# This file is part of NIT (http://www.nitlanguage.org). # # Copyright 2012-2014 Alexis Laferrière # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Classic moles game # # This is a minimal practical example of the mnit framework. module moles import mnit import realtime class Hole var game: Game # Center of the hole var x: Int var y: Int # Half width of the hit box var dx = 200.0 # Heigth of the hit box var dy = 800.0 # state var up = false var hitted = false var trap = false init (g: Game, x, y: Int) do game = g self.x = x self.y = y end fun do_turn do if up then if hitted then if (20.0*game.speed_modifier).to_i.rand == 0 then # dead / hide hitted = false up = false end else if (80.0*game.speed_modifier).to_i.rand == 0 then # hide up = false end else if (100.0*game.speed_modifier).to_i.rand == 0 then # show up up = true # shot traps only at 50 points and up trap = false if game.points > 50 then # After 50 points we have more and more traps until point 1000 var d = 1250-(game.points - 50) if d < 200 then d = 200 if d.rand < 100 then trap = true end end end fun intercepts(event: PointerEvent): Bool do if not up or hitted then return false var dx = (dx*display_scale).to_i var dy = (dy*display_scale).to_i var ex = event.x.to_i - display_offset_x var ey = event.y.to_i - display_offset_y return ex > x - dx and ex < x + dx and ey > y - dy and ey < y end fun hit do if hitted then return if trap then up = false game.points -= 5 if game.points < 0 then game.points = 0 else hitted = true game.points += 1 end end end class Game var holes = new Array[Hole].with_capacity(4) # rule / const var modifier_half_life = 1000.0 fun rows: Int do return 4 fun columns: Int do return 5 # state var points = 0 var speed_modifier = 1.0 # configs var dist_between_rows = 512 var dist_between_columns = 600 fun global_speed_modifier: Float do return 2.0 init do var dx = (dist_between_columns.to_f*display_scale).to_i var dy = (dist_between_rows.to_f*display_scale).to_i for x in [0 .. columns[ do for y in [0 .. rows[ do holes.add(new Hole(self, x*dx, y*dy)) end end end fun do_turn do for hole in holes do hole.do_turn speed_modifier = modifier_half_life / (modifier_half_life+points.to_f) * global_speed_modifier end end # Where all the UI stuff is done class Screen var empty_img: Image var up_img: Image var hit_img: Image var trap_img: Image var numbers: NumberImages var sign_warning: Image var sign_cute: Image var sign_hits: Image var game = new Game init (app: App) do empty_img = app.load_image("images/empty.png") up_img = app.load_image("images/up.png") hit_img = app.load_image("images/hit.png") trap_img = app.load_image("images/trap.png") numbers = app.load_numbers("images/#.png") sign_warning = app.load_image("images/sign-warning.png") sign_cute = app.load_image("images/sign-cute.png") sign_hits = app.load_image("images/sign-hits.png") end fun do_frame(display: Display) do display.clear(0.1, 0.65, 0.2) sign_warning.scale = display_scale sign_cute.scale = display_scale sign_hits.scale = display_scale for img in numbers.imgs do img.scale = display_scale display.blit(sign_warning, (-120.0*display_scale).to_i, (-235.0*display_scale).to_i) display.blit(sign_cute, (540.0*display_scale).to_i, (-180.0*display_scale).to_i) display.blit(sign_hits, (1340.0*display_scale).to_i, (55.0*display_scale).to_i) display.blit_number(numbers, game.points, (1460.0*display_scale).to_i, (270.0*display_scale).to_i) for hole in game.holes do # Hole var img = empty_img var dx = 512.0*display_scale var dy = 512.0*display_scale img.scale = display_scale display.blit(img, hole.x-dx.to_i+display_offset_x, hole.y-dy.to_i+display_offset_y) # Mole var empty = false if hole.hitted then img = hit_img dx = 256.0*display_scale dy = 417.0*display_scale else if hole.up then if hole.trap then img = trap_img dx = 512.0*display_scale dy = 830.0*display_scale else img = up_img dx = 512.0*display_scale dy = 830.0*display_scale end else empty = true if not empty then img.scale = display_scale display.blit(img, hole.x-dx.to_i+display_offset_x, hole.y-dy.to_i+display_offset_y) end end end fun input(event: InputEvent): Bool do if event isa PointerEvent then for hole in game.holes do if hole.intercepts(event) then if hole.up then hole.hit return true end end end return false end end redef class App var screen: nullable Screen = null var target_dt = 20000000 redef fun window_created do super init_screen_and_game end fun init_screen_and_game do screen = new Screen(self) redef fun frame_core(display) do var screen = self.screen if screen != null then var clock = new Clock screen.game.do_turn screen.do_frame(display) var dt = clock.lapse if dt.sec == 0 and dt.nanosec < target_dt then var sleep_t = target_dt - dt.nanosec sys.nanosleep(0, sleep_t) end end end redef fun input(ie) do var screen = screen if ie isa QuitEvent or (ie isa KeyEvent and ie.to_c == 'q') then quit = true return true else if screen != null then return screen.input(ie) else print "unknown input: {ie}" return false end end end fun display_scale: Float do return 1.0 # Depends on the hole center in the uo image fun display_offset_x: Int do return (512.0*display_scale).to_i # Depends on the width of the holes fun display_offset_y: Int do return (800.0*display_scale).to_i