{ "results": [{ "name": "Alcoholic", "synopsis": "Alcoholics are good to nothing escept taking punches.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Alcoholic", "synopsis": "Alcoholics are good to nothing escept taking punches." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Alcoholic", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Alcoholics are good to nothing escept taking punches.", "modifiers": ["class"] }, { "name": "Magician", "synopsis": "Magicians know magic and how to use it.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Magician", "synopsis": "Magicians know magic and how to use it." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Magician", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Magicians know magic and how to use it.", "modifiers": ["class"] }, { "name": "Warrior", "synopsis": "Warriors are good for fighting.", "namespace": [{ "name": "test_prog", "synopsis": "Test program for model tools." }, "::", { "name": "Warrior", "synopsis": "Warriors are good for fighting." }], "class_name": "MClass", "full_name": "test_prog::Warrior", "visibility": "public", "html_synopsis": "Warriors are good for fighting.", "modifiers": ["class"] }], "page": null, "count": null, "limit": null, "max": null }