder.make_block nloop.add begin # The `do` block with then user code var ndo = v.builder.make_do ndo.break_mark = escapemark.continue_mark nloop.add ndo ndo.add self.n_block.as(not null) # Fill up each part for g in n_groups do g.transform_in(v, before, begin, nloop, nblock, escapemark) end replace_with(nblock) end end redef class AForGroup private fun transform_in(v: TransformVisitor, before, begin, next, finish: AExpr, escapemark: EscapeMark) do var nexpr = n_expr # Shortcut on explicit range # Avoid the instantiation of the range and the iterator if self.variables.length == 1 and nexpr isa ARangeExpr and not v.phase.toolcontext.opt_no_shortcut_range.value then # Before: evaluate bounds var variable = variables.first before.add v.builder.make_var_assign(variable, nexpr.n_expr) var to = nexpr.n_expr2 before.add to # Begin: check variable var is_ok = v.builder.make_call(v.builder.make_var_read(variable, variable.declared_type.as(not null)), method_lt.as(not null), [to.make_var_read]) var nif = v.builder.make_if(is_ok, null) begin.add nif nif.n_else.add v.builder.make_break(escapemark) # Next: increment one var one = v.builder.make_int(1) var succ = v.builder.make_call(v.builder.make_var_read(variable, variable.declared_type.as(not null)), method_successor.as(not null), [one]) next.add v.builder.make_var_assign(variable, succ) return end # Before: evaluate expr, make the iterator before.add nexpr var iter = v.builder.make_call(nexpr.make_var_read, method_iterator.as(not null), null) before.add iter # Begin: check iterator `is_ok` var is_ok = v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_is_ok.as(not null), null) var nif = v.builder.make_if(is_ok, null) begin.add nif nif.n_else.add v.builder.make_break(escapemark) # Begin: assign automatic variables if variables.length == 1 then var item = v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_item.as(not null), null) begin.add v.builder.make_var_assign(variables.first, item) else if variables.length == 2 then var key = v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_key.as(not null), null) begin.add v.builder.make_var_assign(variables[0], key) var item = v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_item.as(not null), null) begin.add v.builder.make_var_assign(variables[1], item) else abort end # Next: call next next.add v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_next.as(not null), null) # Finish: call finish var method_finish = method_finish if method_finish != null then finish.add v.builder.make_call(iter.make_var_read, method_finish, null) end end end redef class AWithExpr # is replaced with a do/end and injected calls to `start` and `finish` # # Basically, the following # # ~~~nitish # with expr do # block # end label l # ~~~ # # is transformed into # # ~~~nitish # var x = expr # do # x.start # block # end label l # x.finish # ~~~ # # The point is that `finish` is called even if the block is escaped. redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var escapemark = self.break_mark assert escapemark != null var nblock = v.builder.make_block var nexpr = n_expr nblock.add nexpr var ndo = v.builder.make_do ndo.break_mark = escapemark var start = v.builder.make_call(nexpr.make_var_read, method_start.as(not null), null) ndo.add start ndo.add self.n_block.as(not null) nblock.add ndo nblock.add v.builder.make_call(nexpr.make_var_read, method_finish.as(not null), null) replace_with(nblock) end end redef class AArrayExpr # `[x,y]` is replaced with # # ~~~nitish # var t = new Array[X].with_capacity(2) # t.add(x) # t.add(y) # t # ~~~ redef fun full_transform_visitor(v) do if is_broken then return # Skip broken var nblock = v.builder.make_block var nnew = v.builder.make_new(with_capacity_callsite.as(not null), [v.builder.make_int(n_exprs.length)]) self.nnew = nnew nblock.add nnew super for nexpr in self.n_exprs do nblock.add nexpr end var nres = nnew.make_var_read nblock.add nres replace_with(nblock) end private var nnew: ANewExpr is noinit end redef class ACrangeExpr # `[x..y]` is replaced with `new Range[X](x,y)` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do if parent isa AForGroup then return # to permit shortcut ranges replace_with(v.builder.make_new(init_callsite.as(not null), [n_expr, n_expr2])) end end redef class AOrangeExpr # `[x..y[` is replaced with `new Range[X].without_last(x,y)` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do if parent isa AForGroup then return # to permit shortcut ranges replace_with(v.builder.make_new(init_callsite.as(not null), [n_expr, n_expr2])) end end redef class AParExpr # `(x)` is replaced with `x` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do replace_with(n_expr) end end redef class ASendReassignFormExpr # `x.foo(y)+=z` is replaced with # # ~~~nitish # x.foo(y) = x.foo(y) + z # ~~~ # # witch is, in reality: # # ~~~nitish # x."foo="(y, x.foo(y)."+"(z)) # ~~~ redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nblock = v.builder.make_block nblock.add(n_expr) var read_args = new Array[AExpr] var write_args = new Array[AExpr] for a in raw_arguments do nblock.add(a) read_args.add(a.make_var_read) write_args.add(a.make_var_read) end var nread = v.builder.make_call(n_expr.make_var_read, callsite.as(not null), read_args) var nnewvalue = v.builder.make_call(nread, reassign_callsite.as(not null), [n_value]) write_args.add(nnewvalue) var nwrite = v.builder.make_call(n_expr.make_var_read, write_callsite.as(not null), write_args) nblock.add(nwrite) replace_with(nblock) end end redef class AVarReassignExpr # `v += z` is replaced with `v = v + z` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var variable = self.variable.as(not null) var nread = v.builder.make_var_read(variable, read_type.as(not null)) var nnewvalue = v.builder.make_call(nread, reassign_callsite.as(not null), [n_value]) var nwrite = v.builder.make_var_assign(variable, nnewvalue) replace_with(nwrite) end end redef class AAttrReassignExpr # `x.a += z` is replaced with `x.a = x.a + z` redef fun accept_transform_visitor(v) do var nblock = v.builder.make_block nblock.add(n_expr) var attribute = self.mproperty.as(not null) var nread = v.builder.make_attr_read(n_expr.make_var_read, attribute) var nnewvalue = v.builder.make_call(nread, reassign_callsite.as(not null), [n_value]) var nwrite = v.builder.make_attr_assign(n_expr.make_var_read, attribute, nnewvalue) nblock.add(nwrite) replace_with(nblock) end end