#!/usr/bin/env nit # # This file is part of NIT ( http://www.nitlanguage.org ). # This program is public domain # Task: Balanced brackets # SEE: module balanced_brackets # Are `[` and `]` balanced? # Other characters are ignored. # # assert is_balanced("[][[]]") # assert is_balanced("") # assert not is_balanced("[[]") # assert not is_balanced("][][") fun is_balanced(s: String): Bool do var l = 0 for x in s.chars do if x == '[' then l += 1 else if x == ']' then l -= 1 if l < 0 then return false end end return l == 0 end var n = 3 if args.not_empty then n = args.first.to_i for i in [0..10[ do var a = (['[', ']'] * n) a.shuffle var b = a.join("") if is_balanced(b) then print "{b} is well-balanced" else print "{b} is not well-balanced" end